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Newsfeed > Becky's Profile
Becky's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($309 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next year, my goal is to venture into maize farming on my 1-acre piece of land. This endeavor is crucial for providing food security for my family of three. I aim to sow maize on this land to ensure that we have enough to feed ourselves throughout the year. To initiate this venture, I estimate that I will need a capital investment of $500. This will cover expenses such as purchasing seeds, fertilizers, and any necessary equipment for farming. My plan to raise this capital involves attending casual jobs. By working additional hours and taking on extra tasks, I believe I can gradually save up enough funds to kickstart the maize farming project. While it may require some effort and dedication, I am confident that, with hard work and perseverance, I will be able to achieve this goal within the next year. The opportunity to provide for my family's food needs through farming is a priority for me, and I am committed to making it a reality.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I appreciate the autonomy that GiveDirectly's approach to unconditional cash transfers provides to individuals within the community. By allowing recipients to decide how to utilize the transfers based on their own priorities and needs, this approach ensures that the assistance is tailored to the specific circumstances of each individual or family. While the current transfers have undoubtedly made a significant impact on many lives, I agree that additional transfers could further enhance the positive outcomes experienced by the community. By providing ongoing support or additional transfers, GiveDirectly could continue to address the evolving needs of individuals and families over time. Expanding the range or frequency of transfers could enable recipients to pursue not only immediate needs but also longer-term goals, such as investing in education, starting small businesses, or improving housing conditions. This could contribute to sustained improvements in overall well-being and economic stability within the community. Overall, while the current approach of unconditional cash transfers is commendable, I believe that exploring opportunities to provide additional support or transfers could further amplify the positive impact on the lives of individuals and families in the community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my transfers, my first priority was ensuring that my children could continue their education without interruption. I allocated $150 towards school fees for my children in grades 1 and 4, recognizing the importance of their academic development. Additionally, I made the decision to save $200 in my bank account. This savings will serve as a safety net for unexpected expenses or emergencies, providing some stability and security for my family's future. The remaining funds were used to purchase food for our household. With a family of three, it is essential to ensure that we have enough food to sustain ourselves. These funds help alleviate the financial strain of putting meals on the table each day. As a family, we rely on casual jobs such as weeding and tomato picking to earn a daily income of $3. While this income may be modest, it is essential for covering our daily expenses, particularly food. Previously, I depended on farming to pay for my children's school fees. However, the harsh climatic conditions have made farming increasingly challenging and unreliable. I am glad the transfers have provided support, allowing us to prioritize other essential needs while weathering the challenges posed by the unpredictable climate.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my aspiration is to launch a local milk bar in my village. Having keenly observed the current scenario, it is evident that there is a significant demand for milk. Many individuals in the community are compelled to travel considerable distances to town for this essential commodity, incurring both cost and time. My goal is to bridge this gap by conveniently providing milk to the local community while simultaneously generating income for myself. I am excited about the potential impact this venture can have on both the local economy and the lives of those around me.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, the aid provided by GiveDirectly has positively influenced our overall quality of life, bringing about transformative changes and fostering our economic status. Additionally, the unconditional nature of the program has empowered us to allocate the funds based on our specific needs without any constraints. Personally, I am grateful that, through the transfer, I now own five goats, and I am confident that they will multiply, becoming a valuable source of income in the future. This, in turn, will enable me to provide the best for my two children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer has brought a sense of hope, offering me the opportunity to pursue a cherished dream of constructing my own house. As a single mother navigating the challenges of raising two children, the journey has been marked by significant hurdles, particularly with the sole reliance on maize farming for income, which has been severely affected by persistent drought over the past three years. Currently residing in my brother's house, it has been uncomfortable, especially with my two children, as it seems to impose a burden on him. My father has generously provided me with land, but financial constraints prevented me from constructing a home. I have saved $300 from the second transfer, and I intend to combine it with the third transfer to commence the construction of a two-room house made of iron sheets. This dwelling has been a longstanding aspiration, and the funds from the transfer have become a crucial catalyst for turning this dream into reality. To diversify my income sources, I used $10 to purchase three goats, expanding my existing herd with the anticipation of breeding and multiplying them. This holds the promise of becoming a sustainable source of income through future sales. I allocated the remaining amount to purchase food for my family. This ensures that, despite the financial challenges, we have a reliable supply of food to meet our daily needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($135 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly was a moment of immense joy for me. I was at home with my parents, who were also receiving the same amount simultaneously. While my children are still quite young, I refrained from sharing the news with them on that day. However, the following day, I bought them some presents that awakened their curiosity, as they could only associate such surprises with Christmas. Even though they could not fully grasp the situation, I took the time to explain to them that these gifts were possible because of the generous support we had received from GiveDirectly. The happiness and gratitude we felt as a family during that moment were truly heartwarming, with a hope of accomplishing all the tasks I had enlisted.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life after receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly is the drastic improvement in my living standards. Witnessing my children's consistent school attendance and the availability of ample food at home fills me with immense joy and relief. I am grateful that I can now relax and focus on other projects instead of constantly worrying about the basic search for food that had become the norm. This transformation has not only alleviated financial stress, but has also instilled a sense of hope and rejuvenated my focus on diversified goals at the same time.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The first transfer from GiveDirectly brought a significant positive change to my family's life. We had been struggling with our reliance on subsistence farming for both food and any surplus we hoped to sell to meet other obligations, including school fees for my children. However, the past three years of extensive drought made this nearly impossible, and our hopes rested on the goodwill of others and the livestock, which we eventually had to sell. With the first transfer, I prioritized education and used $80 to pay the school fees for my two children, who attend a private primary school. I also allocated $40 to purchase new clothes for my children, and despite their surprised faces, they were delighted, believing it was already Christmas, and they could dress nicely for the festivities. Additionally, I invested $50 in buying two goats to add to our existing herd, with the hope of breeding and multiplying them, as we had relied heavily on livestock in the past few years. I spent $25 on purchasing food for my family of three and used the remaining $5 for transportation to and from the shopping center while purchasing these essentials. I am grateful for this support and hopeful to do a lot more with the subsequent transfers.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Farming has been my long-term passion but financial challenges have hindered me from doing it on a large scale. With the transfers, I will lease two acres of land and farm maize and beans. From this I can earn enough money to sustain my family. I also shall purchase livestock to supplement the income from the farm and with this there shall be a consistent flow of income and I can comfortably achieve my developmental goals. I am very happy and I look forward to changing my life with the transfers.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Six months ago, I planted maize under irrigation and thankfully I harvested four sacks of ninety-kilogram. I sold two sacks and got $100 which I used to pay school fees for my children and the other two sacks are what we are still using as food.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial constraints are the greatest challenge. When my husband passed on, I was left raising my two children alone. I do farming to earn a living but the proceeds are not consistent due to the unavailability of water. This has made it difficult to pay school fees for my children and provide other basic needs like food and medication.