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Newsfeed > Kanze's Profile
Kanze's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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30th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 day ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Initially, I had plans of buying a new grilled door to provide better security for the house that I am currently living in, as the existing door is infested with termites and is not secure enough. Currently, I live in my daughter's house and have always wanted to have a space of my own. Therefore, after some deep reflection and discussions with my daughter, I decided to shift my focus from replacing the door to building a home of my own where I can enjoy my own space. To make this dream a reality, I have been saving a portion of my previous transfers in our local savings group, and I intend to save even more of my future transfers that I will be receiving from GiveDirectly. Once these savings mature, I plan to use part of the funds to build my own house and make my dream come true. Additionally, I aim to allocate another portion of the savings that would have matured to purchase livestock, hoping they will multiply, increasing in number and value, providing me with a reliable source of support, especially when this program comes to an end. I am genuinely excited about my plans for a new house and my livestock project, and I hope they will come to fruition. I am truly grateful for the support I have been receiving from GiveDirectly, and I remain hopeful for the better future ahead.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I currently live in my daughter's house, but I have always dreamed of having a home of my own where I can enjoy my own space. Additionally, I aspire to own a herd of livestock to rely on, especially when this program comes to an end. To achieve these two important goals, I have been diligently saving my monthly transfers in a local savings group. Recently, I saved $66 from my transfers from GiveDirectly. My plan is to use a portion of these savings to buy goats, with the hope that they will multiply and provide me with a reliable source of income when the program concludes. The other part of my savings will go toward purchasing building materials so I can finally build a house for myself. I also set aside the remaining $36 to buy food for my family, ensuring we won’t go hungry. I am truly grateful for the support that GiveDirectly has provided; it gives me hope and motivation as I work toward creating a better future for myself and my family.
28th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For this coming year and beyond, my plan is to first start changing my door that has been infested by termites and is no longer serving its purpose of providing good security. My intention is to replace it with a grilled metal door, which will provide better security for my home. To achieve this, I intend to save a portion of my future transfers in a merry-go-round group and local savings group so that when I receive my accumulated funds, I will be able to get the door assembled and installed. Once this is achieved, I will be very happy because my house will have improved security and a better appearance. To add on to this, I would also like to venture into livestock farming, where I will be raising a herd of goats. Once the door is installed, I will continue saving my transfers in the savings groups so that I may use the accumulated funds to buy goats. I have great hopes that the goats will multiply and increase in number and value so that, in the future, I may be able to sell some of them and take care of my family, especially when in need. This will also enable me to have something to rely on as a source of income when this program comes to an end. I am excited about the potential of these plans and look forward to the positive changes they will bring to my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
May june n july chama 1200 mbuzi Chama silk 500 to buy a metal door. the one i had was infested by termites business kumbaku 700 food bal 1000 For a long time now, I have had a door that has been infested by termites, and it is no longer providing the necessary security. For this reason, I want to replace the door with a metal grilled door to enhance the security of my house. To achieve this, I have been saving in my savings group and a merry-go-round group. I therefore saved $51 of my recent transfers in our savings group and merry go round group, hoping that by the time I receive my money, I will be able to put a metal grilled door on my house. Additionally, I have a tobacco selling business where I used $21 and added it to the business to boost its capital base, allowing me to expand and potentially earn more income. Lastly, I used the remaining $30 of the transfers to buy food and some soap for my family so that we would not stay hungry and also for cleanliness. This strategy that I have put in place ensures that my family's basic needs are met while I work towards improving the security of our home and I am grateful for GiveDirectly for giving us this opportunity.
25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Through the merry-go-round initiative, I invested in purchasing goats, and I couldn't be happier with this acquisition. The joy of owning these goats is immeasurable, and it motivates me to strive for more. My goal now is to expand my livestock by acquiring more goats, envisioning their multiplication as a source of support for my future needs. Additionally, I aim to grow my tobacco business by reinvesting more transfers into it. This strategic move not only enhances the potential for profitability but also strengthens the foundation of my livelihood, ensuring sustained support for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Having found inspiration in my previous savings, which enabled me to purchase goats, I am now more motivated than ever to continue saving towards expanding my livestock. With this goal in mind, I allocated $66 to my savings, eager to bolster my herd. As for the remaining $36, I reinvested it into my tobacco selling business, which serves as the primary source of income for supporting my family. I am deeply grateful to GiveDirectly for granting us this opportunity, as their support has empowered me to pursue my aspirations and work towards a more secure and prosperous future.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the financial assistance from the transfers, I have acquired two goats and six hens. My objective for the current year is to expand my livestock holdings. As their numbers increase, they will serve as a source of income, enabling me to provide for my family's various needs. The support received through the transfers has been instrumental in enhancing my quality of life, and I express deep gratitude for this financial assistance.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I became a member of a savings group that we collectively established, consisting of nine members. Our monthly contributions amount to $12 each, accumulating to a total of $108. This pooled amount is then assigned to one member, who has the autonomy to decide the most effective utilization of the funds. This rotational process continues until every member has received an equal share of the funds. In my participation, I contributed $36 to the savings group. Allocating my funds strategically, I directed $51 towards acquiring a goat and three hens, with the intention of expanding the numbers to create a resource that can be leveraged in case of emergencies. Additionally, I spent $10 to purchase tobacco for my business and invested $6 in repairing my granary to store the maize harvested from the farm. Acknowledging the needs of my children returning to school at the beginning of the year, I allocated funds to purchase new books for them. The financial support received through the transfers has brought me immense happiness, as it has played a crucial role in addressing the fundamental needs of my family.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
After many years of drought, I am relieved that the current rainy season made farming possible. Therefore, with sufficient food available, my goal is to channel most of the cash transfers towards purchasing goats. I am happy that past cash transfers enabled me to acquire one goat, which has since given birth to a kid. I believe that by continuing to rear goats, I can build up assets that I can sell in the future to meet my needs. Given my age and occasional health issues, I cannot engage in strenuous work. Rearing livestock is a suitable livelihood option for me.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a widow, I rely on my daughter, Salama, who depends on casual jobs like hawking boiled maize to provide for our family, including the two children who live with us in the village. Her income can barely put daily meals on the table, let alone cover other needs other than food. The cash transfers have made a significant impact on my life, allowing me to accomplish things that would have been difficult before. I joined a group of ten people where we each contribute $11 every month, and the total amount is given to one member in a merry-go-round arrangement. With these funds, I was able to construct a kitchen structure. I used to double my sleeping space as a cooking spot which was not convenient. Not only did I obtain a cooking space, but I also built a storage area for the farm produce to protect it from the rain.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to acquire goats so that once the cash assistance from Give Directly ceases, I can rely on selling the animals to generate a stable income. To achieve this, I am committed to saving at least $11 each month through a self-help group. By consistently setting aside these funds, I will accumulate enough money to purchase the goats and build wealth that could improve the financial stability of my household. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated $25 to hire a tractor and plow my 1-acre land in preparation for planting. This investment was crucial for me as I previously lacked the necessary funds to hire the tractor. And, even though my two sons occasionally offer support, they rely on casual jobs that do not provide substantial income to meet the family's needs as well as support other agricultural activities. Therefore, this has made me rely on cash transfers as a major income stream to support these needs. I am pleased that the plowing process was successful, enabling me to utilize the entire land for planting. In addition, I used $7 to purchase maize seeds, ensuring that I had sufficient resources for the planting season. The remaining amount was allocated toward purchasing food. 
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I want to purchase at least four goats this year to raise them, and I'm already setting out $10 each month in a savings group to do so. Although I run a modest business, I don't earn enough money from it to provide for the requirements of the four of us. I am caring for my daughter's two kids and her. Her husband passed away in an accident a few years ago, but I decided to care for the kids because she was unable to support them financially. Goats multiply, making them more profitable, as a result, I may sell some of them in the future to help pay for the grand kids' tuition. Aside from that, I want to finish building the kitchen, which is already under construction, so I can have a pleasant location to cook and prevent smoke from damaging my belongings.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the community, seven of us started a savings group where we each contribute $10 monthly and distribute it to another member on a rotating basis. Every member should strive to buy two goats whenever they receive their shares. I saved $30 with the transactions during the previous three months. I don't have a kitchen, either. I could first cook outside, but I stopped since it was uncomfortable owing to the winds. The smoke again damaged my house, including the roof, so I went to cook in the main house. My modest business, which primarily provides meals for our family, generates very little profit. I was unable to pay for the cost of building a kitchen as a result. Thank God for the recurring payment, since I have been taking $10 from it each month to help with the building of a new kitchen and am relieved that it is almost finished. I used $39 of the remaining $49 to buy food for my family and $5 to settle a debt I owed the neighborhood grocer. I owe GiveDirectly for making it bearable for me to provide for the requirements of my family.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As soon as they realized I had received money from the organization I was definitely excited. I immediately went and we do the funds and I ended up saving KES 1,000 because I was hoping that eventually I would have enough money for me to buy a couple of goats. Afterwards I decided to spend KES 400 in purchasing a hen because I was investing in poultry farming as well for commercial gain. I further went ahead and spent KES 600 into my business where I sold tobacco the comfort of my home. I proceeded to use KES 800 by acquiring four packets of maize flour, half a kilogram of beans and cooking oil because I barely had any food left in the house. Lastly I used the remaining balance of KES 200 by purchasing stationery for my two kids.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my view, GiveDirectly as an NGO does well in giving unconditional cash to the neediest communities. For instance, all the beneficiaries from my community have registered a positive change in their living standards courtesy of the transfers. Personally, when I received the transfer, I prioritized building a kitchen as well as planning to buy goats. This will increase my livestock asset thus contributing to my positive progress. In my opinion, all GD does is good and I can not see any fault in it.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used KES 600 from my recent transfer to continue working on my kitchen construction. Initially, I was just cooking outside of the house, where there is usually a lot of wind, or inside the house, where the smoke affects us. I also invested KES 800 to improve the performance of my livestock selling business. I am delighted to see that things are looking up. Finally, I spent KES 1,000 on increasing my savings, which will enable me to purchase additional food for the rest of my family before I get the next transfer.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was asleep when the funds were sent. I heard the message alert but I chose to ignore it as I thought that it was the normal promotional messages from safaricom. I was also unwell at the time. The next day, when I woke up, I prepared myself and went out ready to walk to the hospital. A neighbor of mine approached me and asked if I had received funds from give directly, I told her I didn't. But to be sure, I asked my daughter to check. She confirmed that indeed I had received too. I felt overwhelmingly blessed. I had planned to trek from my home area to the infirmary, which is about a 3-hour walk. So, I called for a motorcyclist who drove me to the hospital and I was treated then headed back home.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have four children, two male, and two females. The male ones have already taken in wives and lived in their own houses. As for the females, they were once married, unfortunately, their husbands died. One was due to a hit and run accident and the other was due to a gunshot by armed robbers. So, they moved back with me. Just recently one of my daughters moved out so she could start working to take her 4 children to school. The other one still lives with me together with 2 of her children. We often would share expenses but it has been challenging for us to meet most of our needs as my tobacco selling business does not earn me much as it did before. Ever since I started receiving funds from give directly, our financial situation has changed for the best. First and foremost, through the funds, I was able to get some medications for my ailment. Using my next transfers, I plan on finishing up the construction of my kitchen, I still need six more iron sheets to complete it. After which, I will buy 5 goats, then, later on, build my house and leave the one I currently live in for my daughters.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For days, I had been sick and I did not have the funds to go to the hospital. I opted to walk to the hospital for some treatment. I thereby woke up very early, got ready, and when I went out a neighbor asked me if I had received some funds. I told my daughter to check and she confirmed it was so. I instead went on a motorcycle and used part of the transfer to pay for my transport and medicines. Whatever amounts remained, I invested in my tobacco selling business that has been the source of my livelihood ever since the passing away of my husband.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Currently I do not have a source of income neither do I have a proper house to live in. I have been hosted by my daughter for now around one year, just having a room within her house. But my primary need is to create a reliable source of income for myself so that I would be able to fund my projects without begging. It doesn't feel good to live at people's at all time, but when I get this money I would want to first save and buy goats to start livestock farming so that I can have a way of saving my transfers for a rainy day
What is the happiest part of your day?
I do not have much to be happy about, but I like this day today. I was told not everyone in the village would qualify for the GiveDirey program but I feel really good to have qualified for the first stage of enrollment and now I'm on this stage. I just hope and pray that I go just like that till I succeed. I really want this money to set my life right back on track. Currently I do not even have a business or a personal house.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My life has been so hard in the village because I do not have a reliable source of income. I have been depending mostly on my daughter when returned home when she was windowed. She provides for me but I feel bad living my life this way. If I could get a number of livestock to start raring I will be able to start getting my money and build a house for myself. This is because I do not want to to live off people.