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Newsfeed > Rahab's Profile
Rahab's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($423 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home in the evening around 5 pm, preparing vegetables for our meal when I heard my phone beep from where it was placed on a chair next to my husband. I quickly put the vegetables to cook before checking the message. When I finally did, it was a notification from GiveDirectly about the cash transfer. The moment I saw it, I jumped up and down in ululation, and my husband, noticing my excitement, immediately understood what was happening. He even joked that if time had allowed, we would have bought some chicken to celebrate, knowing our children would have been overjoyed as they prefer chicken over vegetables.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly, the biggest difference in my life has been nothing short of transformative. Before, I did not own any goats, but now I have two healthy ones that I am confident will grow and multiply, providing a sustainable source of income for my family in the future. The presence of food in our house has made a world of difference. My children are visibly happier, their faces now adorned with bright smiles. They have also gained a newfound confidence knowing that I have paid their school fees, which means they won't be sent home to fetch the fees anymore. One of the most significant changes for me was buying bedsheets. In the past, I had only one pair and had to wash and wait for them to dry before using them again. Now, I have a whole set of fresh bedsheets, which feels like such a luxury and a comfort. As a charcoal burner, the additional profits have allowed me to afford tastier and more nutritious meals for my family. Previously, I used to borrow a lot from neighbors, but thankfully, that has stopped. Now, we are self-sufficient, and we are glowing with pride as we can even afford jelly for our bodies. The financial stability provided by GiveDirectly has truly changed our lives for the better.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the cash transfer, I first purchased maize flour for $55 and settled a previous debt for the same amount. I also bought a bag of rice at $45 and paid off another debt of $30 and bought 5kgs of beans. Ensuring my children had what they needed for school was also a priority, so I bought each of my four children a pair of school socks and paid their school fees, totaling $150. In addition to food and school expenses, I bought a pair of bedsheets, as the two I had were hand-me-downs from my nephew, and a new basin since I had been using an old jerrican for bathing. I also bought a dozen cups because I used to borrow from my neighbor just to have enough for tea. Moreover, I bought a bucket of detergent, a bag of potatoes, and other cereals, which I planned to sell as street food to school-going children. Unfortunately, schools did not open as expected, so I had to sell the potatoes elsewhere. To further secure our financial stability, I invested in two goats. While I now sell charcoal to make ends meet, my husband, who is a truck driver, has not been working much due to the meager pay and long, exhausting journeys that leave him without proper meals. The goats are an investment for our future, hoping they will provide a sustainable source of income as we navigate these challenging times. I will forever be grateful to GiveDirectly for the significant change that they have brought into my life and that of my family.
access_time 7 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of seven members. My husband does casual jobs at Mombasa and I am a subsistence farmer. The husband makes little income that caters for food and school fees for the children. When he does not access any job then children miss classes. It happened last year when children missed classes for almost the whole term. I will use $1100 to start a shop business in the village. I have had the desire to do business but I lacked capital. This will help me have a sustainable income and change my living standards altogether.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My children used to miss classes even a whole term due to school fees. In October 2023 the husband got a job in the transport industry. He was in a position to clear all the school fees balances and even did prepayment. His job brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Source of reliable income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. My husband does casual jobs at the coastal towns and I do subsistence farming. He earns little income that caters for food and school fees. The husband has now taken three months without accessing any job. This has made my children miss classes for two weeks now due to school fees.