GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Susan's Profile
Susan's family
Standard Kenya
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
47900 KES ($472 USD)
access_time over 6 years ago
What did you spend your third transfer on?
I spent my third transfer on purchase of a Generator set for 40,000 KES to support irrigation for our vegetable Project . We grow kales, cow peas and other traditional vegetables.Before we received GD Financial support we used a bucket to water the vegetables and it was an uphill task.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
50000 KES ($482 USD)
access_time 7 years ago
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I used the biggest portion of my second transfer on on buying 20 iron sheets in readiness for the construction of my new house when I get the third transfer. I also used 10000 KES to pay school fees for my 2 sisters-in-law in secondary school. The balance was spent on buying 1 sheep for rearing in my home as well as buying foodstuffs for my family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have hope of building a new house for my family since I now have enough iron sheets, which are normally the most difficult to get.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
10000 KES ($97 USD)
access_time over 7 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I felt very happy because I was able to afford food without difficulties.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I spent my first transfer to buy food for my family and cloths for my children.
access_time over 7 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I have faced is being snatched a husband by another woman for months and leaving me in the cold, with heavy household needs to meet.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Afternoon is the happiest moment of my day having taken lunch and share my experience with my lovely aunt.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
The cash transfer will enable me start a cereals business that has a high demand locally. As a household, the current high dependency ratio on the spouse and mother-in-law will reduce. I will be an economically empowered woman with a source of income for my household.