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Newsfeed > Jimmy's Profile
Jimmy's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES
access_time 6 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving our second transfer, my wife and I immediately decided to allocate the funds towards expanding our business ventures, including our roasted meat and palm wine sales, as well as enhancing my wife's grocery store, therefore, we used the entire amount of $550. Recognizing the growing demand in the market, we saw this as a crucial opportunity to not only meet the needs of our customers but also to secure a more stable financial future for our family. Prior to this, our income was severely limited, barely reaching $50 a month from our small business. With four children to support, two of whom are currently enrolled in school, it was a constant struggle to make ends meet. Expanding our businesses became impossible as we grappled with the challenges of providing for our family's basic needs and covering our children's educational expenses. The lack of financial resources made it difficult to ensure a comfortable standard of living and invest in our children's future. However, with the additional funds from the transfer, we were able to not only improve our businesses but also alleviate some of the financial burden weighing on our shoulders. This opportunity has given us renewed hope and determination to break free from the constraints of poverty and create a better life for our family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
From my perspective, GiveDirectly has truly excelled in its mission to uplift individuals like myself. Their approach to distributing unconditional funds has been nothing short of remarkable, as it significantly boosted my income without any discrimination. The transparency throughout the process was particularly impressive; there were no hidden agendas or unclear procedures, allowing me to fully trust in the organization's efforts. I couldn't find any areas that needed improvement because GiveDirectly seemed to have covered all bases flawlessly. Their commitment to transparency not only instilled confidence in me but also showcased their dedication to making a difference in people's lives. Thanks to GiveDirectly's unwavering support, I've been able to experience tangible improvements in my financial state, and for that, I am immensely grateful.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, my main objective is to expand my business ventures significantly. I aim to upgrade my shop to a larger space and also venture into the business of owning rental properties. To achieve this, I have implemented a rigorous savings plan, setting aside a minimum of $39 every week. It's been incredibly fulfilling to witness the progress in my finances, especially considering the struggles we faced in the past. Previously, financial constraints were a constant source of stress and uncertainty for me. But now, with a clear goal in mind and a dedicated savings culture, I feel more optimistic about the future than ever before. I am excited to see my efforts pay off as I work towards realizing my dreams of expanding my business and securing a more stable financial future for myself and my loved ones.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($343 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Within our household, my wife and I reside with our 7 children. 4 of them are my biological offspring, while the remaining 3 are children of my late sister, who passed away 4 years ago. I assumed guardianship of my late sister's children, as they had no one else to care for them. Among the 7 children, there are 5 girls and 2 boys. Currently, they all share a single room, which is far from ideal, particularly as some of them are entering their teenage years. Providing separate rooms would afford them the privacy they need as they continue to grow. My wife is currently unemployed, while I earn a living as a local palm wine vendor. However, my earning are barely enough adequately provide for our family and building a house. Therefore, I allocated $420 of the transfer to construct a 2-bedroom house, as our current dwelling is insufficient for all of us. Though the house is still under construction, once completed, it will afford our family the necessary privacy. Seeing the house in progress excites all of us and we are eagerly waiting for its completion so that the kids can move in have their privacy. Additionally, I spent $130 to connect water to our home. Currently, we do not have running water, and my wife faces considerable challenges in fetching water from a distant source.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Due to the limited income from my local palm wine vending, I faced challenges in providing for my family and saving for both water connection and a house. This burden weighed heavily on me, but GiveDirectly lightened it with their transfer. Now, as the house construction progresses and we await approval for the water connection, my earnings comfortably cover our family's daily essentials. This brings us immense happiness, and we are deeply grateful. Soon, my wife will no longer need to trek long distances in search of water, freeing up her energy for more constructive activities that contribute to our family's well-being
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had traveled to a nearby town, approximately a 2-hour drive from my home, to undertake some casual work for the day in hopes of earning a little extra money for my family. Around 5pm, while engaged in my tasks, a notification appeared on my phone. Upon opening it, I discovered that GiveDirectly had sent us money. Immediately, I called my wife to share the wonderful news and she received them with immense joy. It had been quite some time since we had encountered such uplifting news, which rekindled our spirits and reminded us of life's wonders. In our household, I live with my wife and 7 children. Among them, 4 are my biological children, and 3 are the children of my late sister, who passed away 4 years ago. I assumed responsibility for my late sisters' children as they had no one else to care for them. Among the 7 children, there are 5 girls and 2 boys. They currently share a single room, which isn't ideal, especially considering that some of them are entering their teenage years. Providing separate rooms would afford them the privacy they need as they continue to grow. My wife is currently unemployed, and I earn a living as a local palm wine vendor. However, our earnings are modest and do not suffice for adequately providing for our family and building a house.
access_time 10 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Health issues has been a challenge for me. I used to own a barber shop at the trading centre and it was booming very well. I used to make at least $7 per day. I fell sick and I was indoors for four months. That made me unable to work and my business closed up . I am happy I am now okay but I am still struggling with accessing job since I lack capital to revive my business.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My wife was expectant and delivered a baby girl without any complications. I do not take it for granted because other people lost their lives during birth. I am happy that my family number increased. This also means more respect to me in the community.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am a father of four children and a husband of one wife. I do casual jobs and the wife is a subsistence farmer though on small scale. I used to own a barber shop and it was a nice business for me making approximately $7 per day. I fell sick and closed the business so since then I have been struggling with life. The income I make through casual jobs is little to cater for all my family necessities. I will use $400 to restart my barber shop business at the trading centre. The market is good since there is no even a single barber shop in the whole location. I intend to make $5 for a start per day. This will be a sustainable source of income for me. I will also use $300 to add one room for the children to use. I have a grown daughter and she needs privacy. The remaining amount will help my wife to start a grocery business at the trading centre.