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Mtumwa's family
Kenya Basic Income
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Starting next month, I'm determined to begin saving diligently. My immediate goal is to accumulate enough funds to renovate my house, especially focusing on repairing the roof, which is currently in poor condition. The worry of potential leaks during rainy weather has been on my mind, urging me to take proactive steps. By setting aside a portion of my income each month, I aim to ensure that my home becomes a safe and comfortable haven for my family. With careful planning and perseverance, I am optimistic that I can achieve this renovation project within the coming year, providing peace of mind and security for years to come.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As soon as I received my transfers, I knew exactly how I would allocate the funds to benefit my family. First and foremost, I allocated $30 towards the school fees of my five beloved grandchildren who are in primary school. My sons and their fathers have been facing numerous challenges, and as their mother, I have to support them in any way I can. Education is the key to their future, and ensuring they can continue their studies without interruption was a priority. The remainder of the funds, $72, went towards securing enough food for my family. We've been enduring a prolonged drought, which has dried up our usual sources of income. As an elderly widow without a steady stream of money, this was crucial for our survival. Buying enough food to sustain us through this challenging period lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders. It wasn't just about surviving day-to-day; it was about ensuring my family had enough to eat and the children could focus on their studies without hunger gnawing at their bellies. These cash transfers came as a lifeline, providing not just financial relief but also a renewed sense of hope for better days ahead.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
First off, I'm planning to buy 2 chicks at just $1 each. These chicks will grow into chickens, providing us with eggs and meat, helping to increase our food supply and maybe even provide some extra income. Alongside this, I'm determined to put more effort into food production overall.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In December, I used $34 to buy food for the festive season, just to make my family happy and welcome the new year. I also bought a kid for $4, knowing that it will bring financial security in the future when it multiplies, and it can help during emergencies. January and February were tough because my harvest wasn't good, so I spent $30 on food to sustain me. With $10, I finally got myself some presentable clothes that I've been needing. Although I earn around $40 monthly from burning charcoal, it's barely enough, mostly going towards food. My son, who is unemployed, has a family, so I support them with the income from charcoal burning. It's not easy, but we manage, and I'm grateful for the support from Give Directly.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a plan in motion to acquire various construction materials, including iron sheets and building poles, with the intention of constructing a more spacious house. My present dwelling is considerably cramped, making it impossible to accommodate all my belongings comfortably. Moreover, the existing roof is in a state of disrepair, prone to leaks when it rains. My strategy involves setting aside a portion of my transfers each month, allowing me to purchase the iron sheets gradually. This long-term saving will ultimately lead to the realization of a comfortable and commodious home. My aspiration is to have a residence where I can peacefully enjoy my later years of life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always harbored a desire to possess tangible assets like goats and chickens, which can serve as reliable resources for addressing my financial responsibilities. Upon receiving my recent financial transfers, I allocated $40 to acquire three chickens and a goat, increasing my livestock holdings to three goats in total. Previously, procuring these animals proved to be quite a strenuous endeavor, given my limited financial resources. Nevertheless, I find solace in knowing that these living assets have the potential to multiply and provide support during times of financial need. Furthermore, I allocated $50 to cover the educational expenses of my two sons, one in high school and the other in primary school. It brings me immense satisfaction to witness my children's comfort in their educational pursuits, despite the financial constraints we face. To ensure that my family is well-nourished, I also purchased an ample supply of foodstuffs. Additionally, I am pleased to share that I indulged in buying new clothes for myself, a luxury I had foregone for an extended period due to my prior focus on essential food expenses.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to construct a more stable and durable house. The current structure is not reinforced well, and the mud walls are susceptible to collapse during heavy rains. Additionally, the limited space of the one-room structure becomes inconvenient when hosting guests. To address these challenges, I envision building a two-room house that can accommodate storage needs and provide a spare room for visitors. Since the ongoing rainy season brings hope for a bountiful harvest, I intend to allocate a significant portion of the cash transfers toward realizing this goal of constructing a new house.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the cash transfers, my immediate priority was to settle the tuition balances for my two grandchildren. They had missed several days of school due to the lack of funds, and it was disheartening for me to see them missing out on their studies. Using $15 from the transfer, I was able to pay off their outstanding fees, and they were able to return to school promptly. Seeing them attend classes regularly brings me immense joy and relief. To take care of myself also, I allocated $3.5 to purchase second-hand clothes. My old attire had become worn out and tattered from repeated use over time. Having decent clothes now allows me to confidently navigate public spaces without feeling shame. Lack of food was a pressing concern in my household, especially as my son, who serves as the main provider, was unable to earn money at that time. To address this, I utilized $10 from the cash transfer to settle the debt accrued from obtaining food on credit at the shop. The remaining funds were used to purchase additional food, ensuring that my family's hunger was relieved. I am grateful for the cash transfers as they not only helped alleviate our hunger but also fostered trust with the shopkeeper, who now understands my commitment to settling debts promptly.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal is to add an extra room to my one-room house. The current space is small for my two granddaughters and me, also, there is little privacy given our age difference. Since I do not have any source of income, except Give Directly’s cash transfers, I hope to be able to save enough money from future transfers to build the room. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Given my advanced age, my body cannot handle activities to raise money to fend for myself. I rely on my son to provide for my needs, who works as a casual laborer in Mombasa. The earnings he makes barely provide enough food for the family (his wife, five children, and me), let alone pay school fees for the children. Not to entirely depend on him, I consider the cash transfers as a means to contribute to the household expenses and invest in livestock keeping. I believe that selling the animals in the future will generate money to support my family’s needs. Hence, I spent $20 from each of the most recent two transfers to buy two goats. I also used $10 from each of these transfers to pay tuition for my two grandchildren, who had each missed a week of school following overdue fee balances. Ever since they have stayed in school; I could never be happier. The remaining cash went towards food to boost the little that was in stock. 
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I applaud the organization for providing us with unconditional transfers. The transfers play a significant role in rescuing our lives from the grip of poverty. I do, however, implore the organization to return and complete the enrollment process for some of the village residents who were left out. They will have the ideal opportunity to gain from this and better their own lives as a result.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought a goat for $25 with a significant portion of my second transfer. I've always wanted to raise animals, sell some of them, and make a living doing it. I lacked the funds to purchase the livestock, so this was not feasible. Currently I'm content and confident that I can realize my dream. I bought food with the remaining $5. I run a charcoal business, but it's not doing well, so I don't make enough money to cover my basic needs ( buying food, water and medication). When I am unable to purchase food, my son, who is a water vendor in the community, frequently swings in to help. I'm relieved to have enough food for a week because it keeps me from going to bed hungry.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My granddaughter was helping me in the kitchen as I prepared dinner for the family when she ran over to me while holding my phone. She gave me the good news that I had gotten my first transfer. I absorbed the good news while remaining motionless, much like a scarecrow. Later, as tears of joy streamed freely down my chubby cheeks, I jumped up and down and ululated loudly. To commemorate that joyous occasion, my grand daughter and I started dancing.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since receiving the transfer, having peace of mind has made the biggest difference in my life. Because of my financial struggles, I had a stressful life prior to the transfer. When I was able to pay the outstanding school fees for my diligent daughter so that she could return to school, I was overjoyed. I am appreciative of the transfer for helping to restore my smile.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I was having a difficult time financially, I was overjoyed when I received my transfer. Selling charcoal is how I make a living. I haven't made much money lately because a lot of my clients prefer to use readily available fuel, like firewood. The decrease in business leads to a low income, which prevents me from providing for my family's needs. My granddaughter was told to pick up her school fees a week before I got my transfer. She was compelled to stay at home the entire time while her peers continued their studies because his father, who worked as a casual laborer, didn't have enough money. She was angry and discouraged that we were unable to raise her tuition. Upon receiving my transfer, I partially covered her $5 in school fees so she could resume her studies. After using up the household's previous supply of food, I also purchased $5 worth of food for the family. Finally, I used the $2 that was left over to start my long-held dream of starting a poultry farm by purchasing a hen.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
My son built me an iron roofed house. However the house lacks strong pillars and it is prone to falling since the walls are rained on and the mud is gradually eroded. I wish to use the transfers in renovating it by reinforcing the walls with strong concrete pillars and plastering. This will cost approximately 30 000KES. I would also wish to buy four goats as my investment plan because we have land in abundance where I can easily tether the animals. For me to realize my plans, I will save 2000KES each month while the 1000KES will help me in buying food whenever my son fails to provide and also clothes.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I had been struggling with bedbugs which invested my bed making it hard to sleep. I air out the beddings on daily basis including pouring boiling water on them but this has never helped. In the last month, my son brought an acaricide which I used in spraying the beddings and the walls and was able to eradicate all the parasites. I have enjoyed my sleep since then.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I rely on my son who has his own family to take care of. My house require renovations since the mud walls have cracks and also eroded by splashing rainwater which makes it unstable but due to lack of money the house is left in its poor and risky condition. In addition, I often sleep hungry especially when the cash sent home by my son is spent on paying school fees.