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Newsfeed > Paulinah's Profile
Paulinah's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($344 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I was married in a location where insecurity was rampant, with a lot of community conflict, and we ended up displaced. Sadly, I lost my husband nine years ago. I returned home with my children, and my brother gave me an acre of land near the river. I have seen people here plant tomatoes and get good harvests, and I see vehicles from brokers come and buy the produce from the fields. If I get the money, I plan to invest in growing tomatoes. Although I don't know where to get the capital, I believe God will open a way.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is an honest organization that fulfilled all their promises about the transfers. Their officers handled enrollment without involving any other party, making the process free and fair. By giving us the money directly from donors, they ensured it reached a larger number of targeted individuals. Unlike other organizations where support only gets to a few people, with GiveDirectly, almost everyone benefits except a few who did not qualify. I would encourage the organization to consider giving job opportunities to our educated children, as most are jobless. This would also contribute to the overall growth of the targeted communities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used to work as a cook at a nearby school, earning $30 a month. This limited my spending to basic items, and I was trying to put my grandchildren through school. When my sister got really sick and went blind, I decided to resign from my job to take care of her. Sadly, we later lost her, and things became tough, especially raising fees for my grandchildren. With my final transfer from GiveDirectly, I decided to invest in things that would remind me of the support. I bought a cow worth $330 and a sheep worth $45. I only had four goats and wanted to add to my livestock. I didn't have a cow; having one was a blessing to us, knowing that later we wouldn't have to continue with our struggles to get milk. I live with my two grandchildren, and getting milk is tough. I have been relying on my goats, although their milk is minimal—just half a glass per goat. During the dry season, I buy milk from the shops, which sometimes I can't even afford; hence, we have to drink black tea. With the cow during lactation, I will get enough milk for us and be able to sell any surplus. I bought the sheep because they multiply quickly and are easier to manage than goats. As their numbers increase, I can sell them to support my grandchildren’s education. My two grandchildren are in day school, and I used $70 to reduce their fee arrears. One of them was at home due to unpaid fees at the time. With the remaining money, I bought some food items.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I have ambitious plans to venture into extensive farming to ensure a steady and ample food supply for my family of three. To accomplish this agricultural endeavor, I will allocate $300 towards purchasing the necessary resources and inputs. Given the importance of this farming venture, I plan to utilize the savings accumulated from my cooking job to support and complement the financial requirements. This strategic approach allows me to maximize the resources at my disposal, ensuring that the farming initiative is well-funded and has the potential for success. The goal is not only to provide for the immediate nutritional needs of my family but also to create a sustainable source of food in the long term. By investing in extensive farming, I aim to enhance our self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on external sources for our daily sustenance. I am hopeful that this venture will not only contribute to the well-being of my family but also open up opportunities for growth and financial stability. With careful planning and dedication, I anticipate a successful and fruitful year ahead as we embark on this journey into extensive farming.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The transformative impact of GiveDirectly's approach is evident in the positive changes it brings to individuals and families. The unconditionality of the transfers provides recipients with the autonomy to decide how to allocate the funds, allowing for a tailored approach that addresses specific needs and challenges. This flexibility contributes to uplifting lives in meaningful ways. As for my own experience, everything has been fine, and the assistance from GiveDirectly has been instrumental in boosting my salary from the cooking job. The additional financial support has not only alleviated immediate burdens but has also provided a foundation for greater financial stability for my family of three. The approach of GiveDirectly, with its focus on direct and unconditional support, stands out as an effective way to empower individuals to make decisions that best suit their unique circumstances. The positive impact on my financial situation is a testament to the effectiveness of this approach, and I am grateful for the support that has contributed to improving the quality of life for myself and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers marked a significant turning point in my life, and I made thoughtful allocations to enhance various aspects of my family's well-being. Recognizing the potential for sustainable income, I invested $150 in acquiring a goat, laying the foundation for future financial stability. In the spirit of the festive season, I allocated $20 to purchase clothing for my grandchildren, ensuring they could celebrate with joy and warmth. To improve our sleeping arrangements, I spent $35 on a mattress, enhancing our comfort and overall quality of  rest. Understanding the importance of agricultural endeavors, I allocated $35 for butternut seedlings, a strategic investment that aligns with my plan to sow them on my 1-acre piece of land. An additional $42 went towards maize, a staple food item that contributes to our daily sustenance. The financial prudence is evident in saving $150 and anticipating the last transfers, which will further support my family's needs. The remaining funds were wisely distributed among household goods and transport, ensuring that our day-to-day needs were met. As a family of three dependent on cooking jobs for a living, these transfers have not only eased our financial burden but have also opened up opportunities for sustainable income and growth. I am grateful for the positive impact these transfers have had on my life, uplifting our circumstances and providing a sense of stability and security for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($118 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I was returning from my job as a school cook, I received a message alert. Unable to read it, fortunately, I was walking with a neighbor who assisted in confirming the good news. The moment filled me with great joy, and I double-checked to believe it was real. On my way home, everyone I met had already heard about the money, boosting the excitement. I carefully kept my phone safe until I reached home, where I handed it to my helper. The shared joy in the community and the abstract thought of collecting the funds added a sense of communal celebration to this memorable moment, making it even more special.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly is the improvement in our well-being, marked by tangible enhancements in our daily lives through the purchase of sufficient food for my family of three. Previously, the struggle to afford meals led to skipping one or two a day, but now, I am delighted that we can enjoy all three meals while ensuring a balanced diet. This transformation in our eating habits brings a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. I appreciate GiveDirectly for their generous financial support, and I am optimistic about the positive impact the subsequent transfers will bring, enabling further improvements in our daily lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We were struggling with hunger when I received the first transfer, and our unreliable source of income made it challenging to meet household demands. As soon as I collected the money from the shopping center, I prioritized buying essential food items, spending $65 on maize, beans, and sugar for my family of three. Addressing immediate concerns, I paid $30 in school fees for my grandchild to prevent accumulating arrears. Working as a school chef, my modest salary and charcoal production, despite facing restrictions, have been crucial for sustaining my family and covering school fees. I was happy when I spent $38 on a more comfortable bed, replacing the old one we used to share with my grandkids, bringing more comfort to our nights. Transporting the purchased goods home costs $18. Additionally, I settled a $4 hospital bill for my grandchild, who had been in a fire accident, and cleared a $3 mobile money debt. The remaining amount were used to acquire other necessary household goods. This support from GiveDirectly has not only eased immediate challenges but has also brought tangible improvements to our daily lives, enhancing our overall well-being.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means financial independence. Currently, I have been employed as a school cook for the past twenty-five years and my retirement is so close. I have been using all the money I earn to raise my children and grandchildren hence I have not saved anything for future use. I plan on using the transfers to purchase a cow and goats since they do very well in this area. Due to the readily available market, it will ensure a consistent flow of income for my household and I will be able to cater to all my basic needs comfortably. I am thankful to Givedirectly for giving me another chance to make my life better than it is now.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Good health is what I am thankful to God for. With old age, comes a lot of ailments, and when I wake up each day healthy it makes me happy. It gives me the motivation to work more harder and make the lives of my grandchildren better.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food insecurity has been the biggest challenge in this area. For the past five years, I have not harvested anything from the farm despite several attempts at planting. With my age, I now rely on casual employment at a nearby school which earns me $50 a month. This amount is very little to be able to pay school fees for my two grandchildren under my care at the same time food.