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Newsfeed > Sheila's Profile
Sheila's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($370 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My utmost desire is to see my children prosper and receive a quality education by joining a good school. It fills my heart with joy and pride to envision them growing into knowledgeable and successful individuals. To make this dream a reality, I am determined to provide them with the best educational opportunities without having to struggle to pay for their school fees. Additionally, I long for the day when I can proudly call a house on my plot my home. Owning a house brings a sense of stability, security, and accomplishment. Although financial instability has been a challenge in the past, I am resolute in my pursuit of a stable and secure living situation for my family. As I strive towards these aspirations, I understand that progress takes time and effort. The love and devotion I have for my children fuels my drive to overcome past financial challenges and build a better life for all of us. With each step I take, I embrace the hope that my children will have a promising future, and I will have a stable home that we can call our own.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Through the transfers I received from GiveDirectly, I achieved a significant milestone in my journey towards financial stability. I was able to pay off the debt that I had taken to start my business. This debt had been a burden on my shoulders, and I felt relieved and empowered to finally clear it off. It provided me with a fresh start and the opportunity to make better financial decisions moving forward. Moreover, the transfers have enabled me to explore new possibilities and invest in the growth of my business. With the burden of debt lifted, I can now focus on building a more secure and stable future for myself and my family. I am grateful for the transfers I received, as it has been instrumental in helping me overcome financial challenges and work towards a brighter future. The journey is still ongoing, but I am filled with hope and determination as I continue to utilize the resources wisely and strive for success. As I take steps towards achieving my goals, I am excited about the positive changes that lie ahead and the opportunities that the future holds.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I made a wise decision by investing in a cow for $300. While I previously had a wine and spirit business, I recognized the importance of diversifying my income sources. Business ventures can be unpredictable, and I wanted to have something more reliable and stable, like owning a cow. The cow represents a tangible and valuable asset that can provide a steady stream of income through milk production and potential offspring. Unlike the uncertainties that come with running a business, the cow offers a more assured means of generating revenue. In addition to acquiring the cow, I also invested $130 to expand and improve my existing business. I realized that the key to increasing revenue was having a good stock of products. By carefully selecting and diversifying my inventory, I have been able to attract more customers and double my revenue compared in just three years. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way, thanks to GiveDirectly. With a diverse income portfolio and a thriving business, I am confident in my ability to overcome challenges and achieve my aspirations.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($444 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
When I saw my neighbors celebrating with lots of movement in the direction of the shopping center for those who wanted to collect their money on the spot, I got a signal that the transfer had been received. My husband had my phone and was not at home at the time. I had to call him and inquire because I could not confirm. I was overjoyed to learn that we had received the promised $550 and only needed to agree on spending before withdrawing it with my spouse later that day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The joy of seeing the construction of my new house moving along well and at a faster pace after a boost with the first transfer is the biggest difference in my daily life. I am hoping that the construction will be finished soon and that we will be able to move in within a month. The transformation would not have been possible were it not for the financial support that I am forever grateful for.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was working on the ongoing construction of a house after purchasing and 42 iron sheets and the timber used all around the walls of my new house when I received my first transfer. I still had to finish the exterior and install the gutters that would carry the rainwater from the roof into a massive capacity water tank 5 meters away from the building. So I spent $185 on two bags of cement to make a slab stand for the tank, three more iron sheets for making gutters and connecting pipes, and the timber used to finish a veranda, plus a $41 labor charge. Even though the house is not finished yet, I am glad I finished the part that required a lot of money. I also spent $95 on a Christmas celebration with my family of five, $35 on food, and $30 on a new pair of clothes for my mother-in-law. Furthermore, I am pleased to have offset a portion of the loan that I obtained for the initial portion of the construction after paying $60 from the transfer. I am a businesswoman running a retail business in a nearby shopping center that earns me enough money to pay back the loan at the rate of $130 per month. I am grateful for GiveDirectly's generous support, which has made a significant difference in my family's life.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I would like to spend these transfers on the diversification of my business. It will not grow to the standards I desire if I continue dealing with one product only. I would also like to employ someone to help me when my health is at its lowest. My husband has been surviving on casual jobs in the city will also benefit because I plan to relocate him home and help him with $300 to start a business.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My kitchen garden has been giving me happiness and joy all this time. I spend most of my time on weekends tending to the vegetables and am so happy it has been feeding my family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am currently experiencing challenges with my business and also my health. My business was doing so well before the 2020 covid pandemic but it seems like the pandemic eroded my customer base. During that time my monthly profits could amount to $120 monthly. At the moment making a profit of $30 is pure luck. I have also been asthmatic and the condition has been deteriorating for the last year. I think this has partly contributed to the downfall of my business since I can't stay until late at night because of the extreme cold which may worsen the situation.