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Newsfeed > Margaret's Profile
Margaret's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($294 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I aspire to start goat rearing. I aim to acquire five goats, estimating the cost at $250. To gather this sum, I plan to explore various casual jobs, such as shopkeeping. This endeavour holds a promise of sustainability and growth. Each step towards raising the necessary funds feels like a stride towards a new chapter, one that holds the potential for a stable income and an opportunity to expand beyond our current means. The idea of nurturing a goat-rearing business excites me; it's not just about the initial investment but about the prospect of creating a livelihood that can support my family of five in the long run. Through dedication and hard work, I aim to turn this aspiration into a thriving reality.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been an incredible force in uplifting lives through its transfers. For my family of five, the impact was tangible—we were able to construct a solid house, providing us with the security and comfort we lacked before. Reflecting on the organization's operations, everything about their approach seems effective and impactful. From the way they distribute transfers to their support structure, there is a sense of reliability and efficiency that truly empowers recipients. At present, I find myself in a stable and comfortable position, largely due to the assistance I have received. From my perspective, there is little that needs changing in the way GiveDirectly operates. Their methods have proven effective in making a genuine difference in people's lives, like mine, and I am hopeful their impactful work continues for others who need it.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When the funds arrived, it felt like a beacon of hope in the midst of challenges, and I made careful decisions to improve my family's life. I allocated $100 for building frames and $70 for the construction of a new house. The mud-walled dwelling we lived in was small and hard to maintain, so I invested in a 2-room house to provide a better living space for my family of five. Recognizing the importance of financial security, I also allocated $200 towards a Merry Go Round chama, fostering a savings and support network within the community. Sensibly, $50 went into purchasing maize, while $10 went towards repaying debt, ensuring we manage our finances responsibly. The remainder of the funds were used for household goods, enhancing our daily lives. However, our livelihood still depends on the firewood business, which sustains us. Despite the challenges, these investments are steps towards a better life for my family, providing not only shelter but also financial stability and community support.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Given the harsh climatic conditions we face, many of our farming activities, on which we heavily rely, are quite unreliable at the moment. Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, my goal is to enhance my livestock venture by purchasing indigenous goats that have proven to thrive in our region. Goat farming is a lucrative project with a consistent market, providing a safety net for my family when subsistence farming fails and aiding in the payment of school fees for my three children. To start this venture, I hope to acquire five goats initially and later breed them with the hope of selling their offspring in the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is truly doing a remarkable job with its financial support. What stands out is their unbiased approach – they visit every household, enroll them, and direct the same amount to their accounts, ensuring fairness. The freedom they provide in how we use the cash transfer has empowered everyone to tackle the pressing challenges in their households. The impact is visible in every home, leading to a significant transformation throughout the entire village. I can't fault the project in any way; in fact, I hope it can extend its reach to all other villages facing similar challenges, like the drought and famine we endured. This kind of support would make a world of difference elsewhere, as it has here.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single mother of three, providing for my children and meeting their needs has always been a challenging task. This has often slowed down other development goals I had in mind, as I had to focus on the essentials most of the time. For over a decade, we have been living in a small room made of mud walls and iron sheets for a roof. As my family has grown, I have felt the pressing need to build a new, more comfortable home where my children can study and sleep comfortably at night. I am thankful for the support from GiveDirectly, which enabled me to purchase all the necessary materials, totaling $346. These materials include 27 iron sheets, round building poles, nails, and frames, all ready for the labor force that will work on the construction. Additionally, I acquired a sack of maize and other household food items worth $72 for my family of four, spent $5 on toiletries, and cleared a $20 debt I had with the local shop, where I used to obtain goods on credit when I didn't have any funds. I have set aside the remaining $110, which I plan to use to oversee the construction progress and cover labor charges.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($141 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was filled with lots of joy when I received a message from GiveDirectly while I was at home with my four children. The excitement within me was great, and I couldn't resist sharing the news with my little ones right after reading through it. Although their young age made it difficult for them to fully get the significance of my excitement, they could sense that it was a moment of celebration. Since it was already 4:00 p.m., I had to wait until the next morning to collect the money, which I did at the nearby shopping center.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant transformation in my day-to-day existence is the abundant availability of essential food items and the ability to provide my children with new clothing, which was previously unaffordable due to the income I earned from casual labor. Typically, I would only manage to earn $2 per day, although such opportunities were scarce, and dividing it among our other basic household needs was always inadequate. I am profoundly grateful for the support received, as it has revolutionized our household, granting us the opportunity to share hearty meals and find joy in the simple act of coming together as a family of five each evening.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Having faced financial constraints, I used to buy food in small quantities, resulting in high costs. However, upon receiving the recent transfer from GiveDirectly, ensuring an adequate food supply for my family of five became my top priority. I allocated $105 to essential food items, such as a 90-kg bag of dry maize grains, 10 kg of beans, cooking oil, tea leaves, wheat flour, and 5kg of sugar. Transporting these provisions home cost me $1 for a motorcycle service. Additionally, I spent $5 on toiletries and $29 on school uniforms for my son. Moreover, I took him to the hospital for a check-up, using $15 to cover the examination fees and medication. To secure additional income and ensure a sustainable future, I invested $9 in acquiring three chickens, which I am currently raising and plan to expand. Furthermore, I settled a $20 debt with a nearby shop, where I had obtained food on credit, expressing my gratitude for their patience. To weed my millet farm, I hired five workers, paying them a total of $15 for their diligent efforts. The generous support from GiveDirectly has significantly relieved my daily struggles and improved access to essential resources.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The transfers have come at an opportune time when I need it the most. This is because there is a high cost of living which has made it impossible to purchase all basic needs. Therefore, for the first transfers I plan to purchase foodstuffs for my family. I will buy a bag of maize and 30kgs of beans which will cost me about $100. I will also use the remaining amount for a purchase of other basic needs such as cooking oil, T-leaves, and sugar at about $40. For the remaining amount I intend to purchase clothes for my children and me since the clothes we have are old and torn. For the second and third transfers, I plan to build myself a house. I will use about $600 of the transfers to accomplish this. This is important because the house we are currently leaving is made of mud and is small. Through the transfers, I will have a spacious house to live in. For the remaining amount, I intend to buy 5 goats at $40 each. This will provide me with a source of money in the future since I don't have any assets currently.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The aspect that brings me joy is waking up in the morning healthy. This delights me because I can go to work on other people's farms to provide for my family. My children's wellbeing also makes me very happy since I don't have to take them to hospital which might also be a burden for me whenever they are sick.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My main challenge at the moment is housing. After I separated from my husband I came back home to my father who gave me one of his houses. However, he has told me that I need to look for another place to live with my children which is a challenge for me since I'm struggling to provide for them. In addition to this, I don't have enough food for my family. This has worsened because of the high cost of living which has made it impossible to purchase maize and other foodstuffs. We are forced to go hungry sometimes and even eat one meal a day which might not be enough. It saddens me so much to see my children going hungry without food.