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Newsfeed > Kache's Profile
Kache's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($363 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My grandchild had been longing to go back to school, but we couldn't afford the fees which had accumulated to $280, and thus stayed at home for months. But with the money I received, I rushed to the school, my heart pounding with hope. I paid off all the fees, and the joy in my grandchild's eyes was priceless. Education is the key to a brighter future, and thanks to GiveDirectly, my grandchild was back in school, learning and dreaming once again. But that wasn't all. With the remaining $232, I bought construction materials that is iron sheets and building poles. I had a piece of land, and it was time to build a house of my own. Currently, I was staying at my son-in-law's place, and while he was kind, it just didn't feel like home. The idea of having my place, a little sanctuary where I could find comfort and peace, was a dream come true. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I wasn't just paying school fees; I was building a brighter future for my family, one brick at a time.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Receiving help from GiveDirectly has been a real game-changer for me. Those unconditional transfers they gave us have been like a lifeline. With that financial assistance, my family and I have been able to afford essentials like food, healthcare, and education for our children. It's not just about surviving anymore; it's about truly living. We're no longer drowning in uncertainty; we've got hope for a brighter future. I can't thank GiveDirectly enough for this opportunity to rebuild our lives and start dreaming again.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before this year comes to an end, my biggest dream is to either begin building or even finish constructing my own home. It's not just about having a roof over my head; it's about having a place where I can call mine, a sanctuary where I can create lasting memories with loved ones. With every penny saved, I'm one step closer to making this dream a reality, and I can't wait for the day I unlock the door to a world entirely my own.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($444 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I had no defined source of income apart from burning charcoals, I opted to buy a motorbike for business. The motorbike is used for ferrying people from one destination to the other. In purchasing the motorbike, I bought it in hire-purchase because the amount could not allow me to buy it in cash. Therefore, I paid a deposit of $200 and I am paying a weekly installment of $5 for two years. I am very happy that I now have an income-generating activity. Thereafter, I bought two chairs for $85 since I did not have any chairs at my house. For the remaining amount, I opted to use it in buying some food since that was the main challenge I was passing through.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the transfer, I used to struggle to make ends meet. Getting a meal was a huge achievement. Going without food was not something new at my home. I used to go for at least two days a week without getting some food. As of now, I am grateful for the support that I got from GiveDirectly because I am now getting food and other basic needs than before. I have also taken a rest from the charcoal and firewood business. This is because of GiveDirectly who came to our rescue.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While relaxing at my home in the afternoon, my grandchild came running and panting after hearing neighbors received their first transfers. He immediately took my phone to confirm. Luckily, he saw a transaction message stating that I had received the transfer from GiveDirectly. I was filled with happiness for receiving such a huge amount of money at once, and for the first time in my life. Getting such a sum of money at my age was not even in my dreams or wishes. I allulated in happiness since I knew that challenging issues like hunger were going to be settled.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I used to stay in Mombasa where my son works but ever since I got an accident to dislocate my leg for 4 years now, I was taken back home where I stay with my daughter. The relocation has not been easy for me since living in the village is hard and sometimes, I am forced to engage in farm work to get food despite having a leg problem. My son's attention on me is no longer reliable and this means forfeiting meals on some days. What a life of worries! I am currently depending majorly on my grandson who sends cash to his mother for food. I, therefore, consider the lack of financial support from my children as the biggest challenge that I am currently facing.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Over the last 6 months, joy has found a place on my face because my grandson has consistently provided us with money to buy food. Although the money can not sustain us to have 3 meals in a day, I am still grateful for this support because it gives me the energy to continue doing my small tasks like farm work. I feel so blessed to have such a responsible grandson who always thinks about us. Hence, my source of joy.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
What a blessing to have this kind of grant to our household! Changing my status quo is a guarantee to me because I intend to ensure I no longer live in a dusty house. Since the house we live in lacks a door, also its walls are not stable, I will spend utmost $300 to repair it including installing the door and this will make us enjoy our nights. On the other hand, I plan to support my grandson's wife with $300 to expand her shop business because it is through this job that we currently get food. This will assure us of a project to depend on for our future considering that we are old to actively engage in income-generating activities. The remaining amount will help me and my daughter to get our very basic needs like food and new clothes. Therefore, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.