We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($392 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving the first transfer, the thought of having a business ran through my mind and I managed to save a few coins, that is around $18 from it. Immediately after the second transfer came in, I did not hesitate to push through with my business plan. My budget was coming to $66, so I used $58 to buy the stock and $8 to pay for the shop where I will be carrying out my business. The business involved selling women's clothing and this was inspired by my strong connection with women in my village through our daily conversations as we go about our engagements I got to realize that various types of clothing were a need at the moment. Considering that I was just a housewife doing the daily routine chores at home which included taking care of our three children, The other thing that pushed me to have the business was that I wanted to ensure that we have something to sustain us as a family daily other than just depending on my husband who is doing casual jobs to ensure that the family is sheltered as far as finances are concerned. Through this, I trust that I will be able to help in putting things in their place faster and accumulate more resources for the sake of improving our living standards as a family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The thing that GiveDirectly is doing so well is the fact that it is considering the whole village at large in its program even though the enrollment is subjected to its criteria and some might not qualify, I was satisfied because, at the end of it, all it is gave most of us an equal chance to do what we had intended to do but could not due to financial constraints. So many of us are excited, with our hearts full of gratitude because we have done much more than we expected. For example, I have paid school fees for the whole year for my child using the first transfer and so my child does not have to be sent home to collect school fees arrears, this is something that I never thought I could manage to do.
The most difficult thing about the process is knowing that not everyone is guaranteed to receive the transfer, I had to pray hard not to be locked out of the program and I am glad to enroll and be part of it. Even as GiveDirectly reach out to other villages, I had nothing new to propose for them to do since I was satisfied with how they took me through the enrollment process.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the existence of the current business, I look forward to saving more to expand it to have a boutique where I will be selling a variety of women's cosmetics products and accessories. To add that, I am very knowledgeable about hair products and hairdressing styles and so the thought of having a salon business is also something to consider so that whenever the boutique or the shop is not generating income as expected then I will be using my skills on hairdressing to fill the financial gap. With this achievement then I will be able to give my children a good and worthy life as they pursue their education. I would have also created employment in the case where I will have to hire a person or persons to assist in running the business. Also not forgetting, the whole community at large will benefit in one way or the other.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($443 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had always wanted to further my education. My husband had previously enrolled me in a hairdressing course, but I was forced to defer because he was unable to raise enough money to cover the costs of both our children and me. I couldn't help but prioritize my children's school fees. My husband is a masonry contractor, and I sell charcoal. Our family consists of three children. When I received my transfer, I saw it as an excellent opportunity to further my education, so I spent $120 and paid $80 for my children. In addition, I spent $100 on food and $70 on clothing. Finally, I set aside the remainder of the funds for emergencies. I will be forever grateful.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most major difference is that I was able to re-enrol in college, whereas previously I had dropped out due to financial constraints. Acquiring new skills will provide me with a source of income while also allowing me to leave the strenuous job of burning charcoal. This also means that I'll be able to open my shop.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received my transfer, I can recall that I was at home doing house chores, but I had sent my brother-in-law to the shopping centre, where he went with my phone. When he returned home, he informed me that I had received $550 from Segovia Technology. I was overjoyed because I knew I'd be able to fulfil my heart's desires with it. I then told my husband, who was overjoyed as well.
access_time over 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a housewife and my husband is a casual worker at Mombasa. He does not get work everyday so in a month he earns approximately $120. The money caters for food leaving other expenses pressing the family. I have two children schooling at Mangudho primary school. They have been out of school for two weeks now due to a school fees balance of $50. This has an effect on their performance during examinations. Lack of reliable income is the challenge I am facing.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My husband Adam works as a casual laborer. He does not get work every day that makes his income to be approximately $120. However, on July he got a job the whole month in the construction industry and earned $180. The children had school fees arrears of $120 by then so I cleared $100 and bought one bale of maize flour. I felt happy on that month because it has never happened for him to get as much money in a month since I got married. I am now 9/ years old in marriage.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of seven members and we all depend on the household head for survival. The head is the husband who works as a casual laborer in the construction field. He earns approximately $120 per month. This money can not cater to both food and school fees for the children. I need $ 100 for food and other expenses in a month and the children need $ 800 per term for school fees. This is for both the two. I will use $400 to start a second-hand clothes business and sell them in the community. People go to Matanomane to get clothes during the market day which is far from our village. I have a wider market because I will be the only person doing such business in the village. I approximate a profit of $200 every month. This will relieve my husband of the burden of taking care of the family alone. I will also use $260 to clear the school fees balance and also prepay the fees for next year. Thanks to Give directly for their program.