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Newsfeed > Faith's Profile
Faith's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($430 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Our land is prone to draughts, and rain can take up to four months to fall. Getting up early and walking to and from the river to collect water has been time-consuming and expensive to buy from the water vendors. I am currently working as a nurse in a nearby hospital, and I rarely have time to go fetch water after work. To combat this, I decided to invest in water reservoirs, purchasing an additional 3000-liter plastic water tank for $180 to supplement the initial 4000-liter one. During rainy seasons, I collect enough rainwater from the roof to last my family of five and the livestock for more than two months. I am glad we have been getting a lot of rain lately, and I am enjoying having clean water right outside my door. I also used some of the remaining funds to pay off debts incurred as a result of the installation of a biogas system, which has significantly reduced the cost of fuel in my household. I had been paying the installation agency $60 per month, and I currently have a balance of $360 that I hope to clear by June of this year. In addition, I spent the remaining funds on food shopping and new clothes for my three children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly faithfully fulfilled all of the promises they made to us during the community gathering and enrollment. I was eager to learn more about the program in its initial stages, and knowing that they intended to support the entire village was encouraging. No one was forcibly removed from the program, but the clear communication by the officers was enough to guide us on the requirements. They later gave us the authority to spend our money as we saw fit. I am grateful for the support, which I hope can be extended to other villages.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the current projects and the monthly payment for the biogas installation, I hope to make timely payments every month in order to avoid penalties. Along with the installments I am making, I would like to begin the construction of a new kitchen, the materials for which are already on hand. I have been saving money for the construction and purchasing materials in bits, which I am glad are now all available. The construction will begin once I have saved enough for the labor costs, and hopefully, it will be completed within the next four months.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($471 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a nurse and mother of four, a girl and three boys. My husband also works as a ready-made clothes businessman. From our income, we get to pay school fees and fend for the family. Before GiveDirectly, I had just moved into a new house. During the moving process, my 3000 liters water tank was broken. As a result, water storage has been my main challenge. This is because as a nurse fetching water after work was quite tiresome. Therefore, upon the arrival of my transfers, I spent KES 18,000 on 2,500 liters water tank. This can store water for up to three months and I am grateful I no longer have to ferry water on my back. Secondly, I spent KES 10,000 on 20 chicken layers and 10 chick layers. I also spent KES 3500 on wire mesh to secure poultry from straying especially while I am at work. Earlier I was a poultry farmer but lost my chicken to the chicken disease. Thirdly, I spent KES 13,000 on payment of school for my kids in a Montessori academy school. This is because I normally experience salary delays but GiveDirectly came on time. Fourthly, I spent KES 2,500 on the latest clothing fashion for my kids. This is because they had heard and seen other kids beautifully dressed as a result of GiveDirectly transfers. For the rest, I spent KES 7,000 on food and household items. This has helped reduce house expenses, and my salary has been diverted to other projects.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I received the transfers is the purchase of a water tank. This is after the wear and tear of the previous one. This forced me to fetch water from the nearby river and this was quite cumbersome. Secondly, I have paid school fees for my kids instead of using my salary. I have directed it to other projects.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 8 am just after taking my kids to school. That's when I checked my phone, lo and behold I had received KES 55,000 from GiveDirectly. I was very happy and showed my husband the message and we both celebrated.
access_time 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial instability is my biggest challenge and this is often occasioned by delayed salaries from my employer. I am employed by the County Government of Bomet as a nurse and my salary can delay for 3-4 months. This puts me in an awkward situation where I am forced to borrow money which sometimes comes with high-interest rates. I cannot leave my job because securing another is not easy. All I have to do is to persevere and hope that things will change for the better.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Last month I harvested 9-bags of maize from my 1.2-acre piece of land. This made me happy because it has been long since I got such a yield from the same portion of land
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Poultry farming has been one of my desires ever since I got married in the year 2012. I had a flock of 100 chicken but last year, they all died of infectious disease because I never followed the vaccination schedule to the later. Losing the entire flock was a painful experience and given another chance I will not repeat the mistake I made. I intend to spend KES 10000 to buy 100 chicks each costing KES 100. I also plan to use another KES 10000 to put up a modern spacious structure for the same. Receiving this money will give me another opportunity to start a poultry farming business once again.