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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($346 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year, my focus is solely on farming. I've decided to channel all my energy into this endeavor because I believe it's the key to securing a stable future for my family. With the unpredictable weather patterns affecting the amount and timing of rainfall, I've chosen to cultivate one acre of land. This size feels manageable and allows me to mitigate some of the risks associated with farming. On this acre of land, I've decided to plant maize and finger millet. These crops are resilient and well-suited to the conditions in my area. To ensure a successful harvest, I'm prepared to irrigate the land if necessary. By carefully tending to my crops, I'm confident that I'll be able to sustain them throughout the season. The income generated from the farm will serve two crucial purposes. Firstly, it will go towards paying the school fees for my daughter. Education is paramount, and I'm determined to provide her with the opportunity to learn and grow. Secondly, the money will help meet the needs of my family, ensuring that we have enough food to eat and basic necessities to sustain us. Farming isn't just a means of livelihood for me; it's a commitment to securing a better future for my loved ones. I'm ready to pour all my efforts into this venture, knowing that the rewards will be worth it in the end. With determination and hard work, I believe that this year will mark the beginning of a brighter tomorrow for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has made a great difference in the lives of myself and our entire community. Thanks to their support, positive changes have unfolded all around us. Children who once struggled to attend school now have the opportunity to learn and grow. Families have been able to build homes, and basic necessities like sanitation, such as toilets, are now in common throughout our village. One of the things I appreciate most about GiveDirectly is their efficient approach, especially when it comes to enrollment. They take the time to explain everything clearly and then move on to assist another household without unnecessary delays. This ensures that their support reaches as many people as possible in a timely manner. As someone who has directly benefited from GiveDirectly's programs, I have no recommendations for change. Their approach is effective, and the impact they've had on our lives speaks volumes. I'm grateful for their support and the positive transformation they've brought to our community. With GiveDirectly's help, we've been able to build a brighter future for ourselves and our children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was thrilled when I received $450 from GiveDirectly. It filled me with joy and excitement because it came at a time when I needed it the most. My daughter had just finished primary school, and I wanted to make sure she could smoothly transition to high school. With $300, I paid for her school fees and bought everything she needed for school. It was a relief to know that she could continue her education without any worries. In addition to taking care of my daughter's education, I used $80 to ensure that we had enough food at home. This money arrived when we were facing deep food insecurity, so having enough to eat was a huge relief for my family. Now, with food on the table, we can focus on other important things without the constant worry of hunger. Looking ahead, I plan to sustain my family by doing farming. This will not only provide us with food but also help support my daughter's education. I'm grateful for what GiveDirectly has done for us. Their support has made a significant difference in our lives, and I'm determined to make the most of it to ensure a brighter future for my daughter.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($281 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a plan to further improve my family's livelihood by acquiring a cow. This thoughtful investment aims to provide a sustainable source of milk catering to our nutritional needs and create opportunities for additional income. The envisioned scenario involves the cow multiplying, leading to a surplus of milk. By selling the excess, I intend to generate funds for crucial areas such as school fees for my son and supporting the various needs of my family. This initiative holds great potential for securing a more stable and prosperous future for us. Not only does it ensure a regular supply of nutritious milk, but it also aligns with my goal of achieving financial stability through prudent agricultural practices. I am motivated by the positive impact it could have on our overall well-being. potential for growth and productivity symbolizes not just a practical asset but a step towards self-sufficiency and empowerment for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am delighted to express my gratitude for the valuable lessons on wise spending imparted by the GiveDirectly officers. The guidance received during the selection process emphasized the importance of reaching a consensus at the household level regarding the distribution of financial support and fostering harmony and peace within our family. Resources were scarce, so I faced the challenge of securing enough food and resorted to laborious casual jobs to sustain my family. However, with the aid provided, I am not compelled to search for these unpredictable and strenuous jobs anymore. I had contemplated visiting the GiveDirectly office to express my gratitude, akin to the biblical narrative of the ten lepers who received healing, and one returned to offer thanks. This gesture symbolizes the depth of my appreciation for the positive impact that GiveDirectly has had on my life. I sincerely hope that GiveDirectly continues its commendable work, bringing positive change to the lives of individuals and families. The support has alleviated immediate financial burdens and empowered me to envision a more stable and secure future for my family. Once again, thank you for your generosity, and I look forward to witnessing the continued success of your impactful initiatives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With a limited income from unpredictable casual jobs and the responsibility of being the sole provider for my household, life has become a constant struggle. My husband, who is elderly and suffers from chest problems, remains at home, relying on me to meet our daily needs. With the transfer of $450 from GiveDirectly, I spent $160 to address the food problem. I used $130 to construct a toilet, addressing a pressing issue that had forced us to resort to unsanitary practices in the bush. Additionally, I invested $84 in new furniture to enhance our comfort. Previously, we had been using traditional stools, but this upgrade has significantly improved our living space. Unfortunately, I fell ill and had to allocate $20 for medication to address both malaria and typhoid. Amidst these struggles, I prioritized my son's education by spending $5.5 on 11 school exercise books, ensuring he continued his studies with the necessary materials. Recognizing the importance of livestock in our livelihood, I spent $30 on veterinary drugs for our goats. Maintaining their health is crucial for our overall well-being and sustenance. Lastly, I used $20 for transportation. Despite the challenges, I remain determined to provide a better life for my younger son, grandchild, and ailing husband. The support received from GiveDirectly has been a lifesaver during these difficult times, and I am grateful for the assistance that has allowed us to address some of our most pressing needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($118 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I received the first transfer from GiveDirectly, I was by myself at home, around 4:00 pm, and got the confirmation message. Reading through it, I instantly recognized it as GiveDirectly's money. At that moment, my family members weren't around to share the joy with me. Later, when my spouse returned home that evening, I shared the news, and we both shared the same excitement. While I was alone when I initially received the message, being able to share the excitement with my spouse added a sense of shared happiness and anticipation for the positive changes this support would bring to our lives.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I received the initial payment from GiveDirectly is the ability to pay my son's school fees. He was at home due to a strike that barred him from school until the fees were cleared, which was crucial, as he was in his final year preparing for exams. Prioritizing his education with the available funds brought immense relief during a challenging time. The strike posed difficulties for both of us, given the pressure of his upcoming exams. With the entire school facing penalties for not paying full fees, I had no choice but to use the available amount to clear his fees entirely, leaving me with only $30. Despite the challenges, this support has made a profound positive impact, ensuring my son's education and addressing immediate household needs during a critical period.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My son, currently in Form 4, faced a school strike right after I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. The school demanded full fee payment before allowing them back, leading us to allocate a significant portion of the funds to clear these fees. With $14 in tuition arrears and a $10 penalty, addressing this became a priority, altering our initial plans. As someone heavily reliant on subsistence farming and facing restrictions on charcoal production due to forest conservation, I have been navigating challenges in generating income. Casual labor has also become hard to come by. Despite these hurdles, the support from GiveDirectly was crucial. While a portion was used for school fees, I was left with $30, which I spent on purchasing essential foodstuff for my family of four. This support brought both relief and gratitude, ensuring our immediate needs were met during a challenging period.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
For the first transfers I intend to spend about $90 to purchase two bags of maize. In addition I will also pay school fees for my son Asbel. I plan to use $60 of the transfers on this. Since the main challenge I'm facing at the moment is food I intend to use the remaining amount to purchase household goods such as cooking fat and sugar. For the second and third transfers we intend to build a pit laterine which has been in our minds for long. With the transfers we will feel confident hosting visitors in our home. We intend to spend about $200 of the transfers to accomplish this. Additionally, we also intend to purchase two cows at about $300. For the remaining amount I intend to complete fee arrears for my son which amounts to about $200. With the transfers I will be able to change so much in my life and that of my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past six months has come from the rains that we received. While it has been dry for many months and even though we did not harvest anything in our farms, I'm happy that we have rain for pasture and water for our livestock.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The main challenge we are facing is the lack of money and the increased cost of living. We have been forced to eat food without salt and drink tea without sugar because of the difficulty of affording such commodities. This makes life very difficult and unpleasant, especially for my grandchild and children.