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Newsfeed > Mukahigiro's Profile
Mukahigiro's family
Subsistence farming
Rwanda Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first installment I want to buy matress and beds for all of us and other materials we need in our house , I plan to buy food and clothes for me and my siblings, I also plan to rent a land for $100 for farming and the balance I plan to save it in micro finance as we wait for the second installment and add on it. The second installment i want to build ourselves a house because currently the one we live in small for our family size and if i get a chance to get the balance from it I want to buy a sewing machine that will help me work for myself and gain money to pay for school fees for my siblings. Receiving this money means coming out of poverty and reaching higher in our lives , this will help us have a home to live in and have enough money to use in our daily expense.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the past days we have been able to produce a little more than expected from our land and Recently we are able to get what to eat everyday and we have been able to get people to hire us in their land which allowed us to collect enough to pay school fees for our siblings. Our cow are giving us enough milk to use and this is what brought us happiness being able to see my siblings getting the opportunity i don't have now of being able to study is a great achievement.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We only have a small land that our mother left us with and that's the only source of living we currently have. I live my 3 siblings and we have been living alone for 7 years since our mother passed away. We are all still young but me and my young brother Augustin were not able to continue our studies we had to drop out in order to be able to provide for our 2 little siblings , we work for others to get some little money to pay for them school fees. We struggle to get what to eat, we can even spend days without having food because the land we have is small and doesn't produce enough and we can't be able to work for much money to sustain our family. We all sleep in the same room and this is a constraint for us because none of us gets his or her own privacy we all have to share one bed and it is uncomfortable for girls and boys to share the same room.