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Newsfeed > Sheillah's Profile
Sheillah's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am determined to excel in school and secure a good job in the future. My ultimate goal is to open a cosmetic shop where I can offer a wide range of products. Many people in my community currently travel all the way to Mombasa to purchase quality cosmetics. Recognizing this need and the lack of local competition, I see a promising business opportunity. My plan is to establish this business to tap into the ready market and generate a stable income. I am motivated by the desire to support my family, who have been providing for me for a long time. Now, I am eager to take on the responsibility of helping them in return.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am currently a college student studying cosmetology. Due to the high fees, I couldn't afford to pursue my initial choice of study and opted for cosmetology instead. With the recent transfer, I allocated $100 towards paying off my school fees to ensure I can continue my education without interruption and work towards securing my future. I made an arrangement with the school administration to pay the fees in small installments of $3 each month, and they kindly allowed me to continue my studies under this agreement. With the remaining $2 from the transfer, I purchased a sanitary pad to meet my personal needs during this time. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their support in making this possible.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The financial support from the transfers has empowered me to pursue my aspirations. Prior to joining the program, I relied heavily on my mother, whose income as a casual laborer was minimal. I'm grateful that the funds eased the burden on her, particularly concerning my school fees. Looking ahead, I plan to utilize the money to fund my college education and eventually embark on starting my own business. I am immensely grateful and satisfied with the assistance provided through the transfers.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Thanks to the financial assistance provided by the transfers, I successfully settled my outstanding school fees last year, allowing me to sit for my national exams. Subsequently, I seized the opportunity to enroll in a cosmetology course at a beauty school earlier this year. Thus far, I have allocated $84 towards covering my tuition fees for the course, which extends until October, equipping me with essential skills for my career path. Upon completion, my ambition is to establish my own beauty-related business, with aspirations of launching it by June of next year year. The empowerment derived from the financial aid has been instrumental in propelling me towards achieving these goals. Furthermore, I utilized $14 to cover medical expenses for a chest ailment, and I'm pleased with the effective treatment received, aiding in my recovery. I extend my deepest gratitude for the invaluable support that has enabled me to pursue my aspirations.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I intend to become a member of a 'Chama' savings group established by my relatives at our home. This will enable me to accumulate sufficient funds to enroll in university next year and continue pursuing my desired career. Additionally, I am keen on acquiring a goat, which I view as a prospective investment for generating future income. I am appreciative of the financial assistance I have received, which has facilitated the realization of my educational aspirations.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I recently completed my secondary education after taking the national examinations. To ensure that I had cleared all my school fees arrears, I used $10 to settle the debt I owed to the school. Over the past months, the transfers have been immensely helpful in covering my school fees, which amounted to $68. This was a significant relief for my mother, who is a peasant farmer and has limited financial means to support me. In addition to paying my school fees, I also allocated $10 to assist my mother in purchasing food, as she was facing financial difficulties. The remaining amount was used to acquire personal items and meet my needs. As I await my results, I am grateful for the financial support from Give Directly, which has played a crucial role in supporting my education.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My greatest accomplishment with my subsequent transfers will be finishing paying this year's school fees. This will enable me to sit for my final examinations, knowing I will get my results once they are announced. Once i am done clearing my school fee balance, I plan on investing in livestock such as hens and goats. This will help me finance my education to the university next year.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In July, $20 of my transfers was allocated to paying my school fees as I am currently in the final year of secondary education. Unfortunately, I had accumulated a $45 debt at school, which resulted in my absence in school for over three weeks due to financial constraints. I rely on my mother and brother for financial support, but their earnings from casual jobs are limited, leading to ongoing financial hardships. Moreover, I faced additional financial burdens when I covered my sister's medical expenses, which amounted to $60. She suffered from itching eyes and eventually lost her sight after receiving treatment. Thankfully, we managed to pay the medical bill, and she has since returned home. In an effort to secure a better future, I invested $2 in purchasing a hen. I hope to capitalize on its multiplication and sell some of the offspring to cover my third-term school fees. As for the remaining $2, I used it to purchase food, which was immensely helpful in easing the financial struggles that persist in our household.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I look ahead to the end of the year, I am determined to achieve my greatest accomplishment yet. My goal is to use the money from my transfers to clear the huge school fee debt that has been weighing me down. I know that this will pave the way for me to receive my national examination results and get into university. Becoming a doctor has always been my dream, and I am beyond grateful that the transfer money I am receiving will go a long way in helping me achieve it. I am determined to work hard and give it my all so that I can make the most of this opportunity and succeed in my studies. Clearing my school fees will not only help me achieve my goals but will also be a great relief to my family. My mother has been struggling to provide for us, and I want to take some of that burden off her shoulders. I know that with my hard work and dedication, I will be able to help my family in the future and make them proud.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am currently in my final year of secondary education. My family has been going through a tough time ever since my father passed away, and we heavily rely on my mother who is the sole breadwinner. She sells charcoal, but unfortunately, this only earns her very little money, which makes it difficult to provide for our family of four. My mother's income struggles have affected my siblings and me deeply. My younger brother is still in primary school, while my younger sister is also in secondary school. We all have huge school fee balances that we are unable to pay. This has hindered our smooth learning, and we often worry about our future. Recently, I received my March transfers, and I knew exactly what I had to do with the money. I immediately paid $30 of my school fees, which had reduced the huge $130 school fee debt to $100. I felt so relieved that I was able to contribute towards my education, and it gave me hope that maybe things would eventually get better. Being able to pay part of my school fees made me incredibly happy because I know my mother has been struggling to pay them due to our state of poverty. I hope that with hard work and dedication, I will be able to complete my education and provide a better life for my family in the future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The organization's polite and considerate staff is one aspect I like. Our hearts were softened by the staff's excellent service during enrollment, and to the best of our knowledge, they received the information they required. The company is currently succeeding and moving in the right direction. I implore them to keep up the same attitude and help as many at-risk members of society as possible.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I'll finish my secondary education in the next academic year. In my quest to further my education, it has been a difficult journey. I've frequently been sent home due to sizable school fee balances. I am financially dependent on my older brother, who also covers my school expenses. He works on projects with a maximum duration of one week under short-term contracts. He makes very little money from these jobs, so he is unable to pay my school fees on time. For this reason, I made the decision to set aside a sizable portion of my transfers in a savings group in order to earn interest and lower the $150 in unpaid school fees that I owe the institution. I bought $15 worth of food in bulk to help my family avoid starvation in addition to saving some of the money. The pressure on my older brother, who is responsible for taking care of the family, was greatly reduced by this act of kindness.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was late at night, and I had just gotten home from school. I was surprised to realize that I had received my transfer when I checked my phone. When I checked, I discovered the money had come from GiveDirectly. When I realized I had received my transfer, I was overjoyed. Because my aunt was nearby, I approached her and told her about my good fortune. She couldn't contain herself and instead joined me in celebrating my joy.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before the transfer, I was almost disturbed about how I could raise money for my fees since my parents were not in a position. For the past periods, they had been struggling, a situation that times forces me to engage in casual jobs during weekends to raise some fees. However, since the transfer, the biggest difference in my life is being able to pay part of my fees. In addition, I have begun to raise domestic fowl that I hope will help me as my flock increases.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a form three student at a public secondary school. I have had massive fee arrears because my parents do not have regular and consistent sources of income. I had $42 in fee arrears at the time. I immediately paid my $7 for my school fee after receiving my transfer. It allowed me to study for a month without interruption. Unfortunately, I was sent home last week, but I am hopeful that I will be able to pay the fees as soon as I receive my next transfer. I also spent $2.5 on a hen to start a poultry farm. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for its assistance.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am a form three student at Mnazimmwenga secondary school and quality education for a successful future is what I yearn for. I have other 2 siblings who are also schooling and sometimes my parents fail to make the fee payments in time. My mother is jobless and my father works as a stockman. He earns so little that is why he struggles to pay tuition fees for us. I am grateful for my uncles for their support in my academics. They at times fundraise for me. I plan to start a poultry farming business. With 10,000 KES, I will purchase 100 chicks for a start. In about 4 to 5 months. My birds will be ready for the market. My mother will be selling the birds in open-air markets at 700 KES each. After restocking, it is the profit that will be used to clear my school fees. For the subsequent transfers, I will save them, still for my future studies.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I go through a lot of challenges in my studies but my good academic performance is what keeps me going. I am among the top students in my class. Hopefully, I will pass with flying colors and join university to pursue my career of becoming a journalist.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Food shortage is the challenge I face. Without access to sufficient food, learning becomes so hard for me. I sometimes go to school with an empty stomach and it affects my concentration. This is because my father has a little income that cannot adequately sustain us.