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Newsfeed > Monica's Profile
Monica's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the money I received, I decided to invest $360 in building two rooms made of iron sheets. Living in my brother's house after he moved to town in search of work, I realized that relying on someone else's home was hard; he could ask me to leave at any time. Two years ago, my husband and I separated, leaving me to care for our three children alone.With the remaining $90, I bought food supplies to ensure my family had an abundance of food. Initially, I worked on neighboring farms, earning $3 per day, which was insufficient to cover our expenses. In the mornings, I worked on the farms, and in the afternoons, I ventured into town to run my small business, blending juice and cooking chips to sell. I combined the profits from my business with the earnings from my farm work to pay my children's school fees and provide for their basic needs.I'm grateful to GiveDirectly for enabling me to have my own home, something I never imagined possible. I am filled with joy and appreciation for this opportunity.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I want to thank GiveDirectly a lot for helping us make our dreams come true. I first heard about GiveDirectly from people in the Loboi area. At first, I wasn't sure about taking the money because I didn't know where it came from. But then I thought if others are taking it and they're okay, why not me too?Now, I feel really good about the money from GiveDirectly. It helped me get my own house, and my kids are living comfortably. I'm impressed with what you do. You're working hard to make life better for people by getting rid of poverty in our area.We'd be so happy if you could give us more money. Keep helping others as you've helped us. Thank you so much.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now that I have my own home and am fully settled, my attention turns to my small business of blending juice and cooking chips. Despite its current performance, I am determined to do everything in my power to make it successful. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for providing me with the means to start this business with the second transfer. Though it's facing the challenges of not getting enough customers to buy, it has not failed me, and I remain hopeful for its improvement in the future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($293 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Following my separation from my husband a while back, I found myself living with my brother, relying on him to accommodate me and my three children. I sought refuge at his house since he works in the capital, leaving the residence vacant. Life became challenging as I depended on sporadic casual work to sustain us, facing difficulties in meeting our basic needs during periods of unemployment. Upon receiving my second transfer, my primary objective was to secure a decent home for my children and myself. I spent $350 towards purchasing building materials, and the remaining funds were used to acquire essential food supplies. The prospect of finally owning a house, a dream that once felt distant, brings me immense joy. Previously, financial constraints had made homeownership seem unattainable, but now I am relieved that my children will have a place to call home. I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Having the freedom to transfer funds without restrictions enabled me to focus on my urgent priority of constructing a house. The advantage of utilizing the funds without specific directives proved valuable. The favorable outcomes of this aid went beyond immediate relief, as I managed to procure an ample supply of food for myself. We deeply appreciate the transformative impact of this support. Up to now, I haven't identified any aspects that necessitate reassessment, modification, or enhancement.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to establish a retail shop as my primary source of stable income, allowing me the flexibility to dedicate quality time to caring for my children. The nature of casual work is demanding, and the distant locations I often visit in search of employment make it challenging to balance family responsibilities. To bring this vision to fruition, I intend to allocate a portion of the third transfer towards initiating and sustaining my retail venture. This strategic investment aims to provide financial stability while affording me the precious time needed to nurture and support my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($121 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Being a single mother and raising my three children has always been a challenging journey, pushing me to work tirelessly to provide for them. I eagerly awaited the support from GiveDirectly since enrolling, knowing that it could make a significant difference in our lives. As soon as I received the first transfer, I prioritized my dream of leasing a half-acre of arable land for the upcoming planting season, so I forwarded $50 to secure the leasehold from the farm owner on the third day. This project will free me from the low-paying and hard-to-come-by casual labor I had been dependent on. Additionally, I spent $50 on food for my family of four, ensuring we had enough to eat. Another $50 went towards household essentials, including toiletries and new clothes for my children, who were overjoyed as they had patiently worn tattered clothes for more than three years. I cleared a $20 school fee arrears, ensuring my kids could attend school without interruption, and saved the remaining funds for future needs, including replenishing household goods and emergencies. This support has not only provided immediate relief but also given me a new hope of giving the best to my family once more.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life since I received the first transfer from GiveDirectly is the abundant food availability for my three children. Previously, I had to purchase food daily with the meager earnings I received from casual labor. But now, I can save the money I earn from casual work because I have enough food to sustain us. As a result, I have managed to save $30 and continue to build on it with the hope of increasing my leasehold to a full acre for the upcoming planting season. This food security has not only alleviated the daily struggle but has also given me the opportunity to plan better.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was filled with gratitude and overwhelming happiness when I received the message confirming the receipt of my first transfer from GiveDirectly on my phone. At that moment, I was doing casual work on a tomato farm, and my phone was tucked away in my jacket in the shade. When I heard an alert, I could not contain my excitement and immediately checked the message, thinking it might be money from a friend I was expecting. To my surprise, it was wonderful news from GiveDirectly. I could not share the news with anyone on the farm. However, I could not wait to inform my children the following morning, and I proceeded to withdraw part of the money while I transferred the remaining directly from my account to the sellers when making payments.
access_time 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial constraints are my greatest challenge as a single parent. I separated from my husband three years ago and since then I provide for my children single-handedly. I do casual jobs at tomato farms and it earns me an average of $10 a week which is hardly enough to cater to all the needs of my family. If I had a stable source of income my life would be easier.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Peace of mind is what has brought me happiness. Even though I am not stable financially, I am thankful to God because my children are doing well in school. At the same time, I can fend for my children and put food on the table.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means financial freedom. After separating from my husband three years ago, I have been raising my children single-handedly through casual jobs. This has been an uphill task and I will use the transfers to improve my hair-dressing skills and open up a salon. This will cost me $ 400 and from which I can earn $100 each month. I am happy because I will lead a better life and also I can provide quality education for my children ensuring they have a better future.