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Newsfeed > Wesley's Profile
Wesley's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plan is to continue maize crop farming and maintain my contract with Kenya Seed, but this time I'll use my own capital for production to avoid the stress of debt in case of crop failure due to rainfall uncertainties. Any income generated will be used to cover family needs, including school fees for my four children. Additionally, I plan to engage in commercial maize production for our domestic consumption, which will ensure food security for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's support of sending money directly through mobile phone, along with security education, ensured the safety of the funds. The enrollment process was fair, with officers being patient and respectful, and there was no harassment or discrimination of any form, ensuring that everyone received the financial support. The follow-up approach ensured that people utilized their transfers appropriately. This support has created a positive impact in the community. GiveDirectly should continue their good work.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I rely on crop farming and livestock keeping as our main source of income. We practice our crop farming on an acre piece of land , focusing mainly on contract farming under the Kenya Seed Company. This company provides certified maize seeds and offers financial support for land preparation as a loan. Planting and crop management is on us. We frequently experience severe droughts, forcing us to rely on crop irrigation. During extreme droughts, the rivers dry up, leading to poor crop. When the harvest fails, the contracting company expects us to pay the loan back within a period of one year. If we fail, they auction our assets, making it difficult to meet our needs including better housing. I used the last $450 transfer to construct a two-room house with an iron sheet roof because my current one-room muddy house was too small, forcing my wife, our four children, and me to share a single room. The limited space meant we had to cook outside, which became particularly challenging during the rainy season. When we had visitors, we were compelled to ask our neighbors for additional space for them to spend the night. Although the new house is nearly complete, I have yet to install the doors and windows, primarily due to financial constraints. The money from the third transfer was insufficient, but I plan to finish the house as soon as I secure the funds. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for their financial support, which has significantly changed our lives.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($294 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal is to construct a comfortable home for my family, as the current one is small and expanding it has been unattainable due to our limited income. I plan to use my third transfer to make this dream a reality. The thought of improving my life through this endeavor fills me with happiness and optimism, and I am confident that I will successfully reach my objectives.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The organization excelled in empowering the remote villages that we believed were unlikely to receive assistance. Additionally, they permitted us to use our funds based on our individual needs, which was particularly noteworthy for me. As of now, I haven't identified any aspects that require adjustment or improvement.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My spouse and I depend on farming for our livelihood, and we have three children. Upon receiving our second transfer, we made a mutual decision to prioritize ensuring an ample food supply in our home. This was a significant challenge for us as our farms had been unproductive for a while, and we lacked an alternative source of income. Consequently, affording three meals a day became a struggle. To address this, I invested $220 in purchasing four bags of maize. Additionally, I spent $100 towards renting a piece of land for our plans next year. Lastly, I spent $65 to purchase four iron sheets to construct a kitchen house, which we previously lacked due to financial constraints. I am elated that, within a short period, I was able to accomplish so much. Now, we have a sufficient food supply in our home that can sustain us for an extended period.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a regular day, and then, at 3 pm, a message arrived that carried more than just words. Joy surged within me, and in that moment, a world of possibilities unfolded. The first thought that danced in my mind was about securing food. Feeding five children is no small feat, especially when you depend on the yield from a kitchen garden. And now, with this unexpected blessing, the burden eased, and a new avenue opened. As a farmer, every seed sown is an investment, and this support amplifies the impact of what we cultivate.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The acquisition of a whole sack of maize marks a significant departure from our previous dependence solely on the farm. It's a tangible symbol of newfound stability, a departure from the uncertainty that plagued us in times when the farm couldn't meet all our needs. Then there's the entry of goats into our lives. Though they are currently in their youth, there's a forward-looking plan. With time, as they mature and multiply, they become assets in form of investment that appreciates in value. It's a deliberate step towards sustainability, a bulwark against the specter of returning to a time when we had nothing at all. Moreover, there's a subtle freedom that accompanies having a stable source of sustenance. With food securely stored at home, there's a liberation to engage in personal pursuits without the looming worry of a day without income. It's not just about the physical nourishment but about reclaiming time and agency in our lives. We will always be grateful to GiveDirectly for the selfless support they accorded us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
First and foremost, the food necessary for the growth and health of the body and soul was on my agenda. With $60, I ensured that the shelves were stocked, not just with provisions but with the assurance that hunger wouldn't knock on our door. Next, there was a venture into the realm of appearances. $20 might seem a modest sum, but it bore the weight of transformation. It went into clothing, not just as a covering for the body but as a statement of pride and dignity for my children. It was an investment in confidence. Then, the stage shifted to the domain of rest. A tired body finds solace in a comfortable bed. So, with $70, two mattresses entered our abode, replacing the wearied one that had served its time. The promise of a good night's sleep echoed in these new acquisitions. Lastly, $50 went to acquision of two young goats. These creatures, still in the early stages of life, carry the potential to grow and, in time, contribute to our financial stability.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The transfer will be of good help, we need a separate house from the children. A two-roomed whole rounded iron sheet is enough. Iron sheets lasts longer and cannot be eaten by termites. We plan to use about $500 for this house. If possible later, we can source other funds to cement the floor. It's expensive constructing a house. Investing in goats is a marvelous idea, they do well under the scorching sun. They just need enough water, medicine and little pasture. We'll buy about 10 goats at a cost of $300. This means we can have something to support our family in the future. Goat prices are good around here. Chicken also do well, we need to invest about $50. They will supplement our food and solve small emergencies. On big cock can be sold for $10. Additionally, we don't have enough household items like clothes, food stuff and utensils. I plan to use about $300 to buy this items. This means we can relax with my wife not worrying about many things. Our children will also be looking good.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We are farmers, I have a one acre piece of land. I have currently planted maize anticipating to harvest in the next one month. It gives me joy knowing that my family will not go hungry. Farming has been my source of livelihood.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We currently live in a one roomed mud house, with my family of six. It's difficult sharing one room with my children and wife. There's no privacy. I need a separate house for me and my wife. The children and visitors can share the current one. A separate house gives us privacy and enough room for our children to even read at night with minimal disturbance. Sharing one room is difficult for everyone.