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Newsfeed > Mary's Profile
Mary's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 14 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While I was at the hospital taking care of my mother, who had been admitted, I didn’t even realize that the money had come in. It wasn’t until around 4 p.m. that I checked my phone and saw the message. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and immediately thanked God, as well as GiveDirectly, for the blessing. I had been thinking about leasing land for farming, but I didn’t have the capital to make it happen before. With this money, that dream suddenly felt possible.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the transfer, I had no capital to start farming because all my money went towards enrolling my children in university. I struggled without savings and was constantly worried about how to provide for my family. When GiveDirectly stepped in, it changed everything. With the money, I was able to lease land for farming and ensure we had enough food at home, which reduced a lot of my stress. Now, I’ve even saved some income from my casual jobs and managed to open a small grocery kiosk to help cover daily needs like milk and vegetables. This support has made a big difference in my life, giving me stability and hope for the future. Thanks so much Givedirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Farming has always been my lifeline, but this time, I saw an opportunity to take it to the next level. I decided to lease two acres of land for $120, knowing that farming on a larger scale would bring in more income. This extra money will help me tackle the university fees for my two children, which had become a heavy burden. With agriculture being a dependable source of income for us, this expansion offers hope for better financial security, allowing me to support their education without the constant pressure of finding money.In addition to that, I spent $10 on new school uniforms for my two sons. Their old uniforms were worn out, and it was important to me that they felt confident and presentable at school. I also put aside $30 for food, even though I usually farm for it. With all the other financial pressures, I wanted to ensure we had enough to get by comfortably until the next harvest.Finally, I allocated $40 for my children's school fees. Balancing my responsibilities as a farmer, pastor, and mother of six can be overwhelming. Both my husband and I farm, but the added income from this cash transfer has provided much-needed relief. Now, I can focus on my family and my duties without the constant worry of how to meet our daily needs.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
When the flash floods struck our village three months ago, they wiped out my entire maize and tomato farm. Since then, I have struggled to recover because I lack the finances needed to replant. Currently, I rely on occasional casual jobs where I earn about $4 on a good day. Every penny from these jobs goes towards the school fees for my three children—two in secondary school and one in college. There is nothing left to save. Thankfully, I have upcoming transfers that bring a sense of relief. With these transfers, I plan to spend $500 in cultivating maize on my 2-acre piece of land. This not only promises income but also ensures food security for my family of eight. Additionally, I will spend $220 to purchase a water pipe for irrigation purposes, essential for nurturing my crops effectively. The remainder of the transfers will go towards covering the school fees for my children. This financial boost will significantly ease my burden, allowing me to spend less time on exhausting casual jobs and more time ensuring my family's future and well-being.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite losing my farm to flash floods, I never gave up hope. The situation was tough, especially since I could not see how I would manage to pay for my children's school fees. However, I have been fortunate to find occasional jobs that have helped me meet their educational expenses, especially after they were sent home in May 2024. It has been a struggle, but I am determined to keep pushing forward for the sake of my family's future.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am going through a tough time right now. One of my biggest challenges is financial instability. Without completing my studies, I lack the certificates needed for formal employment. Instead, I rely on casual jobs where I might earn just $4 on a good day. Unfortunately, these opportunities are scarce, leaving me without income on many days. Three months ago, a flash flood destroyed my maize and tomato farm. I have not been able to recover financially to replant, and it hurts to see my land bare. I do not expect to earn the returns I used to in past years. It is a difficult situation, and I am trying to find a way forward despite these setbacks.