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Newsfeed > Jumwa's Profile
Jumwa's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the few months to come, I set my sights on a great goal: building a new house. It's something I have been dreaming about for a long time now. I'm tired of feeling embarrassed and having people look down on me because I don't have a home of my own. I have been seeking shelter in my relatives compounds, and I feel it's time for me to have my own house. Through the transfers, I'm slowly but steadily buying the materials I need each month, and I can already see the pieces coming together. I believe that in just a few more months, I'll be able to stand tall and proud in front of my very own house, with joy and pride that I had been lacking for years.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Food insecurity has been a persistent issue in my household due to the prolonged drought in my region. When I received the cash transfers, I used around $50 to buy enough food to last for a while. As a widow dependent on farming, the drought has left me without income, so this support has been vital. I’m grateful that we can now enjoy healthy meals thanks to the transfers from GiveDirectly. Additionally, I used $10 to pay the tuition fees for my daughter, who is in lower grades, ensuring she won't face interruptions in her education. I’m relieved that she won't be sent home for fees like she was before. One of my grandchildren was unwell, and I was able to take him to the hospital through the transfers for treatment. I’m thankful he is now recovering well. I also allocated $34 towards building a new house, and I’ve started purchasing iron sheets for the project. My previous house collapsed, and I’ve been staying at relatives' homes, which has been stressful and embarrassing, especially for my children. I am hopeful that soon I will have my own home, which will restore my dignity and bring me great pride and joy.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Soon, I set my sights on a big goal: building a new house. It's something I've been dreaming about for a long time now. You see, I'm tired of feeling embarrassed and having people look down on me because I don't have a home of my own. It's been tough relying on the kindness of others since my old house collapsed some time ago. But I've made up my mind to change that. I'm slowly but steadily buying the materials I need each month, and I can already see the pieces coming together. It's not easy, and there are days when I feel like giving up. But then I think about the look on my family's faces when they finally have a place to call home. That's what keeps me going. I believe that in just a few more months, I'll be able to stand tall and proud in front of my very own house, a symbol of perseverance and determination.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For quite some time, the weight of grief and hardship has been my constant companion since the passing of my husband. The collapse of our home only added to the burden, forcing me to live in a makeshift shelter that offered little protection from the elements. The indignity of relying on relatives for refuge compounded the pain, leaving me feeling like a burden. But amidst the struggle, there was a glimmer of hope in the form of the unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly. With each monthly instalment, I saw an opportunity to reclaim some semblance of stability for myself and my children. The first priority was securing materials to build a new home where we could find solace and security. Investing approximately $55 in iron sheets was a crucial step towards this goal, laying the foundation for a brighter future. However, setbacks loomed large as my attempts at poultry farming ended in tragedy. The loss of the chickens to disease was a heavy blow, but it didn't extinguish my resolve. Amidst this hardship, my own health took a turn for the worse, landing me in a battle with stomach ulcers. The diagnosis was daunting, but the access to better medication through cash transfer brought a glimmer of hope. With the remaining funds, I prioritized the sustenance of my family, ensuring we had enough food to nourish both body and spirit.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Right now, I live in a tiny, unstable house. Recently, one side of it collapsed during a heavy downpour, putting a halt to my renovation efforts. This has presented a significant challenge, often forcing me to seek shelter with neighbors whenever it rains. I've decided not to invest any more resources in repairing a house that is in such a dire state. I am planning to build a new house. To achieve my goal of a stable and comfortable home, I've taken the step of joining a merry-go-round savings group, contributing a minimum of $15 each month. My objective is to accumulate sufficient savings to commence the construction of my new house, which will require 14 iron sheets, nails, timber, and building poles. The prospect of living in this new house brings me a sense of peace, knowing that I won't have to worry about the impact of the rain on my home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My current residence is quite small, and one side of it has collapsed after heavy rains. Despite my efforts to renovate and stabilize it, my attempts have been in vain. This situation has been a significant concern, as I'm forced to seek alternative shelter every time it rains. Adding to this issue is my deteriorating health due to age, and my most pressing need is a comfortable and secure home. To address this pressing need, I have embarked on a plan to construct a new, more spacious house. This endeavor will require 14 iron sheets, building poles, and nails. To fund this project, I've taken part in a merry-go-round savings group, contributing a minimum of $15 every month. I'm delighted to share that I have managed to accumulate almost $80 so far, which I intend to use to purchase the necessary construction materials in the coming months. My greatest aspiration is to finally have a spacious, iron-roofed house for myself. I lack a means of financial support besides the occasional transfers. In addition to my housing project, I've also acquired a chicken, which cost me $3. I'm currently raising it with the goal of expanding my poultry stock. These chickens will serve as a valuable resource when the time comes to start the construction. Finally, I spent the remaining funds for essential needs. I purchased foodstuffs to sustain my family, bought new clothes for both myself and my daughter, and procured school supplies for her as she was preparing to return to school.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I am planning to build a decent house where I can live peacefully and enjoy my privacy. I had one that collapsed many years ago, and I could not afford to build another one. I could not afford to buy the required construction materials, like iron sheets. This forced me to seek shelter at a neighbor's house. I am sick and elderly, and I have never felt at ease having to seek shelter from neighbors at night. I believe the transfer will enable me to finally build a new house. So far, I have been saving a portion of the transfer to buy at least two pieces of iron sheets every month. Having a decent house to stay in in my old age is what I aspire to achieve in the coming year.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent a portion of the recent transfers on paying fees for my granddaughter, who is currently in junior high school. Her mother passed away and has been relying on me for her fees. Her father could have helped, but he also abandoned her. I am now responsible for her education, but raising her fees has been difficult. I am sick and elderly, and I am no longer working like before, where I could earn some money through menial jobs. I was worried that my granddaughter would be discontinued due to the fee arrears. After receiving the transfers, she has been attending school because I paid her fees on time. I am no longer concerned about her education because I can now pay her monthly tuition. In addition to fees, the recent transfers have also enabled me to purchase some iron sheets for the construction of a house. I had one, but it collapsed many years ago and since then I have been seeking shelter from neighbors at night. I resolved to buy some iron sheets every month until I have enough to start the construction. I will be happier having my own home where I can live peacefully rather than relying on the homes of my neighbors. I also used part of the transfer to purchase foodstuffs such as maize flour and $5 to purchase two chickens, which I am currently keeping on my homestead. I can also rely on the chickens to pay for my granddaughter's fees as she continues with her studies.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
One of my son’s got married last December, and since he did not have a house, I let his new family occupy my house. Although it has two rooms, I do not feel comfortable sharing the space with them, which makes me seek shelter from other relatives’ places at night. Honestly, am suffering and need a new house as soon as possible. I wish to construct a two-room house, with mud walls and a tin roof in the next year. To begin with, I would be happy if I bought the building materials and then hire someone later to complete the project. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am grateful that the cash allows me to support the education of my niece, Kanze, who is now in grade seven. Her mother passed away when she was an infant and I took her in, where I have been responsible for her well-being to date. Things were tougher before the cash aid as I could not work to meet her needs fully, and she used to miss classes a lot. Thankfully, I am now able to clear her tuition fee. Recently, I paid $7 towards settling a debt that had been carried forward from last year. I bought a hen worth $8. I paid $10 on medication for my leg, which has been nursing a wound from three months ago after it was pricked by a thorn. As we had slept hungry the previous night, I spent the rest on food. In January, the wound on my leg was still fresh and I spent every penny to have it operated on and remove the throne. The cash received in December went towards buying food for Christmas and we made merry with my family who had visited from Mombasa. 
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have had this plan for a very long time, but my lack of funds prevented me from completing it previously. I would like to have at least four chickens by the end of the year. With one already, my goal is to use the next transfers to acquire more and expand the flock. When these birds grow, I'll be able to sell them to buy goats, which I'll then sell to raise funds for a new house for myself. My current house is in poor condition and could collapse at any time.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought my family's (I and two kids) food with a sizable portion of the $30 I received in transfer. I became the family's sole provider after my husband passed away. After the drought began, I stopped farming for a living and have had trouble providing for my family. I currently make a living by selling rarely purchased firewood. Along with purchasing food, I also had to pay the tuition for my two daughters who attend Ikanga Primary School. They accumulated enormous debts in unpaid school fees before paying the fees, which prevented them from being sent home. The fact that they remained in class and are continuing to learn uninterrupted makes me happy. Finally, as a future investment, I purchased two hens for $4. I'm excited to see the hens grow in number and increase my initial investment in them.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I love how Give Directly does their enrolment without being bias. Unlike other Organizations, the financial support from GiveDirectly is unique in that we are given the freedom to choose how to spend our transfers and are well educated on the safety of our money. Some of us could not operate phones but with the help of field officers, we were able to use them. In my opinion, this is what GiveDirectly does well. So far I haven't noticed any area that need to be improved but incase I come acroos I willl notify you by calling the hotline number
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We are experiencing climate change that have affected crop farming, we don't experience enough rain as used to thus this has led to bad harvest. Providing for my family has been a hard nut to crack because am forced to buy all types food daily which is costly, for example things like maize and vegetables we could get from the farm but now we are buying. I do not have any source of income but depend on small scale farming, thus we depend on my son for financial support. He is employed as a casual laborer(looking after my neighbour's animals), though the income he gets is very little thus not enough to sustain us. I am happy that part of my transfers enabled me to buy enough food for my family since this was my major need. I also saved kes 2000 because I am planning to spend it on buying a goat. I thought of starting a goat keeping project since it's easy to manage and I am now aged, hence cannot engage myself in physical jobs. In addition, this project is a financial security since I will sell some in case a financial crisis crops up.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was swept by a wave of excitement the moment I confirmed the receipt of my transfer. I had been waiting for this money with eager anticipation to alleviate my family's problem of food insecurity. Words cannot express how grateful I am to Give Directly for providing me with financial assistance.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Prior to the transfer, I would borrow maize flour from relatives in order to prepare meals for my family. Things improved after receiving the cash assistance. The funds were sufficient to purchase food for nearly three weeks. I'm relieved that we no longer have to borrow food.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I rely on my son to provide for the family's basic needs because I am unable to actively participate in any job due to my advanced age. To make a living, they rely on temporary jobs such as digging foundation trenches for houses. It is difficult to predict when they will send money home because they survive on hand-to-mouth tasks. They always call me on bad days to tell me about their misfortunes. This is when I ask for food assistance from relatives, promising to repay them later. To minimize such situations in the future, I prioritized purchasing food with the entire transfer amount (KES 1,200).
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
At 65 years of age and still seeking refuge in my son's house is culturally wrong in our community. My family members frequently question me about it, always asking when I will have my own house. This affects me psychologically. I intend to reclaim my dignity by building my own house. I will use these transfers to build myself a house. It will approximately cost 20,000 KES. Owning a house will be my source of respect and pride.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The last quarter of 2021 was miserable. It was very dry, all the water points in our community dried up. The available water source was 3km away. I used to bathe once per day to minimize water consumption. Luckily, December was a month of blessings. It rained so heavily. All the water pans got filled with water.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am 64 years old widow. To cater to my needs, I used to do charcoal burning until I was diagnosed with tuberculosis. I was discouraged from doing manual jobs. This has left me struggling to earn an income. I greatly depend on my son who works as a casual laborer ( taking care of neighbor's livestock).