We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($276 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With my most recent transfer of $450 from GiveDirectly, I made strategic decisions to address pressing needs and create sustainable income. First, I allocated $10 to purchase maize, aiming to alleviate the hunger problem faced by my family. This immediate relief was crucial, especially considering my current unemployment status.
In a forward-thinking move, I decided to invest in a poultry farm. Using $350, I acquired 30 mature chickens. The goal is to start selling approximately 20 eggs daily, generating around $2 per day. This poultry venture not only ensures a steady income but also contributes to the sustainability of my family's needs.
The decision to engage in poultry farming is driven by the desire to create a reliable source of income. With three kids, the income generated will not only support our daily needs but will also enable me to pay for their school fees, ensuring they have access to education. This comprehensive approach demonstrates a thoughtful use of the transfer funds to address immediate concerns and build a sustainable future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been doing well in providing financial support and assistance to individuals in need. However, one issue that arose in our area was the brewing of alcohol. Unfortunately, this led to delays in the distribution of transfers, affecting even those who were innocent in the matter. It became a challenge for everyone receiving support.
Fortunately, the issue has been addressed and resolved, bringing relief to the community. The delay caused by the alcohol problem is now behind us, and everyone is now able to receive their transfers without hindrance. It's reassuring that the situation has been resolved, allowing individuals to move forward and manage their financial support without unnecessary obstacles.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to expand my poultry farming venture to include around 200 mature chickens. The vision behind this expansion is not only to generate a more substantial income for my family but also to create sustainable self employment opportunity. The idea of accomplishing this fills me with happiness, knowing that it not only improves my own livelihood but also contributes to the community by providing jobs. This expansion represents a step towards a more secure and prosperous future for both myself and those who may benefit from the employment opportunities it creates.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I work as a Boda boda rider and a farmer, while my wife is currently on maternity leave, though under normal circumstances, we typically work together on the farm. We are blessed with three children. Upon receiving my transfer, I made strategic decisions on its use. I invested $185 in purchasing a cow to provide milk for my children. Specifically, I needed to buy a male cow for breeding purposes. Subsequently, I spent $45 to acquire maize, and to familiarize myself with technology, I purchased a smartphone worth $43. Additionally, I invested in a three-seater seat, spending $35, and dedicated $20 to planting beans. I am elated that the transfer enabled me to afford things that seemed financially challenging before.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Our engagement with GiveDirectly provided us with valuable insights. The team adeptly clarified program details, assisted us with requirements, and urged us to voice our perspectives. The unconditionality of the transfer presented a chance for us to improve our lives. I have no reservations regarding the program's operations.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My aspiration is to launch a wholesale milk business, a venture that has been hindered by financial constraints due to various household responsibilities. However, with the support of my third transfer, I am determined to turn this goal into a reality. The funds will be strategically invested to kickstart the business, enabling me to overcome past challenges and transform my life positively. I am optimistic about the impact this endeavor will have on my family's financial stability and look forward to the journey ahead.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($139 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a motorcycle driver, I usually earn around $1.5 per day, which isn't sufficient to meet my family's needs. Receiving the transfer was like a ray of hope. I immediately put the funds to good use. Knowing that a stable food supply was essential, I invested $70 to buy a sack of maize to ensure our family's meals. This not only ensured our family's meals but also brought a sense of security, knowing that hunger wouldn't be a looming concern.
Additionally, I directed $40 towards expanding our livestock keeping by adding a goat. Goats thrive here, and their rapid reproduction promises a steady source of income in the future. Turning my attention to our living conditions, I used $50 to purchase materials such as cement and sand. With these supplies, I was able to transform our house by cementing the previously muddy floor. This not only enhanced our living space but also provided a barrier against persistent ant infestations that used to damage our furniture.
I also used $20 to buy new clothes for my two kids, expanding their wardrobe since they had limited clothing options. Additionally, I used $20 to clear a lingering food debt at a nearby kiosk. This act of responsibility was not just about settling an obligation but also about nurturing trust and establishing a solid foundation for future interactions.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the transfers has significantly improved my life, relieving me from the constant worry of buying maize flour from the shop on credit. Thanks to the transfer, we now have an ample supply of maize for our family's consumption. Additionally, I'm delighted to share that my dream of cementing the house floor has also become a reality, all thanks to GiveDirectly.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I make my living as a motorcycle taxi driver, so I spend the entire day cruising the streets. I left my phone at home to charge on this specific day since the power was down. Until the sun began to set, I drove around ferrying people. Around 5:00 p.m., I eventually made it back home, exhausted but happy that I had earned something to feed my family. My wife welcomed me with a grin and some wonderful news: a transfer had arrived in our account. As I looked at my phone and saw the confirmation message, I couldn't help but experience a surge of joy. Plans started to emerge in my head right away; I knew precisely what I wanted to accomplish using the transfer. The next day, I was set to buy a big sack of maize to keep our family well-fed, thanks to the transfer.
access_time 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The greatest challenge I'm facing which is making my life very hard is climate change. In the past three months, I have replanted my farm twice since rain is unpredictable and now my farm is bare. This is financially straining for me because I used money to plant and yet all crops wilted and died eventually. Climate change has made it difficult for me to provide food for my family since for the past three years we have not been able to harvest anything from our farms. This has made my life very difficult since buying food is costly and yet I don't have a constant source of income.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in my daily life is seeing my children. Whenever I wake up in the morning and see them going to school I get the energy to work. They bring me joy and I thank God for them.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My plan for the transfers is to first purchase food. Since at the moment, there is not enough rain it means that we have to plan for the coming year. I intend to purchase 2 100 kilograms of maize, some beans, and other foods which will cost me about $200 of the transfers. I intend to also use the second and third transfers to start a poultry and goats project. I will purchase 12 goats at $40 each which together with transport will cost me about $500 of the transfers. Additionally, I will purchase a chicken link, food, and chicken which will cost me about $400 of the transfers. These two projects will be a source of money for me and my family since life is difficult with the little rain that we received.