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Newsfeed > Emmanuel's Profile
Emmanuel's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 11 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had attended a funeral in my neighboring village. It was a busy day, and I had my phone on silent mode to avoid any distractions. The event lasted the whole day, and I barely had time to check my phone. In the evening, once the funeral was over, I finally got the chance to look at my phone. To my surprise, I found many messages waiting for me, but one stood out. It was a message from GiveDirectly, informing me that I had received $200. The moment I saw that message, I couldn’t contain my joy. My mood changed instantly—I went from feeling tired and drained to being lively and excited. It felt like a blessing had come just at the right time. The first thought that crossed my mind was to use this money for farming.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life since I started receiving cash transfers from GiveDirectly has been in farming. Before, I had a strong passion for farming, but I didn’t have the capital to get started. GiveDirectly gave me the financial support I needed to turn that passion into reality. With their help, I was able to invest in farming, and now I have a butternut farm. My plan is to use the money I earn from this farm to buy a generator, which will make irrigation much easier. I also intend to reinvest the profits back into farming to ensure that this venture remains sustainable in the long term.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recently, I received $200 from GiveDirectly, and as soon as I got the money, I began budgeting carefully to make sure I could achieve what I had planned. Out of the total amount, I set aside $90 for butternut farming. This amount covered the costs of preparing the land and buying seeds. I planted the butternut on one acre of land, choosing this crop because it suits our local climatic conditions and fetches good prices in the market. My goal is to use the proceeds from this farm to buy a generator, which will help me with irrigation so I won’t have to struggle with watering my crops. With $40 of the transfer, I bought a goat, which I see as a long-term investment. The goat will not only multiply over time but will also give me peace of mind when facing any emergencies. I can confidently rely on it in times of need without worrying about where to get money quickly. At the time this transfer came, I didn’t have food at home, and it was a struggle to provide regular meals for my family. So, I used $20 to buy food, which has lasted for the last two months. This has been a great relief, as we’ve been able to have consistent meals, unlike before when we sometimes went without. Lastly, I spent the remaining money on household items to improve the look of my house. This has made a big difference, and now my home feels more comfortable and welcoming. Overall, this transfer has made a huge impact on my life, allowing me to invest in farming, secure food, and make my home a better place to live.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving GiveDirectly cash transfers is like a dream come true to my family because that money we will never be the same again. My first priority is to invest in my agricultural land, iam planning to buy farm inputs like seeds, fertilizer and pesticides and because I already have water pump life will not be the same a gain. I am also planning to buy goats for my family, buy food and clothes so that we can look beautiful and comfortable. I am planning to use the remaining money to extend my house because it's becoming small.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In my village the main activity we do is charcoal burning, farming, fishing and livestock keeping. I have my one acre piece of land where by i use to cultivate during raining season. In February last year I was able to harvest amazing produce which enabled me to construct my One roomed cable house and I managed to buy furnitures and utensils for my family. And now iam very happy because I have a roof over my head and furnitures.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial challenges is the main contrain iam facing currently because I only depend on charcoal burning to fend for my family which is very hard due to floods and unaccessible road to transport charcoal to the main market.