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Newsfeed > Amos's Profile
Amos's family
Janitor/porter (works for others)
FSD / Urban Youth
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14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($40 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my transfer on paying back a loan which I have been servicing on a monthly basis. I bought a motorcycle on a hire purchase basis since I did not have the money to pay once. I also got the courage for it because of the transfers. The rest of the transfers, I have saved to help me in paying for the next instalments. I would not want to default paying because they would take the motorcycle. The savings can also help me in other needs that may arise before I get my next transfers.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
The only plan I have for the transfers is to keep on paying for the motorcycle. It is my desire to finish paying for it as soon as possible with the transfers. This is a project I started with GD transfers and it would be my pleasure to fully own it because it will remind me about GD.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before the transfers, I only dreamed of having a business. I did not know where and how to get money to kick-start my business ideas. I tried going for loans and without a stable income, I could not get a loan. Since I had very little income, I was not even able to save because the little I used to get from casual work in my area, I would use on my daily needs. When I started getting my transfers, I saved for the first three months and used it to pay for motorcycle deposit. Right now, I have the motorcycle which I use as my source of income and with the little I get on a daily basis, I save and add to my transfers to help me clear the balance I have. I now have hope for the future because of these transfers.
12th Payment
Transfer Amount
3997 KES ($39 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my transfer on savings. I will use the savings to boost my PlayStation business which is picking up well in my area. I started the business with part of my transfer from GD and I feel I can earn more when I have two of them. This is why I am saving my transfers to buy another one.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
Currently, I have a new goal of finding enough money to rent a business premise. I am operating the business from my house since I am not able to pay business rent with the resources from the business.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have made a very big financial step since I started receiving my transfers from GD. This is because I did not have any kind of income before the transfers. I used to rely on the help and casual work in my area for my survival. I used to see my friends make a difference with their lives but for me, I was stagnant. When I started receiving my transfers and used it to buy a PlayStation, I have been inviting my neighbours to play which has been my income. Right now I am financially stable which has brought a lot of difference in my life. I no longer beg or seek for help as before. Thanks to GD because when I get a good business premise, I will be much better than I am now.
7th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($49 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used the last cash transfers to buy new clothes to add to the already existing clothes in my closet. I felt that my drawer was full of old clothes which needed a facelift and so that is why my first option was to go for new clothes. The total budget for the new clothes was approximately 2000 KES. I also spent approximately 1500 KES on buying food so that I do not have to go hungry as I struggle to make ends meet in my life. Whatever remained after all these expenditures went into my savings account.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life?
I want to start operating a play station business which will generate some income for me going into the future. According to the research I have done so far, I was able to establish that I need a total of around 40000 KES to launch the business. With time, I am sure I will be able to have this business up and running.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been using this amount of money to pay my rent efficiently unlike how I used to have abnormal arrears in the past. There are times I used to stay for up to three months without paying my monthly rent because I do not have a reliable source of income which I can depend on to pay the rent charges in good time.
4th Payment
Transfer Amount
5000 KES ($50 USD)
access_time over 5 years ago
Describe the moment when you started receiving transfers. How did you feel?
It was eight o'clock in the morning when I received my first transfer. I was very happy since I had not paid my rent for the past two months, I knew that I will pay him using my transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spend my most recent transfer to pay rent since I did not have any other source of income to pay the rent. I also bought food which will last me for a month since the money I get from casual jobs is little and could not meet all my basic needs. I also saved the remaining amount since I am planning to revive my movie shop business which collapsed last year.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is that I no longer to buy food and pay rent as I used to do in the past. Before I received my transfer, I was depending on casual jobs such as fetching and selling water to my neighbors and the money I got was little. At times I could sleep hungry when I did not get money to buy food. I am now happy since I have enough food in my house and can pay rent in time.
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
My goal is to revive my video shop business which I used to do in the past. Since I started receiving my transfers, I have been saving part of the money so as to revive the business in future. This business will be a source of income to meet my basic needs.
access_time almost 6 years ago
Describe your usual day. How do you spend your time?
I wake up in the morning, take a shower and leave for training at the Kenya Youth Empowerment Program that starts at 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. After training I go meet up with my group members, or incase am called for any work I go attend to it. At night I chat with friends over phone, listen to music and can sleep at around 11:00pm. When I am free, I watch movies, listen to music, fetch water for people at a price, or go to our base to catch up with friends.
What are your greatest ambitions?
I want my two businesses to be successful, the movie shop and play station. These are the only two businesses that I like. I had previously failed in my movie shop but I am ready to pick myself up and do it again, over and over again. I want to have a bright future together with my family.
Describe your biggest worry.
My top concern is housing, I worry alot when it comes to end month and I do not have money for rent, since I am a casual worker and am never certain of getting work to do.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I will first save the money. My target is to run a play station and to boost the business that I used to have of selling movies. For now I will go on with life as usual as I save. Secondly, I used to have a movie shop, but I had to close it. There was no flow of customers, the place was insecure and I did not have enough knowledge on how to run it. But know I have acquired skills and knowledge on how best I can operate and I know I can start it again and even put up a play station. Income from these businesses will improve my life. I can move to a bigger house, buy household goods and also support my brother in any way I can. Lastly, I will use the money to pay house rent especially on months when I do not get enough income.