We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving $450 from GiveDirectly filled me with happiness and excitement. With that money, I decided to make some smart investments for my family's future.
I spent $300 to purchase six goats. My plan is for them to multiply and become a thriving herd. Taking care of them is a joy, knowing that they'll provide security for my family. If any unexpected expenses arise, I can sell one of the goats to cover them. This gives me peace of mind, especially when it comes to paying for my three kids' school fees.
Allocating $100 to farm 1.5 acres of land was another wise decision. Despite recent floods, I didn't lose any of the maize I planted. In the past, financial constraints limited me to farming just one acre. Now, I'm hopeful for a bountiful harvest of over 40 bags of maize. My plan is to open a store and sell the maize, using the profits to expand my business further.
With the success of my goat and maize ventures, I aim to purchase land in safer areas, away from the flood risks near Lake Baringo. My ultimate goal is to provide a peaceful and secure life for my family, free from worries about floods or finances.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a significant impact on my life. Without their support, I wouldn't be the proud owner of a successful business and a contented farmer today. What impressed me the most about GiveDirectly is their transparency in their programs. There's no room for bribery or favoritism, which I greatly appreciate. I admire all of GiveDirectly's programs, and because of their effectiveness, I don't have any specific recommendations for improvement.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal for this year is to open a maize store and grow my business. With the success of my current farming activities, where I cultivated 1.5 acres of land for maize, I believe this goal is achievable. The profit I generate from this venture will be used to provide my three kids with quality education. Unfortunately, there are no good schools nearby, but I am determined to give my children a better education than the one I received. The thought of this fills me with happiness, gratitude, and satisfaction.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($314 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving my recent transfer I allocated $355 and decided to open a shop in Marigat town. I did this because I wanted to make sure my kids had what they needed. Before this, I used to do hard work burning charcoal, but it didn't pay enough to make life easy. My family struggled a lot. I have two kids, and my wife stays at home to take care of the youngest one. With some of the money, $40, I bought clothes for us because ours were old and worn out. Then, I used the rest to buy food for my family. Having enough food at home makes me feel better and helps my business run smoothly, knowing my kids are happy. Since I got the money, I haven't had to do the tiring charcoal work anymore. I'm really happy now. Thanks to GiveDirectly, my life has changed a lot.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I learned about GiveDirectly from a nearby village called Endao, and I was happy about the unconditional cash. I heard about their culture, and I was impressed because they value honesty and dislike lies. I'm very happy because my life has changed, and our village has changed too. When you visit the next villages, help transform their lives so that their children can have a better life like ours.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now that I have my shop, my main focus is on running it and also doing farm work. I plan to plant maize on two hectares of land. My wife and I will share the responsibilities - she'll manage the shop while I work on the farm. I'll sell the farm produce and use the money to buy cows and sheep because they multiply quickly and do well here. With the help of GiveDirectly giving us starting capital, I see a bright future ahead for us.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($111 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my life since I began receiving the transfer is the newfound sense of relaxation. The stress of laboring intensely in charcoal burning to make ends meet has significantly diminished. The transfer has allowed me to purchase sufficient food to sustain my family for a while, alleviating the constant worry about meeting basic needs. This, in turn, has allowed me to dedicate more time and attention to farm activities, a luxury I did not have previously. The positive outcome of this shift is evident in the flourishing green gram crops that I have planted.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My childhood was a challenging period; with seven siblings, my parents struggled to meet our basic needs as they lacked a stable source of income. I often survived on just one small meal a day. School life presented its difficulties, and there came a point when I had to drop out due to unpaid fees. I was determined not to subject my children to the hardships I endured. Working hard, I focused on providing for them through income generated from charcoal burning. The GiveDirectly (GD) transfer brought a ray of hope for my children's brighter future. Blessed with December rains, I decided to utilize the transfer by investing in greengram planting for commercial purposes. I allocated $110 to prepare a 1.5-acre piece of land, purchase farming inputs, and cover related expenses. I am delighted to report that the crops are thriving, and I have already begun the initial harvest. I plan to use the income generated from these sales to expand my goat herd, which currently stands at eight. Goats thrive in our region due to favourable climatic conditions, and their rapid reproduction will serve as a promising income source in the future. This financial stability will allow me to provide the best education for my children, ensuring they won't face the educational challenges I did. Allocating $30, I purchased new clothes for my two children, adding to their old attire. I used the remaining funds to buy ample food, ensuring they had enough to eat.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The memory of that day is still lingering in my head. I was relaxing in my bed after a hard toil of burning charcoal in the morning, optimistic that luck would locate me to get a buyer. I depend on charcoal burning to put food on the table for my two under-five-year-old kids. I am the sole provider since my wife cannot yet do casual work since the small child is still young and needs her attention. That week, I had three sacks, but no one had purchased my charcoal. Some people had promised to come buy but did not. I had lost hope with the GD transfer since mine had been delayed due to some registration problems. All my villagemates had received theirs. When my phone peeped, it indicated an incoming message. I did not even bother to check since I was not expecting any SMS. Then suddenly, my wife came into the house, checking on the phone since it was lying on the table. Me and I were sharing the phone since she did not own one. Suddenly she screamed, "GiveDirectly." I immediately woke up and took the phone from her, checking on the message. For sure, it was GD's money. We danced around and thanked God for the transfer and for making it come at the right time since I knew even where I would look for the following day's family meal.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
It's been 3 years without planting our farms. We depend on burning charcoal from selected trees, that grow faster. Hence are allowed. Due to the long periods of drought, we have had food shortages. Food insecurity is a challenge for us.
We also depend on casual jobs which are hard to come by. One is paid $2 a day. It's not enough to buy food for a family, especially with the high cost of living.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We have about 8 goats, we depend on them a lot. They also provide us with milk and emergency money. We enjoy keeping goats for a living.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
If we are successful, we plan to invest well. We have several priorities. Due to food insecurity we'll focus on food first, about $100. This will secure us for at least 2 months.
We also don't have a toilet. This has led to poor sanitation and risk of diseases at our home. We plan to build one, it will cost us about $100. Since we've already dug the hole.
Adding more goats and sheep is also important. They do well here, plan to buy 5 sheep and 20 goats. There is enough grazing land here. They will serve us well in the future. It will cost approximately $800. We hope to have a better life afterwards since we depend on goats mainly.