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Newsfeed > Jane's Profile
Jane's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year and beyond, my focus is on elevating my business endeavors to alleviate the burdens on my husband and create a more comfortable life for our four kids. With life already posing challenges, my goal is to generate increased profits through my businesses, aiming to ease the strain of pressing needs on my husband.My determination is rooted in providing a better life for my children, ensuring they have the comfort and resources needed to pursue their dreams. Education holds a key role in this vision, and my aim is to secure a smooth educational journey for them, preventing any interruptions that may hinder their aspirations. Through dedicated efforts in my business, I hope to pave the way for a brighter and more stable future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the impact of GiveDirectly on my life and the lives of others in our community. Thanks to their support, I now experience the simple yet profound joy of sleeping and living comfortably. The burden of my children's school fees, which previously weighed heavily on my shoulders, has been lifted, ensuring they receive the education they deserve. My children can now eat well, a testament to the transformative power of assistance from GiveDirectly.As I express my heartfelt thanks, I also look to the future with hope. I earnestly request that when you return, you remember us. Your continued support has brought happiness to our lives, and with your ongoing assistance, we can build on this foundation of comfort and security.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my recent cash, I strategically allocated funds to address pressing issues and invest in future sustainability. Understanding the discomfort my children faced due to a leaking roof, I devoted $150 to improve the roofing of their bedroom, ensuring a warm and dry environment for restful sleep during rainy weather. I allocated $100 to expand my clothing business. This move not only increased my stock but also allowed me to save on transport expenses, enhancing the profitability of the venture. With $150, I covered shopping expenses and paid school fees for a child entering secondary school, easing the financial burden that was previously shouldered solely by their father, who works as a chef in a hotel. I invested the remaining funds in poultry farming. I purchased ten chickens and constructed a suitable shelter for them. This choice stemmed from the convenience of managing poultry in the evenings after returning from my clothing business, ensuring a dual-income stream and a manageable routine.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($362 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At precisely 3:15 on a Wednesday afternoon, my world shifted as I discovered the unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. The news rippled through me like a warm breeze, prompting an immediate call to my spouse, who shared my excitement. As we contemplated the possibilities, the dilapidated state of our rain-drenched home took center stage. Running a modest clothing business with a meager profit of $3, the dream of renovating seemed distant until now. The prospect of fortifying our shelter became a beacon of hope, a tangible realization that the winds of change had finally swept into our lives. In that transformative moment, the weight of financial constraints lifted, making room for newfound aspirations and the promise of a more secure and comfortable future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transformation in my daily life since I began receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly is nothing short of remarkable. The infusion of funds allowed me to bolster my clothing business, and the impact has been tangible, elevating my profits from $3 to a steady $5. This newfound financial stability has enabled me to play a more active role in supporting my spouse in the crucial task of caring for our family. The challenges we faced in ensuring our children attended school regularly, had enough to eat, and, most importantly, slept in a decent shelter were daunting before this assistance. I'm now elated that I can actively contribute to these aspects of our family life. Gone are the days when my children would miss classes, go hungry, or endure nights in poor living conditions. The positive changes in our circumstances are a testament to the impact of GiveDirectly, and I find myself unable to express enough gratitude for the transformative support they've provided.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Addressing the dilapidated state of my house was my top priority when I received the recent unconditional cash transfer. Allocating approximately $300, I invested in new iron sheets to revamp the roof. This decision brought an overwhelming sense of relief, especially considering the persistent leaks that used to damage my belongings and, at times, left us exposed to the elements, particularly during stormy nights. As a parent, the struggle with a deteriorating living situation was deeply frustrating. Now, with a more secure roof over our heads, I feel a renewed sense of stability and pride. Also,I invested $100 in boosting my clothing business. The returns have been promising, with profits ranging from $3 to $5. This injection of capital has not only enhanced the business's sustainability but has also brought about positive changes in our daily lives. After that, I allocated around $45 to pay the school fees for my four children in lower grades. Education is a cornerstone for their future, and ensuring they have access to it is a priority. The remaining funds were wisely used to buy food for my family of five. Seeing them healthy and no longer weakened by hunger brings me immeasurable joy. My spouse, earning $120, had been struggling to meet the family's needs, and the delay in renovating our house was a testament to our financial constraints. However, with these strategic investments, I am optimistic about the positive changes and improvements in our family.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My plan as at now is to have my mind settled on one reliable business. This is because, my current work does not earn me enough to sustain us. Imagine getting $2 per day! The plan I have is to ensure I restart my second hand clothes business in our nearby center. I intend to rent a working room where I will be operating the business. To start with, I will use $400 of my transfers to make this a reality. This will guarantee me at least $5 per day as profit, an estimation that I except to increase by time. On the other hand, I will use $500 to construct a separate house for my 4 children who are currently grown-ups. The remaining amount will support my children's education. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite the little income I get from my small business of selling sweet potatoes, I am so grateful for having achieved it. This is because, I passed through tough life after my second hand clothes business failed. It was in March this year when I decided to sell my 2 goats to raise $60 which acted as my capital. Although it has challenges especially walking around the village being hectic, I am assured of getting at least $2 per day. This income has helped me to supplement my husband's monthly payment. We are currently able to meet our needs although not in full.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I was once dealing with second hand clothes, a job that I depended the most. This job came into a halt since June last year because I experienced some challenges like school fees and hunger, that forced me to spend the money planned for the business. Considering that I had borrowed a loan as my capital, it shocked me and I had to spend everything including selling my 3 goats to pay back the money. As I speak, I decided to engage in other small business of selling sweet potatoes within our village and in a day I make $2, an amount which is three times less of what I used to earn. The pressure of balancing how to sustain my family's basic needs due to the financial crisis is what I consider as my biggest challenge.