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Newsfeed > Joseah's Profile
Joseah's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my commitment to providing quality education for my children will remain unwavering. I understand the profound impact education has on leveling the playing field and opening doors of opportunity. To ensure this continuity, I have a well-thought-out plan. First and foremost, I will prioritize the timely payment of school fees to prevent any interruptions in my children's education. I recognize the importance of a consistent and uninterrupted learning environment. To achieve this, I am venturing into a promising business of buying cows within our village and reselling them at the nearest market. This business opportunity holds great potential, mainly because there is a market need in our locale. The profits generated from this venture will enable me to realize my aspiration of providing the best possible education for my children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What I love most about GD is their approach to providing unconditional transfers. This approach recognizes the unique needs and priorities of each recipient, allowing us the freedom to utilize the funds according to our individual circumstances. For me, these transfers have been transformative. They have enabled me to achieve two significant milestones that were previously a source of concern. Firstly, I was able to invest in owning cows, which not only represent a valuable asset but also a source of future income. As these cows calve and produce milk, I foresee the opportunity to sell it, thereby generating a steady stream of revenue for my family. Secondly, these transfers came to the rescue when I was burdened with the responsibility of my children's education fees. The financial weight on my shoulders was immense, and I worried about their future. Thanks to GD, I was able to clear these fees, ensuring that my children can continue their education without interruption.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer has been a true lifesaver for me and my family. I was burdened by unpaid school fees that had been causing me immense worry, especially because my two children in secondary school were frequently sent home due to these arrears. However, the transfers arrived as a welcome relief, providing me with the means to clear these outstanding fees. I directed $300 towards this purpose, and it has brought me tremendous peace of mind, knowing that my children can now fully concentrate on their studies without the threat of being sent home. Additionally, I made an investment in the future by purchasing a dairy cow for $200. This is a significant step, as I am optimistic that the cow will calve and produce milk. This milk will not only serve our domestic needs but also provide a surplus that I can sell. These earnings will be invaluable in ensuring that my children's education remains uninterrupted. With the remaining amount, I secured food for my family of seven. This provision is essential for our nourishment. It is worth noting that my source of income is irregular, primarily consisting of casual work like grazing my neighbor's cows, which brings in an income of just $3. This amount is insufficient to cover all our needs, making the support from the transfers even more vital for our well-being.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($448 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a moment of joy for me and my family when we received this transfer. I remember very well it was at around 5:00 pm when I heard my phone ring and upon checking, I found out that I had received a sum of $550 from GiveDirectly. I felt so happy and surprised at the same time. It had never really hit me that we were going to receive the transfer until I saw the message from GiveDirectly. I shared the good news with my wife who was equally very happy to hear this. What made me happy was the fact that I was finally going to be able to pay school fees for my first born child who is in his form one currently. I also thought this was going to be a perfect opportunity to make more investments that will change my life and save me from over depending on casual work to make ends meet for my family of 5. I am so grateful for the things that I was finally able to do with the money received.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is in the investments that I made with the money. Paying school fees, purchasing of livestock, and buying food in bulk has made me so much happy and stress free. I normally rely entirely on casual jobs to provide for my family and this money brought a lot of relief to me. My wife cannot do strenuous casual jobs because of her medical condition and this has meant that I attend to all the needs of our children and family single handedly. Getting this money has given me time to stay at home and work on my own farm contrary to before where I could not get enough time to do such. I have always been on the run to make ends meet for my family which often ends up stressing me a lot. I could not even get time to attend to my own farm but now I can. I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for this beautiful change in my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used $100 of the transfer to pay school fees for my child who recently started secondary school education. I used another $200 to buy livestock as a form of investment. Another $120 was used to buy food for my family while $50 was used to till a piece of land here at home. The amount that remained was used to buy clothes for my three children and other basic needs for the family. I received the money when we had huge school fees arears making this a priority spending area and I thank God that I now have peace of mind having cleared the fee. The livestock investment shall go a long way in making me meet my needs and those of my children in the future. I can be able to sell some of the livestock and pay school fees in future or meet other needs of my family. I feel so much happy and relieved having spent the transfer in the ways that I did. This transfer has left me relaxed as I no longer rely entirely on odd casual jobs and I can also attend to my own farm and make good use of it.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My son Calistus joined a boarding high school last year and paying for his education at the school has been a big task for me. I do casual jobs and earn $3 at most when I work and nearly all of this goes into buying maize flour daily. This, therefore means that I cannot provide quality education and food for my family with the money. My plan for this cash transfer is to buy a dairy cow with $350 which will be another source of income. I project to get 5 liters of milk daily from the cow which translates to an extra $2 for my family. I will be able to save some money weekly and pay school arrears in bits and also buy some of the foodstuffs that I could not buy with the money from my casual job.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I get excited when someone calls me to do casual jobs for them. The last 6 months have been good to me and my wife because we got jobs to do. This has made us happy since we can collectively buy enough food for our children and clear school arrears.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
One thing that makes our life hard is the inability to harvest food from our farm due to a persistent crop disease that has affected our area. The rains are good but we cannot harvest enough food and therefore have to do casual jobs for us to eat. This is expensive because from the $3 that I earn, almost all of it goes into buying maize flour daily and the remaining amount cannot sustain other needs of my family such as education.