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Newsfeed > Kaingu's Profile
Kaingu's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly does a good job of following through on its promise to send monthly transfers to enrollees. These regular payments supplement my income significantly, putting me in a better position to provide for my family. Everything Give Directly does is thoughtful, and their work is flawless in my opinion. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a living and to provide for my family, I make and sell charcoal at an open-air market that operates once a week in my village.  On a good day, I can sell three sacks of the product for at most KES 1,350, which allows me to buy food and other supplies to last until the next market day. My wife and I both benefit from the cash aid program. So, when we get the transfers, we make a collective budget for the household's needs. Our primary goal is to develop a revenue-generating project that will sustain our livelihood after the transfers have ceased. The focus is currently on acquiring goats, which is why I contributed KES 2,000 toward the purchase of one. Also, my son had a carried school fee balance of KES 250 from the previous term, which I settled when school resumed this week. Lack of food becomes a major issue in my household as a result of the inconsistent earnings from my hustles. To avoid running out of food, I used the remaining funds to purchase maize flour and beans.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
On this very day, I was very ill so I asked my son to take me to the hospital, which at first, I was hesitant to. This is because I did not have any funds with me. Even in my wariness about whether the doctor could treat me on credit, I had no option but to take a step of faith. So, when I got there, I inquired and he agreed as I was in bad shape. While he was examining me, I got a message alert. I rushed to check and saw that I had received funds from give directly. I felt overly blessed. I informed him that I had gotten some funds, so I will pay the bill.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Ever since I started receiving these funds, there has been a great difference in my life. I felt blissful. The funds will boost my KES 1350 monthly earnings. My wife together with two of my children are also getting the transfer, so we now don't struggle much when it comes to food provision as we did before. I am more hopeful that my life will improve and I will grow My poultry farming business. Through it, I will get a stable source of income that will enable me to comfortably support my needs and that of my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
hI work as a poultry farmer and a charcoal manufacturer. From this, I am able to provide for my family. This is where I also depend on to pay my children's school fees. Unfortunately, out of my four children, only two were lucky to finish high school while the other two were class 8 dropped outs. One of those who completed their form 4, was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship by a member of Parliament to take up a teaching course. He graduated but hasn't gotten a job yet. from my work, I would earn KES 1350 monthly. which is very little to cater to all our needs. When I got to hear about give directly, my idea was to improve my poultry farming business using my first transfer. This I did but not with the whole amount as I was ill at the time. so, I used KES 600 to cover my medical bills and whatever remained I bought a chicken to add to the five that remained after I lost a number of them due to an unknown disease.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means improved well-being to this household. I am a 68 years old man having a wife and 2 sons still depending on me. With no source of income, providing for my family has been a struggle. I want to try my luck in chicken production. I will buy 20 hens at a total cost of 6,000 KES. The poultry business will be my investment. Chicken multiply and grow very fast. At a time I will be struggling, I will sell the birds and earn an income that will be used to sort our domestic needs( food).
What is the happiest part of your day?
Good health is my source of joy. I am 68 years old and still very strong. Up to now, I still do my daily jobs such as taking care of livestock without a struggle. So far, I have not experienced any complications associated with old age.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity has been my greatest challenge. As a family that depends on farming for food, the climate has been a disappointment. For two years now, all our farming efforts have been unsuccessful. Buying food is now the only option. With a family of 4, this alternative is very expensive. A packet of maize flour goes at 250 KES. Taking only two meals a day, I have to make sure 500 KES is available. Having no source of income, sometimes I lack money and we are forced to go for a day without food.