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Newsfeed > Rabeca's Profile
Rabeca's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($416 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before the transfers, life had pinned me against the wall; things were tough. As the sole provider for my three children, given that my husband and I had separated, I used to rely on casual jobs like working on people’s farms or at the quarry. The physical demands of these jobs were taking a toll on my body, and as days went by, it was increasingly becoming difficult to ensure the well-being of my family. Among many struggles, one was that I could not afford a decent house for my family. Our small one-roomed structure, which also doubled as a cooking space, would leak water through its grass-thatched roof during the rainy season. This forced us to move into my relative’s space. When I received the transfers, my priority was getting my family a house. So, I spent $450 to buy building materials like iron sheets, building poles, and nails. I also compensated the builder in advance using $70. Imagine now the satisfaction and joy I feel every morning witnessing the progress of the house being constructed; I still cannot believe it. Also, I used the remaining funds of $30 to buy food for my children. I am grateful because the money had just arrived in time when my household had run out of the maize produce we had harvested. The food that I bought is still serving us to date. I could never be more relieved and grateful for the transfer funds and God bless GiveDirectly.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
So much has changed in my life ever since I started receiving the cash transfer. However, the biggest difference in my life right now is the fact that I have gained financial independence, to say the least. For the first time in my life, I have stayed more than two weeks without knocking on my relatives' doors asking for financial assistance to either buy food or even medicine. Nowadays, I do not have to do that because I have savings from the transfers that I can use to buy medicine when my child is sick or buy food when we do not have any. This is a huge relief to me as a breadwinner. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had just arrived home from a church function at four o'clock in the evening when I heard my phone ring with a message notification. Since I could not read the contents myself, I asked my daughter to help check what the message was all about. She broke the news that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. Honestly, it was the best moment of my life. I remember screaming with so much joy that my daughter was concerned I would attract attention from neighbors and passersby and pull a crowd. Well, that was less of my concern! It was an incredible rush of joy because, to say the truth, I was not expecting money that day.
access_time 7 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I consider the lack of a reliable source of income as my biggest challenge. This is because, since I separated from my husband almost 10 years ago, I remained with the burden of taking care of my 2 young children. This means I am required to engage in any available job including casual work at the mining sites. All my daily wage which is mostly $8 goes into paying school fees for my children leaving me with nothing to save. At home, my house is very small with no privacy at all. We normally use rugged sacks and clothes as our beddings. What a worrying situation for my family!
What is the happiest part of your day?
In October last year when the rains started, I decided to come home and focus on farming. This allowed me to put effort into my 1-acre piece of land where I harvested two 90-kilogram bags of maize. This has brought a huge relief to me since I rested on the tough task of mining. Hence, I consider this as what has brought me joy.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A new decent house! Currently, my house is very small and it can not accommodate us. Looking at it from far, you can not recognize it as a structure that shelters my family of 3 and other 5 family members who seek refuge from me. This has robbed away my joy as a mother since I do not have any privacy. I plan to construct a better house that will restore my dignity and bring me peace of mind. I intend to spend $500 of my money to have the house project come to fruition. On the other hand, I desire to start a grocery where I can sell fruits and vegetables, to act as my reliable source of income. I intend to do this within our village and the estimated cost is around $100. The remaining amount will help me to support my children's education. Hence, this is basically what receiving this money means to me.