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Newsfeed > Mbengu's Profile
Mbengu's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($346 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
In the midst of the rainy season, around 4 in the evening, I was knee-deep on my farm, diligently planting maize under the gentle patter of raindrops. The rhythmic sounds of nature were interrupted by the loud vibrations of my phone. Illiterate but not devoid of hope, I turned to my son, who was accompanying me, and asked him to decipher the message. As he relayed the news that I had received my first unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly, a surge of joy swept over me. In that instant, amid the mud and the rain, a simple truth emerged: we could finally afford a meal that evening. The burden of scarcity that had been a persistent challenge seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude for the unexpected support that promised not just sustenance for a day but a glimmer of hope for the rainy seasons ahead.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant transformation in my life since receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly revolves around my newfound ability to provide adequately for my family. This shift is most palpable in the realm of nourishment. Previously, securing enough food was a perpetual struggle, especially during planting seasons when our energy reserves needed to be at their peak for optimal productivity on the farm. In the context of a polygamous marriage where financial resources were strained due to the temporary nature of my husband's motorcycle job, our circumstances were particularly challenging. The intermittent income wasn't sufficient to keep our kitchen well-stocked, and the repercussions were severe malnutrition among my children, a source of profound pain for me as a parent. The relief that came with the cash transfers was transformative. It meant no more reliance on borrowed food from neighbors, alleviating the discomfort that had become a routine part of our lives. Now, as a parent, I find joy in being able to meet my family's nutritional needs independently. The economic boost from GiveDirectly not only banished the specter of hunger but also revitalized our energy levels, ensuring that we approach each day, especially the crucial planting seasons, with strength and vigor. In a broader sense, the cash transfers have injected hope and resilience into our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the unconditional cash transfers was a lifeline that I never expected but desperately needed. The first thing that came to mind was the dire need for comfortable sleep, especially for my cowife and me. With $110, I managed to purchase two quality mattresses, bringing a tangible improvement to our nights. It was a simple yet profound luxury that we had long been deprived of. Sharing a home with my cowife became a bit more harmonious as we both sank into the softness of our new mattresses each night. The remaining funds were a beacon of hope for addressing the persistent issue of food insecurity that haunted our family. Knowing that the next harvest season was two months away, I diligently bought an abundance of foodstuffs. The relief was palpable, not only for my cowife and me but, more importantly, for our children. Their education had suffered due to hunger, missed classes, and distracted minds. Now, with the assurance of regular meals until the next harvest, I felt the weight of parental concern lift. My spouse, relying on the unpredictable income from the motorcycle taxi business, had been the sole breadwinner for our family of six. The unconditional cash transfers brought stability to our home, allowing us to focus on building a better future for our children without the constant worry of going to bed on an empty stomach.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a mother of six children and we all live in a one room house which is not spacious and it lacks privacy. Changing clothes after taking bath is a challenge when children are in the house. Some of my children are forced to go seek shelter from neighbors. My husband and I do casual jobs earning approximately $60 per month which caters for food and school fees. I lack the capacity to build a spacious house for the family. I will use $800 to build a three room house to accommodate the entire family. I will also use $300 to clear school fees balance for the two children at school and also make a prepayment. They have a balance of $130 .
What is the happiest part of your day?
I do casual jobs earning very little income which caters mainly for food. I have two children at secondary school and they have been missing classes due to school fees problem. In May this year, each received a bursary from county government of Kilifi worth $50 and settled at school. The bursary brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Housing is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I am in a polygamous setup of marriage where we are two in that marriage and we live in a one room house . The two of us have 14 children and we live with them in the same house. There is no privacy and the space is small . This really affects me psychological.