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Newsfeed > Christine's Profile
Christine's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($415 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I carefully allocated $90 of the transfer to purchase 3 cows, finally realizing my long-held dream of venturing into livestock farming. I envisioned a future where the cows' offspring would provide a valuable source of income through sales, offering financial stability for my family. This investment represented hope for a brighter tomorrow, where our livelihoods could be sustained by the fruits of our labor in livestock farming. Next, I dedicated $95 of the transfer to acquire two mattresses. Despite having beds, our nights were filled with discomfort and pain as we slept on bare mats. The purchase of mattresses transformed our sleeping experience, bringing comfort and relief to each member of my family. Witnessing my children sleep peacefully filled my heart with profound happiness, knowing that they no longer had to endure the discomfort. I then allocated $140 towards purchasing food because our harvest supplies were exhausted, and the prospect of going without food was a distressing reality that I was determined to avoid. Seeing their smiles of satisfaction as they enjoyed hearty meals brings me immeasurable joy. With the remaining funds from the transfer, I resolved to address a pressing concern: the security of our home. The presence of a vulnerable space on the roof posed a security risk, potential to intruders. Investing in the repair and security of our house was important to ensuring the safety and protection of my family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Life was really hard before. We didn't have nice beds to sleep on. Instead, we had to sleep on uncomfortable mats that hurt our backs. But now, with mattresses, we sleep so much better, and it feels amazing to wake up rested and happy as a family. Before, we didn't have much food, but now we have plenty. Our family is overjoyed. We can finally relax and enjoy our meals together without worrying about where the next one will come from. Our home is full of happiness now. We're not stressed out anymore; instead, we're grateful for everything we have and we cherish every moment we spend together as a family.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I'm a single parent taking care of four children, three in school and one waiting to join college. I don't have a steady job, and therefore I do odd jobs on people's farms to support my family. My biggest dream has always been to start livestock farming, especially with cows, so that when they multiply, I could sell some in the future to support my family better. But I never had enough money to buy the cows. Whatever little I earned from my work went towards school fees and daily expenses, leaving nothing for investing in livestock. Then, one miraculous day, while I was at home making dinner, I got a notification on my phone from GiveDirectly that I had received $550. You can imagine the joy and excitement that filled our humble home! I couldn't contain my happiness, so I shared the good news with my children, and we all celebrated because we couldn't believe it was true. The first thing that came to mind was finally fulfilling my dream of buying those cows and starting my livestock farming journey.
access_time 7 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Water shortage is the challenge I am currently facing in life. There is only one water point in the village which is also not reliable. The village can miss water for almost three months. This forces me to walk for approximately 1hr looking for water. It is tedious to Walk for such a distance looking for water.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Food security is what brings happiness in my life. I am a single mother of four and depends on subsistence farming. The community has had drought for the past four years and this has caused famine. The family used to take one meal per day and sometimes go without food. However last year September we received rain and did maize planting on my two acre piece of land and harvested two bags of maize each 90kg. I can now afford taking three meals per day.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a single mother of four and depends on subsistence farming. However, drought has been the major setback for my farming activity. Most of the time the family goes without food. I will use $500 to buy ten goats as an investment. I need to shift from crop farming to animal farming. Goats are resistant to drought. This investment will help me raise school fees for the four children once they join secondary school. I will also use $400 to install tap water at the compound. This will help me access water easily.