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Newsfeed > Targok's Profile
Targok's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I look ahead to the coming year, my primary goal is to expand my herbal business. It is not just about growing profits; it is about securing enough to ensure that my family of four has enough to sustain themselves. While age has caught up with me, I am determined to make the most of what I have. The plan is to rely on the profits generated from the herbal business to support our household. But I am not alone in this endeavor. I am fortunate to have the support of my children. Their assistance will be crucial, especially as I navigate the challenges that come with age. Even though age might bring certain limitations, it also brings wisdom and experience. I intend to leverage these qualities to make informed decisions and steer the business toward success. My ambition to expand the business is not just for financial gain; it is about securing a better future for my family. With dedication, perseverance, and the unwavering support of my loved ones, I am confident that we will achieve our goals and create a prosperous future together.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The transfers I received have been an absolute game-changer, lifting my life in ways I could not have imagined. In my community, this change is palpable and seen as a true upliftment of life. Personally, these transfers have empowered me to open and expand my business, ensuring that my family of four has enough to thrive. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity these transfers have given me. They have not just provided financial aid; they've offered hope, empowerment, and a chance for a better future. I am excited to continue this journey of growth and prosperity for myself, my family, and our community, and I therefore hope that GiveDirectly replicates this approach in other communities, as it has so far been good.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving those transfers was an unexpected blessing that brought new possibilities for my family's livelihood. With the money in hand, I carefully deliberated on how to allocate it. The first priority was securing food for my family of four, so $70 went into purchasing maize. It was a relief to know that we would not have to worry about going hungry, at least for a while. The next investment was significant—$200 for a heifer. Not having one before, I understood the immense value a cow could bring to our lives. From providing milk for our family's nourishment to the potential of breeding or selling, this heifer was an investment in our future stability. Furthermore, $100 was dedicated to boosting our shop's business. This venture is our primary source of income, and enhancing it felt like a strategic move. However, I made a conscious decision to save the remainder of the transfers. In an unpredictable economy and livelihood that depends on herbal businesses, having savings for unforeseen circumstances or opportunities felt like a wise decision. Our family's reliance on herbal businesses for income makes us deeply appreciative of these transfers. They have provided a significant uplift, injecting hope and renewed vigor into our entrepreneurial endeavors. I am hopeful that these strategic investments will pave the way for a more stable and prosperous future for my family, sustaining our livelihood through our herbal businesses.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($301 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I've decided to invest in a chain-link fence for my farm. My neighbor's animals have been causing damage and encroaching on my land. It's quite distressing. A good fence will clearly mark the boundaries and prevent further encroachments. I'm also planning to expand my livestock. It seems like a smart move for long-term stability. If managed well, livestock can be a sustainable source of income. And with a sturdy fence in place, it creates a secure environment for them to thrive. I'm not stopping there; I'm getting a water tank too. Water scarcity is an issue here, so storing water during the rainy season makes sense. It's not only for my household needs but also contributes to the overall self-sufficiency of the farm. In a nutshell, I'm strategically investing in infrastructure and livestock to build a more resilient and prosperous future for myself. It's about addressing immediate challenges and setting the stage for long-term security.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In the wake of GiveDirectly's direct trust and the financial responsibility it bestowed upon us, our ability to manage funds has experienced a noteworthy enhancement. The infusion of financial support has enabled me to strategically address pressing needs that were acting as barriers to sustaining the positive changes in our lifestyle. Previously, our circumstances often bore the mark of scarcity, but with the assistance from GiveDirectly, there's a palpable renewal of motivation and a resolute commitment to forging a better life. We're confronting challenges with heightened spirits and a newfound determination, confidently stepping into a future we're actively shaping.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The decision to invest $300 in constructing a business store has provided a stable and undisturbed location for my herb-selling venture and has also significantly improved the efficiency of my operations. Before, I found myself constantly on the move, navigating from one location to another, which posed logistical challenges that led to fatigue. Now, with a dedicated business space, I can serve my customers better, streamline my processes, and focus on growing my business without the hassles of constant relocation. Allocating $100 to purchase food was a deliberate choice to ensure the sustenance and well-being of my household. This investment not only addresses immediate needs but also contributes to the overall stability of my family. It's a step toward creating a more secure and comfortable living environment. In addition to securing the essentials, I directed $50 towards expanding my assets by acquiring a goat. This strategic move isn't just about livestock; it's an investment in the potential for breeding and future sales. Livestock, especially when managed well, offers a sustainable source of income and can contribute to long-term financial growth. This thoughtful and strategic allocation of funds reflects a vision for both immediate stability and future financial prosperity.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($140 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The happiness that swept over me when my son informed me about the text message from GiveDirectly, informing us of the received funds, is beyond words. I can still recall being at home, unwinding, when my son approached me with this wonderful update. The cash transfer, administered without bias, stands as a testament to equal treatment and respect for all, and I am deeply appreciative of it.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life originates from the financial aid I obtained. This support has enabled me to effortlessly procure crucial food provisions and enhance the scope of my ongoing business venture. These pursuits were once out of reach due to financial constraints. Presently, I am brimming with hope as I strive to establish myself as a recognized herbalist, a prospect that fills me with profound joy and contentment. I will forever hold dear the gift that has utterly transformed my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the transfer, my immediate priority was to acquire an additional goat to complement the ones I already had. I recognized its potential for multiplication, offering a valuable resource in times of emergencies, and so I spent $50 towards this endeavor. Previously, such aspirations appeared unattainable due to our limited income being largely allocated to essential needs like food. As a widow residing with my two sons and grandchildren, I sustain our household through farming and a herbal medicine business. Unfortunately, the unpredictable regional weather often hindered our earnings, dependent on rainfall. With the remaining $100, I secured essential food supplies, a task that would have been insurmountable without the cash transfer, and allocated the final $50 to bolster my business. I am profoundly thankful for your support, as it has significantly elevated our quality of life.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers means so much to me. Since we don't have plenty of food, I plan to purchase a bag of maize at $60. This will ensure that we have enough food for the rest of the year until the next harvest. My children bought me a water tank which unfortunately broke. Through the transfers, I plan to purchase a bigger water tank at about $200. This will ensure that I can fetch rain water when it rains and I will also have water for domestic use and for my livestock. For the remaining transfers, I plan to fence my farm. I plan to use about $450 to accomplish this. Fencing will help me a lot since I have had some quarrels with my neighbor who keeps moving my boundary making my land smaller. Through the transfers, I will live comfortably knowing that no one intrudes into my land. In addition to this, I will also buy a few goats to add to the herd I currently have. The goats will be a form of future investment.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I draw my happiness from my children. I wake up every morning delighted that my children don't disturb me in any negative way but always offer me support whenever I need it. Especially now that I'm old, there are things I cannot do for myself. Their support brings me joy always.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I'm old and don't have a lot of challenges at the moment. However, I'm faced with a dire need for money. Because of old age, I can't work which has led me to depend on my few goats which are not enough to cater to my grandchildren's needs and my own. I have three grandchildren Purity, Vivian, and Kiptoo whom I pay school fees since ai don't have enough money has made my life very difficult since I feel stressed whenever they are sent home to collect school fees.