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Newsfeed > Mwalimu's Profile
Mwalimu's family
Motorcycle or bicycle taxi
Kenya Basic Income
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving transfers from GiveDirectly has been instrumental in realizing my long-held dream of starting a livestock-rearing project. Financial constraints had always hindered me from pursuing this goal, but the transfers changed the game. I currently have 20 goats and intend to expand my herd with future transfers. Recently, I used part of my transfer to purchase another goat worth $34, bringing me closer to my vision of a thriving livestock venture. I am immensely grateful to GiveDirectly for making this dream a reality.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main goal for the next year and beyond is to establish a thriving livestock venture. I've been using my transfers to buy goats, but I haven't yet reached my desired scale. Moving forward, I plan to continue purchasing livestock each month, with one goat costing around $34.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the monthly cash transfer from GiveDirectly has truly been a blessing for my family. With $58, I decided to invest in buying three goats, aiming to create a sustainable income by rearing and later selling them. Managing the goats has evolved into a family affair, with my wife taking charge of their care, enabling me to focus on other income-generating activities. Additionally, my motorbike business, earning $14, plays a crucial role in supporting our daily needs, and the extra income ensures that my five children can continue with their education without facing financial constraints.As the festive season approached, I allocated $44 of the cash transfer to buy food and celebrate Christmas with my family. This special treat brought immense joy to our household, and we are sincerely grateful for the support. GiveDirectly has not only empowered us to invest in income-generating activities but has also provided a sense of happiness during significant occasions. The initiative has made a meaningful difference in our lives, allowing us to build a better future for our family.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plans are set on maximizing the use of the cash transfers I am receiving from Givedirectly by enlarging my goat rearing business. I will have a form of savings, nurturing them so that when the need for cash arises, I can sell them and always secure financial stability for my family. I'm excited about the potential this investment holds for the future, thanks to Givedirectly.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a motorbike rider that is the sole breadwinner of my family of four. My wife is a stay at home mother and we have one school going child. I was able to meet needs and wants I couldn't meet with my $6 daily earnings. I bought chicken and goats. I bought two goats in July and August at $33 and in September I bought six chicks at $15. I was also able to pay school fees for my child at $10 and bought food at $9.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I said I have one child now who goes to school and another who is yet to start school. I would like for both of them to be well educated. My hope is I will build a source of finances that will help me educate the. The animals I am buying, I hope will multiply and when they increase I can sell them to cover my children's school fees.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Ferrying people to different destinations using a motorcycle is my current occupation. The challenge I face is the lack of enough customers that can enable me to make a substantial income. I roughly make 600 KES per day. After fueling and remitting a certain percentage to my boss, I remain with 150 KES. This amount is very little to make an impact in the household I belong to.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I dropped out of school mid-last year due to unavoidable circumstances. I was in my final year of primary school. I stayed idle at home for all that time until February this year. I got employed as a motorcycle taxi operator where I ferry passengers within the locality. This was a source of solace for me having stayed inactive for 6 months.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means self-employment. I am planning to start a shop business where I will be mainly selling foodstuffs such as sugar, maize flour, and cereals to the community. I will use 20,000 KES of the transfers as the starting capital for the business. 500 KES per day is my estimated profit. With such an income, I will comfortably sustain myself. I will no longer be depending on my parents.