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Newsfeed > Rael's Profile
Rael's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18150 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 14 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I came home in the evening after tending to my livestock, my son, who helps me, told me the money had arrived. I was excited but couldn't quite believe it at first. I decided not to rush, so I told him, "Let's wait until tomorrow to withdraw and confirm it's real." As I lay down that night, my thoughts were filled with ideas, and the first thing that came to mind was furnishing my house. My children had built me a house, but I had no chairs or tables. The joy of finally being able to fill my home with furniture was overwhelming.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the transfer, I always dreamed of having a neat home with good sofas and a table, but I had no furniture to make that possible. Whenever visitors came, I felt ashamed because I had to place their food on the ground since there was no table. It was embarrassing, and I wanted my home to feel welcoming. After receiving the money from GiveDirectly, I was able to buy sofas and a table, which completely changed how my house looks. Now, I’m proud to invite people into my home, and I feel happy seeing how nice it is inside. It’s such a relief and a blessing for me.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the money I received, the first thing I did was buy house furniture. I spent $100 on plastic chairs, a sofa set, and utensils because my house was completely empty. My child had built me a house, but we hadn’t been able to furnish it yet. Now, I can finally sit comfortably in my own home, and it feels like a big improvement. Having proper furniture gives me pride and comfort, especially when guests come to visit. Additionally, I used $30 to purchase a sheep. My plan is to let it multiply so that I can sell some in the future if there's an emergency or when I need extra money. Livestock is a form of savings for me, and once it grows, I'll use the income to invest in agricultural farming. It's my way of ensuring that I have a reliable source of income, even when times get tough. Lastly, I spent the remaining $50 on foodstuffs to stock my home. I used to depend on casual jobs like weeding, where I would earn $200 a day, but it wasn’t enough to cover everything. I am the only one at home since all my children are married, and my husband passed away three years ago. This cash transfer has made a big difference, giving me the peace of mind that my basic needs are now taken care of, and I can focus on growing my future.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
When I receive the transfers from GiveDirectly, I will prioritize construction of a pit latrine. It is shamming that I do not have a toilet facility in my homestead. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will save me from this embarrassment. I will use $230 of my transfer to build a better pit latrine and bathing room for my family. I will also use $300 of the transfer on maize farming, this will help me have my own food and avoid borrowing food. My dream is also to own livestock but finance has been my setback. With the transfers from GiveDirectly, I will buy four goats and kickstart my dream of livestock farming.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My life has never been easy in the last six months, we experienced flash floods in our area which made our life unbearable. Despite these numerous challenges, I am happy that my children got my back and supported me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My old age cannot allow me to work on casual jobs to earn a living. I am depending on the mercies of my children to put food on the table. Unfortunately, I was unable to cultivate my farm last season due to financial challenges, this has exposed me to the food crisis in the family. It is sad that I am elderly and I need to take a balanced diet food but this is completely opposite. At times I skip meals because of lack of money.