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Newsfeed > Christine's Profile
Christine's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($346 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next year and beyond, my goal is to restart my tailoring classes, initially halted due to financial constraints. Upon completion, I plan to invest in a sewing machine and promptly establish my own business. I am confident that acquiring these skills will not only enable me to contribute significantly to my family's income but also relieve my husband from his demanding part-time job.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has excelled in transforming our lives, allowing us to experience a level of comfort previously beyond our reach. Our children now enjoy regular and satisfying meals, our living space has expanded, and the burden of demanding and unpredictable jobs has eased. I am immensely grateful to GiveDirectly for these positive changes. Nonetheless, our gratitude for the positive impact remains unwavering, and we would greatly appreciate the possibility of a second-round bonus to further support our journey towards a better life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my last transfer, I allocated $300 to expand our cramped house, addressing the challenge of insufficient space for my growing family. The improvement was not only necessary but also enhanced our living conditions. Understanding the financial strain, I earmarked $160 to purchase essential food items for my family. This alleviated the burden on my husband, who earned meager income from casual work in sand harvesting. Recognizing the importance of education, I dedicated $70 towards my primary school-aged child's school fees. Previously, I had engaged in labor-intensive charcoal burning to meet educational expenses, a demanding endeavor. The support from GiveDirectly has truly transformed our lives, enabling us to live more comfortably and face each day with gratitude and a renewed sense of hope.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($378 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 2pm, and I was engrossed in a chama gathering, surrounded by sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Amid the chatter and laughter, a familiar notification tone interrupted the atmosphere, I resisted the urge to check the message immediately, instead, I decided to wait until I returned home at 6pm, when my husband and I could share in this moment of potential transformation together. At long last, the time arrived when my husband and I sat down, ready to unveil the contents that could alter the trajectory of our lives and in the backdrop of this anticipation was a pressing reality, the weight of unpaid dowry where my parents' expectations loomed over us, their concerns reaching a crescendo and the first decision we made upon reading the message was to allocate a portion of the transfers towards addressing the dowry issue. This decision was a testament to our determination to fulfill a financial obligation to preserve family harmony and find a way forward. Our actions weren't just about money; they were about bridging gaps, easing tensions, and reaffirming our commitment to our shared journey. As I reflect on that transformative day, am reminded that change doesn't always happen in grand moments but involves a decision and a commitment. The support we received through GiveDirectly was a catalyst for positive change, a chance to navigate challenges, and an opportunity to lay the foundation for a harmonious and empowered future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The changes brought about by our decisions following the transfers have filled us with excitement and gratitude, reshaping our family dynamics and our position in the community. One of the most profound shifts occurred when we allocated funds to pay dowry. This pivotal step carried financial significance and, also held deep cultural and familial implications. By fulfilling this obligation, we gained a sense of peace with my parents, solidifying our position as a united family with their blessings. This harmonious resolution marked the beginning of a new chapter, where we can confidently move forward, secure in our relationships and free from the looming pressures that once clouded our interactions. The decision to invest in goats has had a ripple effect beyond our expectations. These animals, beyond their economic value, have bestowed upon us respect within our community. In societies where livestock is esteemed, owning goats signifies stability and resourcefulness. This elevated status enhances our sense of self-worth and strengthens our role within our community's social fabric. The transformation in our daily life is particularly evident in our improved access to food. Previously, the struggle to secure food was a constant challenge. Now, with the ability to allocate funds directly for food purchases, our family has been liberated from the uncertainty and anxiety that often accompanied our efforts to source sustenance.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
One of the immediate decisions was to allocate $200 towards dowry payments immediately we received the transfers. This step addressed a significant cultural obligation and contributed to family unity and stability. Resolving this financial matter was crucial in ensuring our relationships remained intact and harmonious. Recognizing the potential for growth and financial security. The purchase of five goats, including one male and four females, amounted to $200. This investment holds multiple benefits; besides being a source of income, the female goats would multiply, potentially expanding our financial resources. This signifies a departure from a hand-to-mouth existence, as we now possess a means of generating income that has the potential to alleviate financial pressures. Part of the transfers, $50, was designated for purchasing food. Previously, I had resorted to selling charcoal to generate income to buy food. The ability to purchase food directly helps meets a basic need and also spares us from the exhausting endeavor of trading physical labor for sustenance. We chose to save $100 for emergency purposes. This prudent decision serves as a safety net, offering protection against unforeseen challenges that may arise. It represents our ability to plan for the future and be better prepared for unexpected situations. The support received from GiveDirectly has allowed us to transcend survival mode and enter a realm of calculated progress.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My husband and I do casual jobs earning approximately $70 per month which caters for food and school fees. I have a family of four with two being children. Culturally when one is married in our community then dowry is to be paid for the wife to gain respect in her matrimonial home. Since I was married the husband has not given the dowry. This has made him feel guilty and I also feel the sense of disrespect here at home. I will give my husband $200 to go pay dowry at my maternal home so that we fulfilly the cultural values. I will also use $500 to buy ten goats as an investment. This will help me pay school fees for the children when they join secondary school. The first born is currently in baby class. The remaining amount will help the family buy food.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was married to this village five years ago. Since then my mother has never visited me here. On July 2023, She visited me and my husband slaughtered a goat for the family to celebrate . This made me happy .
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My husband and I do casual jobs making approximately $50 per month which caters for food and school fees. The money is too little to do development projects and investments. This has made me think of how my children will proceed with education with such kind of casual jobs. Lack of reliable job is the challenge I am currently facing in life.