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Newsfeed > Fridah's Profile
Fridah's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to grow and expand my fruit-selling business. Currently operating on a smaller scale, I envision having larger, more prominent stalls that not only showcase a wider variety of fruits but also attract a broader customer base. This expansion is not just about increasing profits; it's a testament to my dedication to providing quality produce and excellent service. I hope to create a welcoming space where customers can explore a diverse range of fresh fruits in a convenient and enjoyable manner. By investing time, effort, and resources into expanding my business, I aim to contribute not only to my own success but also to the community by offering a vibrant and diverse marketplace for everyone to enjoy.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a significant and positive impact on my life by providing unconditional money. Their approach of giving free money without any strings attached has allowed me the freedom to address my most pressing needs. I've been able to use the funds to cover essential expenses like food, shelter, and education for my family, providing a much-needed boost to our overall well-being. The simplicity and directness of GiveDirectly's assistance have been crucial in making a tangible difference in my life, offering a helping hand exactly when and where it was needed the most.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the recent unconditional cash transfer was a turning point for me. It granted me the opportunity to untangle myself from a looming financial burden. I immediately allocated $100 to repay a debt owed to a friend. That weight off my shoulders was indescribable; finally, I could breathe easy again, unencumbered by the weight of borrowed money. Clearing that debt granted me a sense of freedom and peace of mind that had been absent for far too long. I also directed $20 towards clearing school fees for my child in sixth grade, ensuring that education remains a priority despite our financial challenges. Another thoughtful investment was the $50 I saved in a chama, a collective savings group. This not only serves as a safety net for emergencies but also as a potential resource for facilitating my family's needs in the future. Recognizing the importance of basic necessities, I allocated $30 to buy shoes for my six children, a small but significant gesture to enhance their comfort and well-being. The remaining funds were wisely used to stock up on essential food items like maize and beans. As a family of eight, ensuring there's enough food on the table is a constant concern, and this financial assistance has provided a welcome reprieve. Currently earning around $2 a day as a fruit vendor, with my spouse facing unemployment, these funds have not only addressed immediate needs but have also laid the groundwork for a more stable and hopeful future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($310 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my plan is to initiate a small grocery business right here in my village. I have identified this as a promising opportunity, as currently we only have one grocery store serving the entire community. This venture will provide me with an additional source of income, enabling me to provide the best for my children's well-being and future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What truly impresses me about GiveDirectly is their unwavering dedication to alleviating poverty in our village. Its staff's genuine commitment through their willingness to offer valuable guidance on prudent utilization of the funds during the registration process is particularly noteworthy. This assistance ensures that the financial support provided not only addresses immediate needs but also has a lasting positive impact on our lives. I can personally affirm that our village's living standards have significantly improved thanks to the impactful transfers from GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a while now, my five children have been facing mockery in our village due to the tattered clothes they wear. This situation has significantly lowered their self-esteem, and I have noticed that they sometimes avoid playing with their friends to escape the ridicule. As their sole provider, I rely on charcoal burning for a living, which only brings in an average of $10 weekly. This income is far too inadequate to cover all our family's expenses, including buying new clothes. When I received the secondary transfer, I decided to use $150 to purchase new clothes for my family. Seeing my children now dressed well brings me immense joy, and I have observed that their interactions with their peers have greatly improved. I also allocated $120 to buy essential food items, ensuring that my family has enough sustenance for a while. Additionally, I invested $150 in buying chain links, as I intend to erect a permanent fence on my acre of land. This fence will safeguard my crops from domestic animals that destroy them. I utilized the remaining amount to clear a food debt I owed to a nearby shop. This step was important to me, as I wanted to uphold my promise of settling the debt and maintaining trust with the shop owner, ensuring that I could access credit when needed in the future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($140 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home, occupied with nursing my small baby, when the transfers arrived on my phone. The moment brought me immense joy because it meant that I could finally address the persistent issue of goats from other people getting into my farm and destroying my crops. The absence of a fence had been a significant problem, and every time I planted crops, the goats would freely get in and devastate them. This situation had been a constant source of frustration, and it felt like I couldn't leave home or take a break as I had to be constantly vigilant to prevent the goats from entering the farm. With the support from the transfers, I am now determined to invest in building a fence around my farm. This will create a barrier, protecting my crops from the intrusion of goats and other animals. It will provide me with the peace of mind to attend to other tasks or spend time with my baby, knowing that my farm is secure.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant difference since receiving the support from GiveDirectly is evident in my farm. With the assistance, I have been able to make substantial improvements, both in the quantity of crops planted and the security of the farm. The purchase of fencing materials has provided a sense of protection, and I no longer have to worry about animals damaging my crops. Moreover, the financial support has allowed me to buy enough food to sustain my family for a longer period of time. Previously, I had to buy food on a daily basis, which was a source of stress and uncertainty. The impact of GiveDirectly's assistance has been transformative, particularly in my farming and food security. It has given me the confidence to invest in my farm, resulting in increased productivity and a brighter outlook for the future. The assistance has not only improved the conditions of my farm and ensured food security but has also given me hope and optimism for the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used $100 of the transfers to purchase fencing wire, which has given me confidence in my farming endeavors. Now that my farm is protected, I can plant more crops without fear of them being destroyed by goats or other animals. This has opened up opportunities for increased productivity and potentially higher yields, improving my family's food security and income. With $75, I bought food supplies, which has relieved the constant worry of having enough to eat. Previously, the lack of sufficient food was a source of stress, but now I can focus on other aspects of life knowing that our nutritional needs are being met. Additionally, I invested $25 in buying a new mattress to replace the old one that was causing discomfort and backaches. A good night's sleep is essential for overall well-being, and the new mattress has significantly improved my sleep quality and overall health. The support from GiveDirectly has not only helped me address practical needs but has also brought a sense of comfort and security to my life. I am grateful for the assistance that has made these positive changes in my life possible.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving the transfers means so much to me because I believe it will transform our lives positively. We have planned to purchase food such as maize, beans, rice, and other basic needs at about $110 from the first transfer. Additionally, we intend to buy clothes for all our family members since we have old and torn clothes. This will cost us about $30 from the transfer. For the second transfer together with the amount from the first transfer, we plan to purchase chain link and barbed wires which we intend to use to fence our farm. We intend to use about $480 to accomplish this. It is important for us to have a strong fence so we can plant our farm and also rare some livestock without fear of attack from wild animals. For the third transfer, we plan to buy 5 goats and 3 sheep for about $200. With the remaining amount we plan to start a hotel in our local center where we will sell food and beverages. This will cost us about $350 for the transfers. With the business, we will have a constant source of income which will enable us to provide for our family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in the past 6 months came from our beehives. We were able to harvest a good amount of honey in April which gave us about $250. This enabled us to pay school fees and also purchase basic needs which delighted me so much.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are faced with many challenges which include the lack of money and food. However, the challenge that is making our life harder recently is the lack of food. This has been caused by the prolonged drought which has seen our farms become unproductive for the past 3 years. We have been forced to purchase foodstuffs from the local market which is very expensive due to the high cost of products. Since we only depend on casual labor to get money for food and other basic needs, it is not enough for us to purchase food. It is very difficult for us because we sometimes have to skip meals and even go hungry without food.