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Newsfeed > Miriam's Profile
Miriam's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Even though the floods have damaged our farms, I still have two hectares left out of the three I had. One hectare was swept away by the floods. Despite this, I am still passionate about farming. When I harvest the maize from the remaining two hectares, I plan to use the money to open a small shop. The income from the shop will help me pay for my children's school fees and cover our basic needs.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has brought so many amazing things into my life, and I am very appreciative because I have obtained things I could not have afforded on my own. I am very happy with the way you include everyone in this program without discrimination. If you have anything more to offer, we would still welcome it gratefully. As you continue with your projects, please maintain your unique and wonderful approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life for my family and me was challenging. My husband and I struggled to make ends meet. I took on various casual jobs like burning charcoal, while my husband worked fencing people’s farms. Together, we tried to provide for our six children. We saved bit by bit to pay for their school fees while also engaging in farming.After receiving our last financial transfer, I allocated $250 to school fees to alleviate the burden of saving for a long time. Additionally, I invested $50 in agriculture, planting three hectares of maize. Though it was tough to gather enough capital to plant more hectares, GiveDirectly made this dream achievable.Lastly, I used $150 to purchase three goats. Previously, I had to sell all my goats to cover my son’s medical expenses, but now that he is better, I decided to buy goats again. They multiply easily and will be a great help in case of emergencies.Thanks to GiveDirectly, our lives have changed. I now have what I needed, and it’s all because of their support.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($309 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my goal is to venture into maize farming to ensure food security for my family of eight. To make this endeavor a success, I estimate that I will need a capital investment of $200. To raise this amount, I plan to engage in various casual jobs, such as charcoal burning and weeding. By dedicating extra time and effort to these activities, I am confident that I can gradually accumulate the funds needed to initiate the maize farming project. Maize farming not only provides an essential source of food for my family but also offers the potential for surplus harvests that can be sold or traded for additional income. By investing in this venture, I aim to not only meet our immediate food needs but also contribute to our long-term financial stability. I am committed to working diligently to achieve this goal and provide for my family's well-being. With determination and hard work, I believe that maize farming can be a successful and sustainable venture that benefits us all.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am immensely grateful to GiveDirectly for the transformative impact their unconditional transfers have had on my family's life. Thanks to their support, I have been able to acquire assets such as a goat, which I never imagined would be possible. This newfound ownership not only provides us with additional income but also a sense of stability for the future. Moreover, the assistance has enabled my children to attend school regularly, opening up opportunities for their education and future prospects. Witnessing the positive changes in my family's life fills me with joy and gratitude. In all aspects, everything is going smoothly, and I believe GiveDirectly's approach is highly effective. The autonomy given to recipients allows us to address our most pressing needs and make decisions that best suit our circumstances. As a result, our family is elated by the positive changes we have experienced. Overall, I am immensely thankful to GiveDirectly for their support, and I hope their approach continues to uplift and empower families like mine in the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the transfers, I carefully allocated the funds to address various needs within my family. I used $200 to cover school fees for my daughter, who was starting grade 9, ensuring that she could continue her education uninterrupted. Additionally, I invested $160 in purchasing three goats, which would serve as a valuable asset for our family's future income. A portion of the funds, $50, was allocated for harvesting maize, contributing to our food security. Another $40 was spent on purchasing food for the household, ensuring that we had nutritious meals to sustain us. As a family of eight, we depend on my husband, Elijah, who works as a casual laborer to earn a living. His hard work and dedication provide for our family's needs, and the assistance we received has eased some of the financial burdens we face. I am grateful for the support provided through the transfers, as it has allowed us to prioritize our children's education and invest in assets that will benefit us in the long term. With this assistance, our children can now stay in school without interruption, paving the way for a brighter future for our family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($114 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I was home, caring for my disabled 6-month-old child, my husband had gone to the farm when a message about receiving $180.1 from GiveDirectly popped up on my phone. Instantly, joy surged through me—I couldn't help but leap around and express gratitude to the heavens. I shared this incredible news with my husband, and his face lit up with joy when he returned that evening. We both knew that our relentless struggle to address our pressing needs was about to ease. The relief flooded over us, bringing a sense of hope we hadn't felt in a long time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Life felt relentless before, reliant solely on small-scale farming and tending to a few goats to sustain our family. The support from GiveDirectly changed everything for us, and what struck us most was being able to add one dairy goat to our lives. Currently, we're milking this goat, something we could only dream of before. Previously, buying milk was a luxury, dependent on the availability of money. Many times, we had to settle for strong tea instead. But now, things have taken a turn. Having our own source of milk has transformed our daily lives. It's not just about having a drink; it's about ensuring our young children have access to a nutritious staple, safeguarding them from malnutrition. The change is profound. The change is profound. It's a small act making a huge difference in our family's health and well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving $180.1 from GiveDirectly was a turning point for us. We immediately put $80 aside for our daughter's high school fees. It was a weight off our shoulders, knowing that without this support, her education might have been at risk, something we couldn't bear the thought of. With another $50, we bought a bed for our children. They had been sleeping on the floor, especially vulnerable during rainy seasons, catching colds, and facing the risk of snake bites—common in our area. The bed brought a sense of safety and comfort we hadn't been able to provide before. We also allocated $50 to purchase a dairy goat, adding to the six we already had. Our herd used to be larger, but we had to sell off many to cover medical bills for our disabled child. Our family of eight relies heavily on goat farming and small-scale agriculture to make ends meet. This support has been a lifeline, enabling us to address immediate needs while paving the way for a more secure future.
access_time 12 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving cash transfers means so much to us because it will transform our lives positively. Since we sold all our goats to pay for Semayan's hospital bill, we plan to buy 4 goats. This will cost us about $200 of the transfers. Additionally, we plan to purchase food such as maize and bedding for us and our children since we don't have something to sleep on at the moment. We intend to spend about $100 of the transfers on this. Since my daughter needs constant medical assistance, we intend to use $60 of the transfers to pay for her medical coverage. This will assist us in managing her condition well. Finally, our daughter Jamaima Lenaso is yet to join Form One for her secondary studies in early 2024. We plan to spend $450 of the transfers to cater to her school needs and also her tuition fees. These cash transfers will surely transform our lives.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The aspect that gives me a life meaning is my children, a blessing that God has given me. Even though my daughter, Semayan is disabled, I'm hopeful and happy for God's blessing each day which keeps us going.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Currently, I'm facing a lot of challenges with one of the biggest challenges being my inability to work. I have a disabled child, Semaiyan whom I'm taking care of. This has forced me to stay at home and therefore I depend fully on my husband who does casual work. This has made our lives very difficult and sometimes unbearable.