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Newsfeed > Kavumbi's Profile
Kavumbi's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($357 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my focus will remain steadfast on cultivating my one-acre plot, dedicating my time and energy to secure bountiful harvests that can sustain my family and keep hunger at bay. I have a variety of crops in mind, including maize and millet as they are known for their suitability in our arid region. Alongside farming, I plan to engage in casual work, ensuring a consistent income stream that enables me to prioritize my youngest child's education. Timely payment of her school fees will be my topmost concern, providing me with a sense of reassurance as I firmly believe that education is the key to a brighter and more promising future
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I applaud GiveDirectly's consistency in honoring their promises and timelines. I received all the expected transfers, and the positive effects are seen in my community. Thanks to these transfers, I have been able to expand my animal herd and ensure my child's education is not disrupted due to unpaid school fees, a milestone I had not achieved previously. These deliberate steps are paving the way for a more secure financial future for my family. The impact of these actions, facilitated by GiveDirectly, is a beacon of hope in our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the transfers, I decided to improve my living conditions significantly. Firstly, I used $115 to replace my worn-out mattress and unstable bed, providing myself with a comfortable and secure sleeping arrangement. Now, I enjoy restful nights similar to a well-fed newborn, all thanks to the assistance I received. Additionally, I invested $125 in purchasing a solar system, replacing the troublesome kerosene lamp we previously used. This solar setup not only eliminates the need for expensive kerosene refills but also provides ample lighting for studying and allows us to charge our phones conveniently at home. Furthermore, I expanded my livestock holdings by acquiring additional goats, hoping they would multiply and become a valuable asset for my family's future in terms of finances. Lastly, I prioritized my daughter's education by allocating part of the funds to clear her school fees for the current term. This ensured that she could focus entirely on her studies without any interruptions, something that was challenging for us previously due to limited income from our charcoal business. This support has truly transformed our daily lives and brought a sense of stability to our home.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($387 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As the clock struck 3 in the afternoon, I found myself at a lively community gathering, surrounded by laughter and the warmth of companionship. Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat when my trusted helper approached me with a beaming smile, holding a message that brought tears to my eyes. I had received the long-awaited unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. Overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement, my mind raced with possibilities. In that transformative moment, a surge of hope filled my soul, knowing that this unexpected windfall would be the foundation for a brighter future. With unwavering determination, I knew that I would use the money to build a house—a place of security and comfort.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
For decades, my family and I endured a miserable existence, never daring to dream that our circumstances could change. But now, our lives have been transformed beyond belief. We reside in a house nestled in a beautiful environment, spacious enough to accommodate us all comfortably. Gone are the cold nights that once plagued me with relentless coughs, as we can now afford warmth and comfort. This newfound stability and relief feel like a blessing, an unforeseen end to our suffering, and a beacon of hope for the future. GiveDirectly's support has given us a chance at a life we once thought was out of reach, filling our hearts with gratitude and the promise of better days ahead.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The weight of years seemed to lift from my shoulders as I stood amidst the sturdy framework of our new home. The recent unconditional cash transfer had breathed life into my dreams, allowing me to trade the dilapidated shack that had sheltered us for so long for the promise of a solid, safe haven. With each nail driven into place and each pole raised, I could feel not only the walls taking shape but also a restoration of my own self-esteem. No longer did I have to avert my eyes when visitors came, and no longer did I feel the suffocating grip of embarrassment. As I watched my son's eyes light up with pride, I knew that this new beginning was a gift beyond measure, an investment in our well-being and happiness. Additionally, no longer bound by tattered clothes that exposed us to the elements, my son and I adorned ourselves in new garments that not only shielded us from skin diseases but also lifted our spirits. I also made sure to buy enough food for my six family members. With my spouse and I working hard to make and sell charcoal, the additional financial support from the cash transfers allowed us to secure our basic needs and even dream of a more stable future.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My house! As a village elder, I have been receiving many people at home. This has been a very tough moment for me because the shame I have due to my collapsing house has never given me peace. Imagine living in a half-open house with damaged walls which have exposed my beddings to any passers-by! It has been a life of worries. The coming of GiveDirectly to us is a blessing to me since I will spend my transfers to ensure the problem of a house is offset. I will therefore use $500 to construct a decent house that will restore my dignity as a respected person. This will put a smile on my face and have the courage of welcoming my visitors. The remaining transfer will help me to buy new beddings, pay school fees for my child, and other household needs. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a village elder, I have been living a very harmonious life with my village members. In the last 6 months, no cases have been reported to me. This means my people are living well and cooperate with each other. This has given me ample time to concentrate with my work at home, something that could not be possible with conflicts. Hence, I consider this as what has put a smile on my face.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I consider the lack of a reliable source of income to be my biggest challenge. In our area, the main economic activity is charcoal work, a very energy-draining job. Since I do not have the skills to seek decent jobs, this has pushed me to continuously venture into this activity. At the moment, trees are scarce and I am forced to dig out the tree remains to make the charcoal. In a good month, I make utmost $50 from this job. All this income goes to buying food and I save nothing. Since this income is low, It has compelled me to live in a very hazardous house that is just braving the strong wind of our area. In addition, my daughter's education has been affected because she is frequently sent home due to a lack of fees. This has pained me as a mother and has devoured my hope. What a life!