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Newsfeed > Kache's Profile
Kache's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With my current health condition, I am limited in what I can do for myself. To ensure my health improves, I plan to use my subsequent transfers to get good treatment. This money will cover my transportation costs to and from home, purchase medicinal drugs, and pay for any medical checks requested by the doctor. I am happy that my children, who I currently depend on financially, do not feel overburdened by my needs, thanks to the financial support from the transfers. Once my health improves, I will be able to give more priority to other goals I have.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For the longest time, I used a traditional lantern lamp to light my house. This lamp requires kerosene, but with the price of kerosene reaching an all-time high, it became difficult for me to afford it. As a result, I had to endure many nights in the dark. To solve this problem, I decided to purchase a solar-powered light on hire purchase, paying a monthly installment of $15. So far, I have spent $45 on these installments. I am very happy that my house is now lit, and I no longer have to sleep in the dark. At the beginning of the year, my health deteriorated to the point where I could no longer work. My condition requires monthly visits to the hospital for medication, and I have spent $27 on medical expenses. I am very grateful that I can access the necessary medication without much struggle. Additionally, I purchased food for $30, ensuring that my family had enough to eat. I am very happy and appreciative of the financial support, which has significantly improved our quality of life.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal has been to buy livestock with my monthly transfers because they are assets that I can rely on in case of financial need. Since I rely on subsistence farming, owning livestock was the best venture that I could think of, and so far I have acquired five goats. Unfortunately, my plan of buying the livestock every month was thwarted after I recently suffered chronic hypertension, which eventually led to a stroke. It was an awful moment for me, but through the transfers, I was able to be treated. It left me paralyzed; my leg and my hand on one side went numb. Since I currently do not have any other support for medication, my goal is to use the transfers for the medical checkups to monitor my health condition and also to cover the medical expenses, while also ensuring that I take a balanced diet to regain my health since I am also weak due to old age.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
By the end of last year, I was struggling with chronic hypertension. Before I could get help, I had a stroke that left one side of my body paralyzed, including my hand and leg. In a short amount of time, this unusual condition depleted my finances, and my son, who has been taking care of me, was unable to pay for all of the medical bills. I am old, and this has weakened me even more. I am forever grateful for the monthly transfers that have kept me going, getting adequate medication, and also eating well. Though I was worried that I would not be able to cover the costs of the medical care, the recent transfers allowed me to pay $90 for the prescription. I was unable to speak or sit by myself before the treatment because my condition was worse, but I am now able to do so because I received treatment on time. I also spent $20 on buying adequate food and clean water. I hired a motorcycle to bring me water because I am unable to do anything because of this condition. In addition, I also installed a solar panel that I purchased on credit to enhance the lighting in my home. The conditions state that I must pay for it every day, and to ensure that I there is continuous lighting, I also took $15 and paid in advance, giving me a full month before I have to make another payment. This has also helped me with my current health condition, so I am happy that I no longer struggle with lighting.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal for the upcoming year is to utilize my next transfer to invest in livestock, particularly goats, which will serve as a future source of income through breeding and selling them at a profit. I am sincerely appreciative of the financial support that has enabled me to address my essential needs, which I previously struggled to meet.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As an elderly woman, I seldom engage in strenuous work, relying heavily on my son for financial assistance. However, this changed when I began receiving monthly transfers from Give Directly. I made a prudent investment by purchasing two hens for $4, recognizing their potential to rapidly multiply and increase my initial investment. Additionally, I upgraded my home's lighting by acquiring a $300 solar panel through hire purchase, with a monthly payment of $15. Allocating $43 to purchase food ensured that I never missed a meal, contributing to my well-being. Two months ago, I fell ill, and the funds facilitated the settlement of my $17 hospital bills, leading to a significant improvement in my health. Furthermore, I supported my two grandchildren's education by contributing $6 after they were sent home due to outstanding school fees. The financial support has not only fostered my independence but also alleviated my overreliance on my son, for which I am truly grateful.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Due to my deteriorating health, I have faced immense difficulties in meeting my basic needs. However, my children, who work as casual laborers, have come to my aid numerous times. With the funds I receive from transfers, I intend to invest in expanding my livestock. My optimism stems from the belief that as the herds multiply, I will be able to generate more wealth. Eventually, I can sell some of the livestock and fulfill my needs adequately.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since my birth, I have relied on a traditional kerosene lamp to illuminate my home. Unfortunately, the smoke emitted from this lamp has negatively impacted my health and eyesight over the years. Presently, I suffer from short-sightedness, making it extremely difficult for me to see at night. However, upon receiving my May transfers, I made the decision to invest in a solar bulb for my household. This new acquisition not only powers my home but also ensures clear visibility during nighttime. To obtain the solar bulb, I opted for a hire purchase plan. I made an initial deposit of $23 and will continue paying monthly installments until the payment is complete. Furthermore, I allocated $6 from my funds to purchase two hens. I have plans to expand my poultry stock by purchasing more hens. Through their reproduction, I aim to increase their numbers, allowing me to sell some in the market. With the proceeds from these sales, I intend to acquire goats. Eventually, as my goat herd grows, I will be able to purchase dairy cows. The milk generated by these cows can be sold, providing a stable income to meet my various needs. Lastly, I made sure to set aside funds for sustenance by purchasing three packets of maize flour. Previously, I struggled to afford food due to limited income from occasional jobs. However, thanks to the money from the transfers, I no longer go to bed hungry. I am grateful for this opportunity to have food on my plate and fulfill a basic necessity of life
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Am ashamed that I always seek accommodation for my guests from my relatives’ or neighbors' houses because my one-room house is too tiny to host all of us. I will be relieved if I extended an extra room to my house, which will specifically serve as a guest room. My plan is to start saving for the construction materials like iron sheets and building poles, and then hire someone later to handle the exercise to completion. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I started receiving the cash transfers last year, they have become my major source of monthly income, which puts food on the table and pays school fees for my son who recently graduated from elementary school. Additionally, through cash transfers, I started a business selling dried sardines to people in my village. The little profits I get from the small business aid in securing food as I wait for the next transfer of money. Apart from that I have also secured chickens through the cash I received from Give Directly. I wish to let these birds breed so that they can increase in number and trade them for goats in the future. From the recent transfer, I used $6 to buy two chickens and the remaining $28 on food as my household had run out of maize flour. In December, I spent everything on food that we mostly consumed during the festive season. From November’s cash, I spent $3 on a chicken and bought food with the rest. Am grateful that through the transfers, my household has rarely missed meals. 
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well in giving us unconditional transfers for the purpose of transforming our lives. We lacked many basic needs before since we did not have the means to fulfill them. The coming of the program has made it possible for us to afford the things that we couldn't buy at our own cost like foodstuffs, which has been my major basic need after an unsuccessful harvest. I do not see anything that GiveDirectly does not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the hard economic times that we are currently facing, it's been a challenge for me to buy adequate food for my family. I am a subsistence farmer and in a good season, I could harvest enough for my family. However, we have been hit hard by drought which has made it impossible to do farming. We have to buy food, water, and other basic needs unlike before when we had them in abundance. Thus, the transfer has greatly helped me to buy enough foodstuffs for my household and other needs such as water. In addition, I also own two chickens which I am rearing. My plan is to make an investment out of these chickens and later sell them to cater for my financial needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I conserved what little energy I had left by napping in my home for the entire day. At seven o'clock in the evening, my phone started to ring loudly, waking me up. To read the message, I called my grandson who was in the neighborhood. He attested to the fact that I had gotten my first transfer. My cheeks began to flush with happiness as my heart began to thump loudly inside my chest. I asked my grandson to go withdraw the money and get food.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I ran out of ways to raise money so I could buy food. I begged for a miracle as I was lying on the bed, and God truly heard my pleas. I was thankful for the transfer since it allowed me to buy food when I was in need and had no money. Since then, I have remained hopeful for better times ahead, when I would be able to support the family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a subsistence farmer in the village and am widowed. I rely on my older kids to look after me. Prior to the drought, I farmed a tiny area of the land where I cultivated maize and vegetables. The farm produced enough food, and I sold what little was left on the market to make a little money. However, this is no longer the case; I can now barely get by on one meal a day. We get our food from the shops, which is quite expensive and beyond my means. My first transfer ended my agony, so I was thrilled to receive it. I went two days without eating anything, only surviving on hot water and wild fruits. To get me through the next five days, I purchased three packets of maize flour, one kilogram of sugar, and one liter of cooking oil.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
It has been 2 years now since my hands were diagnosed with mild paralysis but since then, I have never received serious medication due to lack of money. My desire once I receive this cash is to seek special care from a qualified physiotherapist to have my hands get a remarkable treatment. With my first 5 months' transfers, I will save them to raise 15000 KES to cater to my first visit expenses. After this treatment, it will make me more productive again since I will be able to use my hands in income-generating activities. The other transfers will help me to buy some goats that will act as my long-term investment plan to help me in the future. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
What a blessing to have my son! Although he does not have a stable job to fully cater to my needs, I am so grateful for the tremendous support that he has given me in the last 6 months. I have never slept hungry and this has continuously kept a smile on my face every day. Thus, I consider this as what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Considering the main economic activities which take place in our area which are mostly charcoal work and farming, I am no longer active in undertaking these due to my weakened hands. This has forced me to stay idle at home, and I depend on my son who was employed as a teacher on a BOM basis. His income is still very low that can not fully cater to our needs and sometimes, I may miss some of my very basic needs like clothing. Hence, financial constraints is what I am currently struggling with most.