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Newsfeed > James's Profile
James's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, my primary goal is to secure the education of my children. I aim to clear school fees for both my child in grade 12 , requiring a total of $200 to accomplish this. To generate the necessary funds, I plan to lease out 1 acre of land. The income generated from this endeavor will be dedicated to ensuring that my children can continue their education without any financial obstacles. The long-term vision involves not just securing their education but also anticipating their assistance once they complete school. I am hopeful that the education they receive will empower them to contribute to the family's financial well-being, thereby easing the burden on me. This plan reflects not only my commitment to my children's education but also a strategic approach to managing the financial aspects of our lives. I am grateful for the opportunities and support that can make these aspirations a reality, setting the stage for a brighter future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am deeply grateful for the transformative impact of the transfers, which have significantly alleviated the financial burdens on my family. Coming from a humble background and relying on often unreliable casual jobs, the assistance provided has been a means of survival. The transfers have enabled me to acquire essential food items, ensuring that my family's basic needs are met. Moreover, the support has extended to facilitating my children's education, allowing them to attend school without the hindrance of financial constraints. So far, everything about the organization's approach has been positive and effective. I appreciate the stability and positive changes brought about by their assistance. In my perspective, there is nothing that needs to change in the way they operate. The support has been instrumental in improving our quality of life, and I am grateful for the positive impact it has had on my family of two.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The timing of the transfers could not have been more crucial, especially as schools were about to open. Upon receiving the transfers, I immediately allocated $100 towards my son's grade 12 school fees, ensuring that his education continues without interruption. Recognizing the importance of sustaining our household, $63 was wisely spent on purchasing maize and beans. These essential food items contribute significantly to meeting the nutritional needs of our family of two. The remaining funds were dedicated to constructing a one-room house, a vital investment in improving our living conditions. As a family, we heavily rely on casual jobs such as weeding, where the daily earnings of $2.5 are entirely directed towards securing food for our household and nothing to save. The transfers have provided a lifeline, addressing immediate needs like education and sustenance while also fostering a sense of stability through housing improvements. I am grateful for the support received, and I am optimistic that these strategic decisions will contribute to a better and more secure future for my family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($294 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking into the coming year and beyond, my foremost goal is to build a new house for my son, considering he will no longer be sharing the same space with me after undergoing circumcision. Despite currently residing in a makeshift structure composed of a few iron sheets on one side and various materials like nets and clothes on the other, I am determined to complete the construction of a new and more permanent dwelling using the materials I have acquired. The extreme cold at night has been challenging for both of us, and I am determined to provide him with a better and more comfortable living space where he won't have to endure the same cold conditions I have experienced.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In a relatively short span, I have witnessed remarkable changes in our village, including my own household, surpassing our previous expectations. The cash transfer from GiveDirectly provided a unique form of support, different from what we had typically associated with aid. Being part of this program brings me satisfaction, and I look forward to achieving significant milestones by the end. Despite GiveDirectly's strict stance against misuse, this approach has played a crucial role in instilling an understanding of the importance of one-time support. We are diligently working towards transforming our households, aspiring to live as testimonials of the positive impact of GiveDirectly in the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a considerable time, I have endured living in a makeshift structure with rusted iron sheets and improvised walls made from various materials, enduring cold nights and challenging rainy seasons. The first and second transfers have been instrumental in my journey towards realizing the construction of a new house. Utilizing the second transfer, I purchased 10 iron sheets for $130, including nails, bringing the total to 15 sheets. Although construction hasn't commenced as I am still searching for an expert, I am optimistic about completing it soon. I also bought a $42 sack of maize for my family of two and settled a $100 debt with a neighbor. Additionally, I allocated $15 as a deposit for my son's circumcision rites and spent $6 on transporting construction materials. Prioritizing my family's needs, I spent $12 on clothes, including a pair for my son. Currently, I have $90 saved to cover upcoming expenses and ensure a smoother transition into our new home once construction is underway.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($140 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
During the late hours of the evening, I ventured out to inspect my beehives, tending to those that hadn't attracted bees. A notice for an incoming SMS rang on my phone as I was up in a tree tending to one of the hives. Upon verifying that it was indeed confirmation of a GD transfer, a rush of elation swept over me. The realization that I now had money to buy enough food for myself and my son brought me immense joy and relief.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My quality of life has improved significantly since I now possess sufficient food to support my family. The burden of constantly searching for work, which often pays inadequately, and the associated physical strain have been alleviated. Additionally, I take great comfort in the knowledge that my son will soon have a designated place to sleep. The discomfort of relying on someone else's hospitality for shelter has weighed heavily on me, impacting my sense of parenthood. This positive change brings me a sense of contentment and relief.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated a significant portion of my transfer, amounting to $125, towards purchasing food. This decision was influenced by my lack of a reliable income, as I only rely on infrequent casual work opportunities that pay only $250 per day. Considering the scarcity of such work in recent times, I anticipate that this food supply will sustain my son and me for an extended period. Furthermore, I invested $75 in acquiring five sheets for the initiation of a project aimed at constructing a small room. This room will serve as a sleeping arrangement for my son, who currently seeks shelter at my brother's children's house. This troubles me, as I am uncertain about any potential negative perceptions they might have of me, and I feel we are causing a disturbance to their comfort. I am pleased that this project is in its early stages and is not only about providing my son with a proper sleeping space but also about creating an environment conducive to his studies.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Coming of GiveDirectly to my village means so much to me because it means that my life will be transformed. For the first transfers, I plan to purchase food such as maize, beans, and other commodities such as cooking oil. This is a priority for me because the greatest challenge that I'm facing at the moment is a lack of food due to a prolonged drought. I plan to use about $80 of the transfers. For the remaining $10 of the first portion of the transfers, I plan to construct a grass-thatched house. This is suitable for me because I'm currently living in a house that is in a bad state. my house is made of mosquito nets and plastic which is very cold at night and I ran the risk of being bitten by snakes. For the second and third transfers, I plan to purchase goats. With this, I will be able to purchase at least 13 goats at $50 each. This will provide me with an investment in the future. I'm grateful for GiveDirectly since the transfers will surely transform my life.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In my daily life, the aspect that makes it pleasant is my well-being. I'm always happy that I wake up healthy and able to work. Whenever I work and get food on my table I feel so great and satisfied.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Having in mind the current drought situation in our village, hunger is the aspect that is making my life harder recently. Since it has been about 4 years since we had good rains, there has been a scarcity of work and unproductivity of our farms. This has prompted me to charcoal burning which has been made illegal by the government. Because of this, therefore, I'm forced to stay without food the majority of the time since it's difficult to get casual work which I depend on. This makes my life hard and miserable.