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Newsfeed > Jeremiah's Profile
Jeremiah's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My dream for this year and beyond is to buy a motorcycle. This will depend on the harvest I get from the maize I have planted using the GiveDirectly money. I have cultivated on one acre of land and expect around 20 bags of maize. If the prices are good, I can buy the motorcycle. The reason I want to buy it is that I often struggle to go to town to purchase farm inputs. A motorbike would make it much easier for me to travel to town and get what I need, making this farming endeavor more sustainable. Achieving this fills me with joy because it will be a dream come true.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's assistance has been truly great. Thanks to their transfers, I now own a generator, something I never thought I would have. What I appreciate about GiveDirectly is their kindness and the respectful way they interact with people in my community. I don't have any specific changes to suggest for their program, but I would encourage them to register as many people as possible. This way, more lives can be transformed, just like mine.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I recently received $450 from GiveDirectly, and I was so happy that I decided to invest this money in farming. I already had a farm where I planted maize using the first GiveDirectly transfer, so I used $180 from this new transfer for harvesting labor. I was overjoyed with the harvest, gathering 20 bags of maize—something I had never achieved before. I decided to keep the maize for home use to ensure that my family would not lack food in the future, as having enough food here is a real challenge. The remaining money was invested back into the farm. It covered the costs of land preparation, purchasing maize seeds, and irrigation. I had already bought a generator using GiveDirectly's second transfer, which made irrigation possible. Farming has become something I want to continue doing, even after the GiveDirectly transfers end. My plan is to sell the produce from this one acre of land to buy a motorbike, which will make it easier for me to get around, especially when I need to buy farm inputs. GiveDirectly's support has given me a purpose and something productive to do every day, which I didn't have before.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($311 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
After I harvest my maize, I want to plant butternuts because they can make a lot of money. When I sell them, I'll use the money to get married. I know I'll be able to take care of my family then. Thanks to GiveDirectly, my dreams are coming true.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
At first, I found it hard to understand GiveDirectly. I kept wondering where the money came from and if it was real that people out there had money to give to us. But eventually, I accepted it, and it helped me solve my farm problems. I'm thankful for that. When you visit other villages, please help them like you helped us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a real farmer, I felt really happy when I got $450. I was tired of renting farm tools from my neighbors, so I decided to invest all of the $450 in buying tools like a knapsack sprayer, hosepipes, and pipes to connect to a generator for watering the farm. I got the generator with the first payment from GiveDirectly. I chose to fully invest in agriculture by planting maize on one hectare of land. I knew that having enough food at home would allow me to look for other jobs. Before receiving cash from GiveDirectly, I used to do casual labor on other people's farms for $3 a day. Sometimes, I would also make charcoal, getting three bags a week, which I sold for $6 each. Even though I'm not married, I cook for myself.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($131 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I spent the entire day diligently harvesting butternut on 3/4 of my land, putting in my best effort to complete the task by nightfall. Unfortunately, the dry weather conditions took a toll on the harvest, resulting in a disappointingly lower yield than anticipated. Despite the challenges, I pressed on, sweating profusely as I worked to gather the produce. Amid the haste and physical exertion, I heard the faint peeping of my phone, but with my focus on finishing the harvest, I chose to delay checking it until the evening. Finally settled after ensuring all the butternut was safely transported to a nearby storage facility for future sale, I took a moment to check my phone. To my overwhelming joy, I discovered a message indicating the receipt of funds from GD. This filled me with a renewed sense of gratitude and hope. With the newfound financial support, I eagerly planned to invest in a generator. This purchase will enhance my irrigation activities and symbolise a significant step toward optimizing my farm production.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Certainly, acquiring the generator represents a pivotal positive development for my agricultural pursuits. With optimism, I believe that the consistent and timely irrigation facilitated by the generator's pumping capabilities will lead to an increased crop yield, ultimately contributing to a significant improvement in my overall income. As farming constitutes my sole source of income, this enhanced capability instills in me a sense of security and assurance
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For several years, my farming endeavors have been adversely affected by the persistent lack of rainfall in our region. Despite our efforts in irrigation, the effectiveness of this practice was hindered by the inconsistency of river water levels, often necessitating the use of a generator for pumping. The challenge lies in the scarcity of individuals who own generators, resulting in long queues for rental services. Moreover, the cost of hiring stands at a steep $15 per day, a financial strain for someone like me who relies solely on farming as the primary source of income. Upon receiving the initial transfer, I made a conscious decision to allocate the entire sum towards acquiring this invaluable resource—a generator. The relief and joy I felt knowing that I no longer had to endure queues or bear the burden of expensive daily rentals were immeasurable. This acquisition signifies a crucial improvement in my farming practices, ensuring a consistent and uninterrupted water supply for nourishing my crops. The anticipation of increased productivity brings a sense of optimism for the future, and the financial savings from no longer having to rent a generator will undoubtedly contribute to the sustainability of my farming efforts. I express my heartfelt gratitude to GiveDirectly for the positive impact this support has had on my livelihood.
access_time 12 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Farming is in my heart, I plan to invest well in own farm machines. Will purchase a water pump, a sprayer and enough pipes. It will cost approximately $400. This will help me do farming at a minimum cost and without worrying where to hire. Additionally, I can also expand my land coverage. Leading to more profits. Goats do well here, there's ready pasture. It's also easy rearing them. I need about 10 goats. One goat costs about $50. The rest of the funds will assist me in maintaining my farm and also as an emergency. When farming, you need, seeds, labour and other unforeseen costs.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Farming is a joy to me, I own an acre of land. Currently I have planted butter nuts. They fetch good prices and easy to maintain. It uses less pesticides. I am happy since the farm supports me well.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a farmer, we depend on irrigation here in the village. Rain is so little. It's labour intensive and accessing farming tools and machines is a challenge. It's also expensive hiring them. A good example is a water pump, one needs to hire it. We pay upfront about $20 for a season of planting. This amount is just for the lease and fuel is also on you. The cost of fuel is high, hence making it hard sustaining a large farm. These are some of the challenges I face as a farmer.