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Newsfeed > Merceline's Profile
Merceline's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($301 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My paramount objective is to achieve a seemingly modest yet life-changing goal: to acquire a water tank for rainwater harvesting. Currently, I find myself trekking long distances to fetch water, which is not only physically demanding but also time-consuming. With my own water tank, I envision the freedom to harness rainwater, thereby alleviating this daily burden and enhancing self-sufficiency. Additionally, this newfound water source will enable me to create a small garden and grow vegetables, a project I've long yearned for but couldn't pursue due to water constraints. As I set out on this journey, I am not just investing in a tank; I am investing in improved quality of life, sustainability, and the ability to nurture a thriving garden that will provide nourishment and well-being for my family
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Thanks to GiveDirectly's unconditional cash transfer program, my life has taken a remarkable turn. With their support, I now own assets like a house, which has provided my family with a stable and secure place to call home. Additionally, my children are now attending school regularly, receiving the education they deserve. This transformative assistance has not only improved our living conditions but has also opened the doors to a brighter future for my children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated the entire sum of $250 from the recent unconditional cash transfer to an assortment of critical needs. Firstly, I used this money to complete the construction of a two-bedroom house that I had started earlier using previous transfers. This project had been stalled for some time because, despite my best intentions, I had to divert some of the funds for more immediate needs. Now, my two children have a dedicated space to call home, and they no longer need to sleep at my relatives' house due to the cramped conditions of our previous dwelling. The joy of seeing them have a room to themselves is beyond words. I also utilized the cash transfer to pay school fees, amounting to $100, for my two children who are in lower classes. The burden of worrying about their education for the entire academic year has been lifted. Seeing them settled in school, ready to learn and grow, brings me a sense of relief and joy that's hard to put into words. With the remaining $100, I invested in my poultry business. This strategic move has significantly boosted my income. I now earn a profit of $22, a substantial increase from the $8 I used to make. This extra income has made it much easier to provide for my family's needs. No longer do we struggle as we once did, my spouse and I.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($316 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming years and beyond, my top priority is to provide the best education for my two children, one in grade four and the other in grade six. To ensure they have every opportunity to succeed, I am planning to enroll them in a boarding school. I believe this decision will allow them to study without distractions and fully immerse themselves in their education, paving the way for a bright and promising future. As a parent I believe education is the key to unlocking their potential and opening doors to a world of opportunities.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD has done well by sending us the transfer directly to our MPesa accounts, cutting out the risk of it passing through other hands and potentially being stolen. It was like a miracle when we received that first transfer; we could not believe it was happening! The best part? It wasn't a loan that we had to worry about paying back.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer has been an absolute blessing, allowing me to achieve a goal that once seemed impossible. I used a significant portion of it, $350 to purchase building materials for a two-room iron sheet house. I bought essential materials like iron sheets, iron rods, and building nails, and I am excited to start construction as soon as I receive the last transfer. The decision to build this new house was driven by the need for more space for my family. Our current dwelling is too small, and sharing it with the kids has been quite uncomfortable. This new house will provide us with the comfort and room we deserve. Furthermore, I used $60 to buy food for my family, bringing a sense of relief as they now have enough to eat, and the fear of skipping meals is no more. To seize an opportunity for additional income, I invested the remaining $40 in expanding my poultry business. I purchase poultry in the village and resell them in the nearby market, and thanks to the transfer, I can now buy more poultry, increasing my profit.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($142 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly was a joyful moment for me. It was around 3:00 p.m., while I was at home with my two children. The anticipation leading up to this day had filled me with excitement, and finally, the time had come. With plans already in place, my husband and I were discussing the final details before heading to the nearby shopping center to collect the funds. I felt hopful, knowing that this transfer would enable us to address immediate needs and pave the way for a better life for our family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most biggest difference in my daily life since receiving the first payment has been the ability to pay school fees in lump sums and invest in purchasing all the necessary iron sheets for constructing a better house. Previously, the financial strain of school fees always prevented me from allocating a substantial amount towards improving our living conditions. However, with the support I received, I could address the immediate need of school fees without compromising on my long-standing desire to enhance our home. This flexibility has brought a lot of relief and the opportunity to create a better living condition for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Living in a small, aging house had been my reality for some time. Upon receiving the initial transfer, my aspiration was to bring about significant changes that would breathe new life into our home and provide more room for my family of four. Investing $100, I purchased 10 iron sheets, which I am currently utilizing to construct an additional room. My hope is to complete this project with the subsequent transfer. Furthermore, my two children's school fees posed a challenge, but thanks to my chicken-selling business and my husband's monthly salary, we managed to keep them in school. However, the financial responsibilities were sometimes overwhelming, preventing us from pursuing any extra endeavors. I made the remaining payment of $100 from the transfer for my daughter in grade four and my son in grade six, ensuring their continued education for the entire term. The generous support from GiveDirectly has brought immense transformation to my household, for which I am sincerely grateful.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
We are blessed with 2 school-going children. They are in grades 4 and 6 respectively. We want the best for them, and even though we are people of little means we are struggling to ensure that we give them the best education they deserve. It is against this background that we took them to the best nearest private school around known as at. Francis Catholic Academy. Raising school fees is an uphill task, up to this far, we have not been able to clear last term fees amounting to $ 60. We are happy about the cash transfer from GiveDirectly since it will go a long way in paying school fees for the entire year and clearing the pending arrears, it is indeed a huge reprieve and an enabler. We intend to use $ 600 for school fees and use the rest to expand my small business of buying and selling chicken that I do.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It was on 1 January, when my relatives from Ngetmoi my paternal parents visited us here. It was their first time visiting us since I got married here 11 years ago. It was momentous and the highlight of my life, this is because culturally, their visit is significant, it is a sign of blessings and prosperity to a new marriage and ideally they should have made the visit immediately I got married before bearing a child. I was moved to tears since at some point I had been worried that the years are progressing and they had not made the effort of visiting.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are a family of 4, every day is a struggle to make ends meet. It is not easy to fend for the family, we are inadequate in terms of food, and we are forced to buy the lack of funds notwithstanding. This way of life is unbearable, farming here is hard because of the vagaries of weather mostly unreliable rainfall, we depend on rain-fed agriculture yet we have had three failed rainy seasons and subsequently, we were not able to plant any food crops, it has caused us the kind of food insecurity that we are grappling at the moment.