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Newsfeed > Mary's Profile
Mary's family
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My focus for the upcoming year revolves around ensuring the smooth transition of my daughter into her first year of secondary school, a task that comes with its own set of challenges. I intend to allocate a portion of my third transfer to facilitate this endeavor. Navigating through the complexities of guiding my daughter through her form one journey requires careful planning and financial support. By dedicating part of the upcoming transfer to this goal, I aim to provide her with the necessary resources and support to navigate this crucial phase of her education successfully. This represents a significant commitment and investment in her future academic endeavors.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The organization executed its operations seamlessly, from the initial enrollment stages to the concluding phases. Right from the beginning, there was a clear sense that our opinions held value, and the organization was dedicated to providing us with the highest quality services possible. This positive experience fostered a sense of trust and appreciation for the organization's commitment to prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of those it served.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Despite my aspiration to expand my goat herd, financial constraints and the role of being the sole breadwinner for my family have posed challenges. As a qualified teacher awaiting government placement, I am currently responsible for raising my two children after a long-time separation from my husband. Upon receiving the transfer, I strategically allocated the funds to address various pressing needs. I invested $100 in purchasing maize to ensure a stable food supply for my family. Acknowledging the importance of securing my assets, I spent an additional $50 to fence the goat pen and $150 in buying for three goats. Moreover, $150 was dedicated to acquiring a cupboard, enhancing storage and organization in our home. However, the limited funds, primarily directed towards covering food expenses and school fees, initially restricted my capacity to expand my goat herd, given that what I had was barely enough. The transfer played a pivotal role in fulfilling immediate needs and making essential investments, contributing to the creation of a more secure and organized living environment for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I received the message, I was at school, and an overwhelming sense of happiness engulfed me. The joy was touching because of the countless pressing needs I had at that moment. Foremost among these concerns was the school fees for my child in a boarding school. As a candidate, the upcoming exams added an extra layer of urgency, and I was determined to ensure an uninterrupted focus on her studies without the worry of financial constraints.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, the worry of how to manage the impending school fees for my child, especially with the prospect of secondary school fees looming next year, had become a constant source of stress. The arrival of the GiveDirectly transfers acted as a much-needed balm, soothing the anxieties that had gripped our household. The burden of school fees, a significant financial obligation, was alleviated, bringing a sense of relief and tranquility. This financial cushion ensured the current educational journey and also offered a glimpse of assurance for the future, creating a stable foundation for my child's academic pursuits. Moreover, beyond education, the impact on our overall well-being is notable. The improved financial stability has translated into tangible improvements in our health and comfort. As stress diminishes, health thrives, creating a positive cycle that contributes to our general well-being. In essence, the GiveDirectly transfers have emerged as a beacon of support, not in addressing immediate concerns but also in laying the groundwork for a more secure and stable future for both education and health.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The first thought that danced across my mind was the impending school fees for my child, a critical concern given the boarding school setting and the importance of maintaining an uninterrupted educational journey, especially during the critical time of exam preparation, and allocating $70 for school fees, I ensured that this essential aspect of my child's life was covered. Education has always been a priority, and this financial support eased the burden, allowing my child to concentrate on studies without the looming threat of disruptions. In another strategic move, I made a decision to invest $100 in leasing a piece of land. This decision was fueled by the promise of agricultural productivity in the coming year. With abundant water resources in the area, the land not only holds the potential for a bountiful harvest but also serves as a financial contingency for future expenses, particularly school fees. Additionally, recognizing the importance of a comfortable living environment for my family, I directed $30 towards acquiring a mattress. This investment aims at their physical well-being and at fostering a conducive atmosphere that supports their development.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
This is transfer will go along way in bettering our lives to afford a decent live. I have always dreamt of a modest life befitting a teacher but it has not come to fruition. It pains me and I feel shame that I have not afforded to build a pit latrine, we have been using bushes around here to relieve ourselves which is risky as it is prone to bring about diseases. I should be an example to the people in the society and the children I teach in school to maintain cleanliness and to avoid open defacation.It is against this backdrop that I intend to as a matter of priority construct a pit latrine that will cost $ 150. I will use the rest of the money to purchase goats for keep.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have tried to make ends meet. I teach in the nearby St. Barnabas primary school, not yet employed by the government. The salary I get is hardly enough to meet my demands. I had wanted to start a business dealing with cereals to supplement my work and at least get something better to sustain my family. When recently the schools closed I started it albeit on a small scale due to insufficient capital. The business picked on a good footing. I was so elated and had a renewed hope. I am certain that our future will be better.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I separated with my husband sometime in 2014 after a disagreement. I have struggled on my own to raise my children. It has never been easy since I do not have any one to support me to find for the children. I have wanted the best for my children, as a parent I struggle not to fail in my role as a mother. The worry and isolation has driven me inhard backwards.I have been struck with the acute unfairness of the world of having to play both roles as a mother and a father.To provide for them is a tall order, the schools are at the verge of opening this week, their uniforms are in a sorry state, I had planned to purchase for them but lack the required money. Food is also a problem. I am just faced with myriad challenges.