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Newsfeed > Mwalimu's Profile
Mwalimu's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($366 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year, my foremost priority is to settle all pending school fees for my children. I aspire for them to finish their final year free from the stress of outstanding dues. My wish is that they dedicate themselves entirely to their studies in this concluding semester. With numerous children, ensuring timely payment of all their school fees has been a constant source of strain for me, and this has unfortunately impacted their academic progress over the years.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly has been a beacon of hope, instilling determination and joy in the lives of villagers here. The direct cash transfer approach has reshaped our views on money, and despite the program's limited duration, its positive impact is evident. Beneficiaries are more content, children are thriving academically, improved and safer housing structures have been established, and above all, a variety of business ventures, from modest to substantial, have sprouted.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my second transfer from Give Directly, I was determined to tackle some pressing needs in my home. I withdrew $360: $260 of which went towards purchasing four goats, something I hadn't been able to do with my initial transfer. I allocated $100 to buy comfortable bedding for my kids, who had been sleeping on the floor for a long while. It was deeply saddening to see them endure the harsh local weather conditions without proper bedding. Additionally, I set aside $165 for their school fees for when schools reopened.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($390 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I relaxed at home, my wife happened to have my phone in her hands when a message notification popped up. Curiosity and excitement filled the room as we eagerly read the message together. The contents of the message brought an overwhelming sense of joy and relief to our hearts. In that moment, our thoughts turned to our unfinished home. It had been a long-standing concern, a dream that had been put on hold due to financial constraints. But now, with this unexpected turn of events, a glimmer of hope ignited within us. We imagined the possibilities that lay ahead. With the newfound resources, we could finally complete our home, transforming it into a cozy haven for our family. The rooms would be adorned with warmth and comfort, and each corner would tell a story of resilience and perseverance.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
As we settled into our newfound comfort, we experienced the blissful joy of a good night's sleep. Our worries and sleepless nights became distant memories as we rested peacefully, knowing that we had overcome many obstacles to reach this point. With our financial burdens alleviated, we now felt a sense of security that allowed us to extend hospitality to others. We no longer hesitated to invite friends and loved ones over, eager to share our newfound happiness and warmth. Our home became a gathering place, filled with laughter, stories, and the sweet aroma of togetherness. The greatest relief came in knowing that our children would no longer be sent home from school due to unpaid fees. We had fulfilled our commitment to their education, ensuring that their learning journey would remain uninterrupted. Though we had not been able to save much money initially, our circumstances had changed. With a stable income from selling charcoal and newfound financial stability, we now had the ability to set aside a little money for the future. It might not be a significant amount, but the act of saving itself symbolized our newfound confidence and belief in a brighter tomorrow. The ability to save, no matter how small, represented a newfound sense of control over our financial destiny. It provided a safety net for unforeseen circumstances and served as a stepping stone toward achieving our long-term goals.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With $300 in hand, we wasted no time in purchasing the much needed building materials and paying off the hardworking laborers who helped turn our unfinished house into a beautiful home. It was a moment of relief and contentment that brought a serene peace to our hearts. To ensure a comfortable living space, we invested $180 in buying a bed and a cozy mattress. The thought of resting on that bed after a long day's work filled us with a sense of tranquility. In addition to securing our living arrangements, we also had responsibilities towards our children's education. We set aside $70 to pay their school fees, understanding the importance of providing them with quality education and a brighter future. Their smiles and enthusiasm for learning motivated us to work even harder to support their dreams. To generate income and make ends meet, we had been resourceful. Selling charcoal became our source of income, enabling us to meet the financial demands of our children's education and sustain our household expenses. Through this humble endeavor, we found a way to overcome financial challenges and ensure our children's educational journey remained uninterrupted. As we settled into our new home, a profound sense of gratitude filled our hearts. We were grateful for the strength and resilience that carried us through difficult times.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Changing my life to better standards has always been my wish. This has ever remained a dream because of the financial crisis that I am currently facing in my household. The arrival of GiveDirectly has been a huge blessing to me since receiving a grant means making my dreams come to reality. At the moment, the roofs of my 2 houses are made of grass which leak during this rainy season. I intend to spend a big portion of my transfers ($700) to change the roofs with iron sheets as well as to buy new beddings for my family of 7. This will restore our happiness as a family since the problem in my household will have been solved. In addition, I will spend $200 to buy 5 goats to act as my long-term investment plan. The remaining amount will cater to other basic needs like food and school uniforms for my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a determined subsistence farmer, I have for a long time missed the chance of engaging myself in farming due to a prolonged drought. At the moment, our area has been receiving heavy rainfall. This has awakened my hope since I am so happy to be back working on my farm. With these consistent rains, I am so optimistic about a good harvest. Currently, I have planted 2 acres and the crops are thriving well. This has given me hope in life and as a farmer, I consider this as what has been my source of joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
"Have you ever imagined watching your children crying because of hunger?" This is the reality of my life at the moment. Considering my charcoal work which is low paying and time-consuming, it usually takes me a month to make $32. This money is hardly enough to sustain all our needs and consequently, my children have been on the bad end. They have always been sent home due to a lack of fees. As a father, I have felt the pain of desperately watching them miss classes. In addition, I am forced to do this work despite having some metal plates in my hand. The pain after doing this work makes me weak and I usually feel depressed. What a life! I, therefore, consider the lack of a reliable source of income as my main challenge.