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Newsfeed > Stanley's Profile
Stanley's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($383 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my transfers, I thought it best to construct a two-room iron-roofed house for my family of five since the one we currently live in is too small for us all. Can you imagine living in the same room with your spouse and children? More so, the house doubles up as the kitchen, bedroom, and living room, compromising privacy. Isnt it? In addition, the soot emitted from the fireplace always makes our clothes smell sooty. I am glad the transfers came in handy, as I spent $400 constructing the additional house and therefore converting this current house into the kitchen. I was not able to construct this house before because of a lack of finances since I had not been employed before. Unlike now, where the municipal council took me in as a county clerk, the $70 income caters for my $10 monthly medical expenses for the management of diabetes as well as food for the household. For the rest of the transfers, I used them on a heifer and food for the household. Although I have not catered for all the family's needs exhaustively, I am happy to have touched a portion.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am grateful for the unconditional cash transfers because the hustle of looking for finances has been reduced. With my medical condition, management is somewhat expensive, as I spend $10 each month on hospital visits, therefore saving almost nothing for the household. I am glad that the transfers have bridged certain family needs, and therefore people can respond to other pressing issues regardless of their financial status. My only wish is for the organization to continue giving out the transfusions, even if in small amounts, to help people with medical conditions like me.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I am only a few months into the municipal council clerk job, I have not saved enough to run extensive family errands, such as paying school fees for my children. Besides, the income all pays for food and my medication. Therefore, in the coming year, I hope to be employed permanently at the municipality, thereby increasing the $70 I currently earn. From the income I earn, I hope to admit my children to boarding school so they can get an adequate learning foundation to take them through their next educational life. I will be glad to have fulfilled their educational needs by paying their school fees fully.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($444 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I live with my family of five in a small house that cannot comfortably accommodate all of us. Every evening, two of my children would risk going out into the neighborhood in search of a place to sleep. Even though it made my neighbor's children uncomfortable to share their bed space with my children every day, they had to put up with it because we had limited funds to build a new house. As the bread winner, it became more difficult for me when I lost my job at a restaurant in a nearby shopping center due to a diabetic condition that affected my vision. When I received the first transfer, I was relieved that I would prioritize spending on construction work.I spent $450 on 24 iron sheets, building poles, and timber, as well as labor charges for a house that is nearly completed. I am pleased with the progress and eagerly await the second transfer to complete the final furnishing. In addition, I spent the remaining funds on household goods, including foodstuffs  worth $60 and other consumables at $40.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life is the construction of a new house. I had had the same plan for a long time but was never sure when to start because I did not have any money. I was working as a casual laborer in a restaurant in a nearby shopping center, but my health was interfering with my performance. My diabetic condition caused me to develop blurred vision. I had to quit my job in order to seek adequate medical attention. I am grateful that GiveDirectly stepped in and helped me realize my dream of building a new home for my family of five.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Even though the message had nothing to do with GiveDirectly other than the exact amount I was expecting, I had no doubt that the money was from GiveDirectly. It was around 5:00 p.m. when I received a message notification, and since I was at home with my spouse, I had to show her. We were both excited, and with everything planned, we could not wait to collect the entire amount from the nearby shopping center early the next day.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The main challenges that am currently facing have been brought about by the state of my health. Last year June I was unfortunately diagnosed with diabetes and things have changed since then. I have to attend monthly clinics that cost me $15 every month and I am a person who depends on casual jobs that pay $2 a day. This is an amount I cannot raise and I have been depending on well-wishers in the village to pay for the clinics and my medicines. I had thought of joining the national medical insurance fund but I wouldn't be able to pay the premiums that cost $60 annually. This health condition has also affected my vision slightly and this has led to difficulty in doing casual jobs that earn me a living. Employers, therefore, do not want to give me work anymore because I struggle to complete it.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have 2 children Faith and Lois, they are aged 5 and 3 respectively. These two give me every reason to always be happy because I am lucky to have them in my life. I never thought that I would one day have children and a family because I was so poor and no one would easily have accepted to come live with me as a spouse.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
This is the perfect opportunity to acquire at least 2 years of medical insurance cover because it will help me in my current health condition that I have been struggling with. This will cost about $140 and it will have saved me $360 that I would have been required to pay in two years without the insurance. I would like to also seek advanced healthcare in a national referral health facility to further manage my eye conditions better. The local hospital had advised me to do this before the condition gets worse but I have not been able to even make enough money even for the cost of transport to the national referral health facility. I would also like to buy enough stock of corn and other cereals that will keep my family food secure as I embark on this journey to at least restore my health.