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Newsfeed > Nyevu's Profile
Nyevu's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($359 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
First on my agenda is acquiring chickens—a small but significant step towards expanding my livestock. Alongside my current herd of goats, this addition will not only diversify my resources but also boost their numbers over time. The vision goes beyond mere self-sufficiency; I dream of slaughtering a chicken to warmly welcome visitors, turning moments of hospitality into cherished memories. As the poultry population grows, so does the potential for meeting not only my family's needs but also contributing to the welfare of my extended family through sales. It's a gradual process, but I firmly believe that with dedication and hard work, these endeavors will pave the way for financial stability, bringing me closer to realizing these goals and securing a prosperous future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am deeply thankful to GiveDirectly for the support provided through the cash transfer. This assistance has allowed me to realize a longstanding aspiration of enrolling my son in a mechanical course—a goal that was previously unattainable due to financial constraints. I am thrilled and genuinely excited about this opportunity, and I find your services commendable. I believe that the quality of your service is excellent, and I see no need for any changes.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Having worked as a casual laborer for over a decade, relying mainly on income from burning charcoal and selling local vegetables (Mchunga), my financial situation has been unpredictable. As the sole provider for my two children after parting ways with my husband, I've faced the constant struggle of putting food on the table. Despite my wishes for my children's success, financial challenges and the passage of time had left me feeling hopeless. However, GiveDirectly changed the game by providing cash support. Although I haven't withdrawn my second transfer, I've already set plans in motion. I intend to use $200 to enroll my son, Baraka, in a mechanic school starting in January. Despite performing well in his secondary school in 2020, financial constraints prevented him from pursuing further education. Baraka, in the meantime, has been working casual jobs, saving for himself, and supporting me whenever possible. The prospect of sending him to college brought immense joy to both of us, instilling hope for the future. I believe that once he completes his education and secures employment, he will be in a position to support me. Additionally, I plan to invest $50 in boosting my daughter's struggling business, which is currently hindered by insufficient stock. This infusion of funds aims to strengthen her venture and contribute to our overall well-being.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($377 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The day when I received the message about the transfers is etched in my memory. It was around 3 pm when I first heard the notification chiming on my phone. However, there was a small hurdle in that I couldn't read the message myself. So, I patiently waited until the next day when my helper could assist me in deciphering the contents. When my helper finally read the message, joy and relief washed over me as I learned that it was indeed the long-awaited transfers from GiveDirectly. The realization that help had arrived brought an immense sense of happiness and gratitude. The reason behind my anticipation was deeply personal. I had a child who had recently completed secondary school with dreams of pursuing a career in mechanical engineering. I knew that by supporting my child's education, I was fulfilling his dreams and also investing in a brighter future for our family. This dream of my child becoming a mechanical engineer represented the hope of secure employment and the ability to provide for our family in the years to come. It was a dream that resonated deeply with me, and I was determined to make it a reality.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The satisfaction of seeing my child enroll in college ranks among the most fulfilling moments of my life. This achievement is not just about education; it represents the realization of dreams and the promise of a better future. It's a milestone that carries immense pride and hope for our family. Another source of contentment is the fact that we now have goats, something I had never imagined happening so soon. In the past, I would engage in the strenuous task of selling charcoal to generate income, a laborious endeavor that was necessary to cover our basic needs and expenses. Often, it was a challenging feat, and we relied on the support of my daughter, who owns a shop, to help us through tough times. The presence of goats in our lives signifies more than financial security; it embodies the transformation we've undergone with the support of GiveDirectly. It means that we've transitioned from a hand-to-mouth existence to a position where we can plan for a more stable and prosperous future. The impact of GiveDirectly's assistance goes beyond financial relief; it touches the very core of our aspirations and dreams. We are profoundly grateful for the difference it has made in our lives, making the journey more bearable and illuminating the path toward a brighter tomorrow.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers we received from GiveDirectly allowed us to make significant strides toward securing a brighter future for our family. One of the most pressing priorities was ensuring that my son could pursue his dreams of studying in college. Education is a gateway to a better life, and I was determined to provide this opportunity to him. We allocated $250 for school fees and took the crucial step forward in making this dream a reality. Another strategic decision was to invest in livestock, so we used $50 to purchase four goats. This investment is a step towards self-sufficiency and the potential for our family to prosper. Additionally, we made a wise choice by saving $250. This reserve serves as a means to enhance our family's financial stability to be channeled into my daughter's shop, which has been a reliable source of financial support for our family during challenging times. By adding more stock to the shop, we ensure its sustainability and also contribute to our financial resilience.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My last-born son who did his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in the year 2020 is yet to join college and do a course of his choice. This has demoralized me because I had hoped to have someone to rely on in the future. Because of the financial crisis, it has pushed him to do casual work to raise money. As a mother, I feel the pain of watching him desperately. With this money, I intend to spend my first transfer ($550) to ensure I support him in school. On the other hand, I will invest in livestock especially goats which multiply so fast. This will be my long-term plan and I intend to start with 5 goats which will cost me $200. The remaining amount will cater to other basic needs like food and new beddings.
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a subsistence farmer, one thing that I am so proud of is the fact that I took the challenge of the pouring rain and work extra hard on my farm. At the moment, I have my 1.5-acre piece of land full of green maize. This has motivated me a lot since I am optimistic about reducing the hunger problem in my household. Hence, this is basically what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I separated from my husband more than a decade ago and this pushed me to return to my paternal home. Since I had 2 children to take care of, I engaged in odd jobs like charcoal work to ensure they are in school. This work drained my energy and I am currently feeling the effect of this strenuous venture. I am no longer energetic and my hope now is to do a small business of selling vegetables. This job has not thrived well and its profit is usually very low, ($3) per day. Considering the many responsibilities I have, this income can not fully cater to my needs and hence, I consider the lack of a stable source of income as my biggest challenge.