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Newsfeed > Leah's Profile
Leah's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Two years ago, I started constructing a three-room block house. It's still in the early stages, but unfortunately, I couldn’t continue due to a lack of finances. I am now waiting for my children to gather the funds to help me complete the house. I am looking forward to having this house because ants are very destructive in our area. The house I currently live in has been damaged by ants to the point where it leaks when it rains. With the block house, I wouldn’t have to worry about termites anymore.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly’s approach to supporting the poor is incredible. The support has had a significant impact, leading to great developments in the community. I appreciate the teachings provided during community meetings, which raised awareness and eliminated doubts—some people even thought the funding was from the Illuminati. The Mpesa security education ensured the safety of our cash, and nobody stole my money because I kept my PIN as secret as possible, sharing it only with my helper. Please continue with the same approach, and may God continue to guide you in doing things the right way.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my third transfer, I spent $200 to construct a pit latrine. Living without a latrine for many years was tough; using the bush was difficult, and I felt ashamed when I had to tell visitors to use it. I always wanted a latrine, but I couldn’t afford one. I focused all my resources on paying school fees for my children and two grandchildren, whose mother passed away, leaving me to care for them. My limited income didn’t allow for any surplus. I relied solely on my livestock, mainly goats. I used to have many cows and goats, but now I have only a few goats left, which I plan to use to fund my granddaughter’s education, as she is still in school. With my final transfer, I spent $200 on her fees. My husband and I were lucky to have gone to school. As we believed in the power of education, we ensured all our eleven children completed their studies. Furthermore, I used the remaining $50 to buy food that sustained us for some time. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($311 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Securing my land with fencing and acquiring a water tank are my foremost objectives for the years ahead. In pursuit of this objective, my plan involves selling my current cattle and subsequently using the proceeds to invest in the aforementioned undertakings. The aid we've received from GiveDirectly has been incredibly valuable, and I am profoundly appreciative of the positive influence it has brought into our lives. My gratitude knows no bounds.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The assistance provided by GiveDirectly has brought about a significant and positive impact on our quality of life, resulting in a transformative change. What stood out to me the most about the program was the freedom we had in using the funds, which truly made a difference. I hold no doubts or uncertainties regarding any dimensions of the program's execution or reliability.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the news of the funds from GiveDirectly, I immediately recognized the immense potential it held for my situation. With my husband bedridden and residing at our son's place in a different village, I've been taking care of our four other children at home. Given my lack of energy to work due to my advanced age, I have been reliant on my children to make ends meet. This prompted me to make a crucial decision: to prioritize the construction of a more suitable house. The current one was small, and I couldn't bear the thought of my children struggling for a place to sleep whenever they visited. Consequently, I spent $350 towards renovating the house, ensuring a more comfortable living space. The remaining funds were wisely spent on securing food for the family. All of these endeavors were previously out of reach due to financial constraints. The transformation within a relatively short period has been both heartening and life-changing. I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the assistance that has remarkably elevated our living conditions.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($128 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was filled with joy upon receiving the first transfer, as I had been eagerly awaiting its arrival and had numerous plans in mind. At the time, I was accompanied by my great-grandson, as his mother was out searching for food to sustain our household of three. The message confirming the first transfer brought about a lot of excitement, and even though I was at home with an infant who couldn't comprehend the significance of the transfers, I couldn't contain my excitement. I was eager to share the news with other members of my family, feeling grateful for this much-needed support that would undoubtedly bring positive changes to our lives.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since receiving the first transfer has been the construction of a pit latrine, which has had a profound impact on improving our hygiene conditions. Previously, we were forced to rely on unsanitary alternatives, such as using bushes, which posed health risks. However, with the availability of financial support, I was able to invest in this vital infrastructure, ensuring a healthier environment for my family and the community at large. Additionally, the first transfer allowed me to purchase a sufficient amount of food for my family of three, addressing the challenge of limited food availability. This has brought a sense of security and stability to our daily lives, knowing that we have access to nourishing meals.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated a portion of the second transfer towards purchasing food, spending $68 to sustain my family of three. This has proven to be crucial, as our farms have been unproductive due to harsh climatic conditions, making it challenging to procure food. Additionally, I invested $30 in purchasing iron sheets to construct a pit latrine, addressing the pressing need for proper sanitation. Previously, we resorted to using bushes for relieving ourselves, which posed health risks, particularly during rainy seasons when our waste would be carried into the rivers we relied on for water. Furthermore, I paid a construction fee of $20, as all the necessary materials were readily available, resulting in improved hygiene conditions. Additionally, I settled a $20 school fee payment for my child, who was previously sent home to collect the tuition fees. After these expenses, I still had $40 remaining, which I continue to utilize for replenishing exhausted household items. I am profoundly grateful to GiveDirectly for their timely financial support, which has significantly improved our living conditions.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Life is difficult, each day I woke up with worry of where the next meal will come from. My husband was recently struck by a stroke and he is now paralyzed, he is being taken care of by my elder son at his home in Kabarnet and so I am left alone to fend for my children. Ours is food that matters, it is a huge struggle to put food on the table since the ends do not meet for us. Nothing beats the joy of unexpected help from GiveDirectly, I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. God has been gracious to us and brought GiveDirectly to our village. My worry about purchasing foodstuff will surely be a thing of the past. I intend to use $100 to buy foodstuff that will last for some months. I will use the rest of the money to finish up on the works of my house that stalled in the foundation because of a lack of funds.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I take alot of pride and joy when my children and grandchildren visit me. It means a lot to me and I always look forward to their visits since they bring me gifts and foodstuff. Early this month my son, Benjamin, and daughter Celestine visited me, they brought me sugar, tea leaves, cooking fat, and other household goods. It was a privilege indeed, I hardly afford to buy such, and even sugar is a luxury for me since I don't afford it, therefore, such is a momentous time that I always relive. It is a pleasure to feel the warmth and the love of my generation, indeed I have been abundantly blessed to have them.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My health has failed me a lot, I have been suffering from Brucellosis and typhoid that has persisted for long now. I am so feeble and can hardly catch sleep during the night. It has really bothered me for sometime now, previously I had undergone medication at Kabarnet which helped but it has kept recurring again. I am hurting and in constant pain, I have always wanted to go to hospital to sick medication but I lack the needed money. This week has been particularly worse, since yesterday I have been thinking of going to my parents place in Riwa to borrow money from my brother, Zacharia, who works in Kapsabet to enable me attend to my health. I cannot withstand the pain any longer.