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Newsfeed > Sophia's Profile
Sophia's family
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($285 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For the past two years, we've dreamed of starting a posho mill business, but with no job and staying at home taking care of our three children, it seemed unachievable. My husband, a elementary school teacher, he worked hard to provide for us, but his income mostly coverered our daily needs. Despite this, three months before receiving my second transfer from GiveDirectly, we began a saving plan, eventually setting aside $300. When I received $450 from GiveDirectly, we saw an opportunity to finally make our dream a reality. Combining this with our savings, we had a total of $750 to invest. We didn't hesitate; we rented a shop for $15, bought a milling machine for $700, and used the remaining $35 for the machine's installation. We chose to invest in this business because there are few posho mills in our local center, and with maize being a staple food in our area, where Ugali (a maize flour meal) is the main dish, we saw great potential for steady customers. We are deeply grateful to GiveDirectly for their support, which has helped us take a significant step towards achieving our long-term dream.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I'm happy GiveDirectly kept the promise they made to us during Baraza (Community meeting) to support us. They talked about the organization, helping us understand what they do. This made us aware of their work and showed us they were genuine. The officers who spoke to us were respectful and communicated well. There was no involvement in politics, and they treated everyone fairly and without discrimination. I genuinely hope GiveDirectly continues doing this amazing work, reaching out and touching more lives. Their approach and the respect they showed us set them apart.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I finished my education at the high school level, where I achieved a grade C in my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, I couldn't proceed to college. Instead, I got married and am now a proud mom to three wonderful children. Despite this, I've always had the dream of furthering my education by pursuing a teaching program in college.My husband has agreed to finance my college education. We've decided to wait until our youngest child, who is currently one year old, is a bit older. Then, I plan to go back to school to realize my long-held dream of becoming a teacher. My goal is to secure a job afterward, which will enable me to support my husband with our family's expenses.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($130 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the recent windfall of $200, I embarked on a mission to elevate the ambiance of my home. The first stop was a furniture store, where I carefully selected sofa sets to breathe new life into my living space. Next on the list were curtains, adding a touch of warmth and personality to each room. Satisfied with the transformation underway, practicality took the reins as I stocked my kitchen with provisions, ensuring a bounty of delicious meals. Yet, a long-held desire surfaced, and with a sense of fulfillment, I welcomed a new addition to my household – a goat, symbolizing both sustenance and a personal milestone achieved.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The seismic shift in my life echoes the day GiveDirectly's payment landed in my hands. The once humble abode now stands transformed, adorned with newfound comfort. The living room breathes with the elegance of newly acquired furniture, a testament to the change rippling through my world. As the winds of fortune blew, they carried not just material wealth but a symbolic addition – a goat, now grazing in my backyard. A creature I never dreamt of owning, it symbolizes more than sustenance; it embodies a journey from scarcity to unexpected abundance, a tangible testament to the profound change that has graced my life.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
On the path to the river, a mundane journey transformed into a momentous occasion as $200 unexpectedly graced my life. The novelty of such a sum stirred an unfamiliar joy within me. Grinning, I paused to absorb the weight of this newfound fortune. Instantly, thoughts shifted to possibilities – not grand, but immediate and essential. My focus honed in on securing a hearty meal, turning a routine day into a memorable celebration of unexpected abundance.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of water is a big problem. We cannot survive without water, even the livestock struggle a lot. We fetch water 2kms away, on our backs. It's mainly women who take up this role. The task is quite challenging especially with high quantity of water needed and distance covered to collect. This has really affected my ability to focus on other things. Without water we cannot feed our family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We plant grass, currently own a 2 acre piece of land with grass. We harvest the seeds and sell to other farmers. This supports our income, and the livestock feed on the grass. It makes me happy seeing my green land.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Poultry do well here, I have about 5 hens now. We plan to build a good structure for the chicken. The structure will cost about $100. Plan to buy 30 chicks, it will cost about $150. They will keep growing and support our family income. It's easy maintaining them since there's hardly any diseases in our place due to the long sunshine experience. The area is also very dry, making it conducive for poultry farming. Additionally, we also need chicken feeds and food for our family. Will spend $200 on this, that will give us stability for more than 3 months. Plan to invest in maize farming. Since we don't have our own farm we'll hire a 2 acre land for irrigation around Lake Baringo. The water is enough and reliable. The cost of such of a project is high, we plan to set aside $600. That's for pumping water, seeds, labour among other costs. The investment is worthy since it will give us food security and also some extra income from maize sales.