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Newsfeed > Kabon's Profile
Kabon's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($276 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I plan to invest in fruit cultivation, specifically pawpaws and mangoes. These fruits thrive remarkably well in our region and have the added advantage of requiring minimal water during their growth stages. Mangoes reach maturity in about three years, offering a long-term yield, while pawpaws are remarkably fast-growing, maturing in just three months. What makes it more appealing is the ready market for these fruits. Buyers often come directly to the farm to purchase them, simplifying the selling process. This aspect of the business will significantly enhance our farm's sustainability by diversifying our sources of income. By not relying solely on livestock and the often unpredictable returns from crop production, we can alleviate the financial stress of such uncertainties. It is crucial for our family, especially when considering the school fees for our children. This diversification ensures that we have a more balanced and resilient financial foundation. It offers us the security of knowing that even if one aspect of our farming practice faces challenges, we have other income streams to rely on.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support I received from GiveDirectly was exceptional. It provided me with the means to overcome some significant challenges. Firstly, I was able to clear a hospital bill, a source of stress for me. Additionally, the funds allowed me to purchase essential food supplies and address the pressing matter of school fees for my children. The enrollment process with GiveDirectly was a testament to their professionalism and empathy. The officers took a patient and understanding approach during the entire process. They never raised their voices and ensured I understood each step before moving forward. There was an instance that truly exemplified their patience and commitment. Once, an officer came to my home for a part of the enrollment process, but I wasn't there. Instead of moving on to the next person, they took the extra step to ensure I was called and waited patiently for my return. I earnestly hope that GiveDirectly continues with this approach. Their combination of professionalism, patience, and genuine care for individuals like myself makes a difference and changes lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my transfer from GiveDirectly, I embarked on a transformative journey for my farm. With an investment of $400, I fenced my land. I had never considered fencing before, been prioritizing my six children's education. The primary purpose of the fence was to safeguard my flourishing mango orchard. I have devoted substantial effort to cultivating these mangoes and plan to expand the orchard further. Farming has been a joint venture with my husband. We've faced challenges, notably a severe drought that severely affected our livestock, and heartbreaking losses to banditry, which claimed our cows and goats. These losses deeply impacted our farming livelihood. We practice crop production, relying on irrigation, as the river nearby is seasonal. This dependence has drawbacks, as there are years, sometimes stretching up to five when we don't reap any harvest. The uncertainty of crop production has been a constant challenge. With the remaining $50 from the transfer, I addressed our immediate concern – food scarcity. This decision ensured that while we strive for long-term sustainability through farming, our immediate needs, particularly nutrition, were not overlooked. Despite the challenges, we remain committed to our farming life, continuously adapting and striving for a better future for our family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($132 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 4:00 pm, and I was diligently tilling my kitchen garden when I received a call from my spouse, who had gone to our nearest shopping center. He informed me about the news spreading throughout the center, where people were celebrating the arrival of the GD transfer. I had not noticed it earlier, being absorbed in my work and not hearing the SMS notification. Feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity, I quickly checked my phone and, to my delight, found the confirmation of the received money. I was overwhelmed with joy. Hastily, I called my spouse back to share the incredible news. This unexpected financial support signaled the beginning of a brighter chapter for my family, promising a better future ahead since we intended to utilize it well.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am immensely grateful for the transformation in my life after receiving the transfer. Thanks to the funds, I was able to renovate my leaking kitchen roof, which was in a terrible state. Previously, we suffered through rainstorms, extinguishing the fire and making cooking unbearable during the rainy season. Now, I am delighted to say that I am enjoying my cooking without any worries. Furthermore, I used part of the money to add to my goat herd, replacing the ones I had sold to support my children's education. This not only ensures a promising future but also brings me a sense of security and hope. The transfer has not only improved my living conditions but also brightened the prospects for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the transfer, we made a strategic decision to enhance our goat herd, a crucial source of income in our area. Goats thrive here, and we depend on selling them to cover our household expenses, especially our children's school fees. I used $80 to purchase two goats, ensuring our financial stability and a better future. Moreover, the transfer arrived just in time to prevent my child from missing an important exam due to an outstanding fee. I promptly paid the $50, preventing any disruptions to their education. Additionally, I invested $40 to buy new iron sheets for our kitchen, replacing the worn-out ones that had been leaking. This improvement created a safer and more comfortable cooking environment for my family. With the remaining funds, I prioritized buying enough food to sustain our family of six. This was crucial due to the poor harvest caused by rain failure on my maize farm. The transfer not only secured our basic needs but also brought a glimmer of hope for our future. It played a significant role in ensuring our well-being and providing the prospect of a better tomorrow.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers means so much to me and my family. We plan to purchase a milking goat which costs about $150. This will be great since we will have milk for domestic use and also to sell to our neighbors. We also intend to get medical coverage using the transfers. We intend to pay $60 for the cover which will take a year before renewing. Additionally, we also intend to pay school fees for our four children who are in diverse institutions. Finally, we intend to fence our farm. This will enable us to plant mangoes in our farms which will be a future investment for us.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Over the past 6 months, our happiness has come from the good harvest we got from our farm. Unlike the past three years where we've not had any harvest, we managed to get a good harvest from our maize farm which greatly delighted us.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Currently, we are facing a lot of challenges. One of the most pressing challenges is school fees. We have four children who are in different levels of education whom we pay school fees for. With the current difficult economic conditions, we can barely manage to pay for their school fees.