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Newsfeed > Kache's Profile
Kache's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Once this financial aid comes to an end in the future, I want to be in a position where I will have financial security and can totally rely on myself. To achieve this, I want to keep on saving my transfers from GiveDirectly in our local savings group, and once they mature, I will use the money to buy more goats. I am hopeful that these goats will multiply and increase in number and value so that in the future, when I am faced with pressing issues in our family, I may be able to sell them and help my family out. I am glad about this envisioned future that I have, and I am hopeful that I will be able to achieve it so that I may have the financial independence that I have always longed for.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
These transfers came in at a time when we needed them the most, as they arrived when I was at the hospital with my daughter-in-law, who was unwell. She had stomach complications and had undergone surgery to rectify the issue. I therefore used $68 to clear the hospital bill, and I am happy that we were discharged, and she is now progressing well, although not fully healed yet. Additionally, I have been saving in our local savings group for livestock farming, and therefore, I saved $10 of my recent transfers so that when it matures, I may be able to use the money to buy goats, hoping they multiply and increase in number and value, and sell them in the future when in need. Still on livestock, I spent another $10 to buy chicken, hoping that they too will multiply and increase in number and value, and I can sell them to buy more goats. Also, to ensure that we did not go hungry, I spent $10 to buy food for my family to stay healthy. Finally, I spent the remaining $4 to buy soap for cleaning ourselves and maintaining hygiene and neatness.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming months, my aim is to buy a mattress. Having a mattress will ensure I can sleep peacefully and comfortably. Additionally, I'd like to invest in purchasing more livestock. Right now, I have three goats, and I want to increase their number. These animals will be valuable for generating income, even after the financial aid ends in five years. I'm grateful for the financial support; it has significantly improved my life and made me better off.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I depend mainly on farming and doing odd casual jobs, like making and selling charcoal, to earn a living. When the weather is hot, I hardly sell any charcoal, so I use the money I earn from other jobs to buy food. Last month, I spent $44 on food, which included sugar, maize flour, wheat flour, and tea leaves. My family had plenty to eat, and we never went to bed hungry. I joined a savings group with six members. Each of us contributes $10 every month. The money is given to one member to use for projects to improve their life. In February, I received $60, and with some extra money I got from my other jobs, I bought a bed for $46. I saved the rest of the money so I can buy a mattress in the next few months. My old bed was made of sisal, but it was hard to repair because sisal is scarce. So, I decided to buy a wooden bed instead. I also bought some new clothes for my stepdaughter so she could look neat. I spent $8 on buying two hens, which I think is a great investment because they will multiply, and I can sell them later for a good profit. I'm thankful for the financial support I've received from my other jobs so far.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My immediate focus is on securing a more comfortable sleeping space. I aim to switch to a decent wooden bed and a mattress, which would require at least $100. My current bed is made of sisal ropes and while I have survived sleeping on it for many years, it can be very uncomfortable to sleep on. Knowing that I cannot raise this amount at once, I have been contributing $20 each month to a merry-go-round club to receive a lump sum amount later that will allow me to buy the furniture.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From the recent transfers, I used $10 to buy two chickens and $25 to purchase a goat. My intention is for them to reproduce so that after the cash transfers end, I can have a source of funds for my needs. Due to the heavy continuous rains, my house was on the verge of collapsing. I allocated $15 to buy building poles to repair the part of the walls that were collapsing. Additionally, I repaid a debt of $5 to my neighbor, as I had borrowed money from her to go to the hospital when I was sick. From previous transfers, I contributed $20 to my merry-go-round club. My goal in participating in the group is to accumulate enough money to buy a new bed and mattress. Currently, I sleep on a sisal-twined bed, which is uncomfortable, and I wake up fatigued every day. The remaining $27 was used to buy food. My son, who relies on charcoal making, is the sole provider for his family of three children and me. I am grateful that I can now confidently contribute to buying food and relieving him of the burden.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For some time now, I've been sleeping on a sisal twine bed, which has been causing discomfort and resulting in back pains. To improve my overall comfort and sleep quality, my objective is to invest in a new mattress and a wooden bed. Additionally, my current house is showing signs of wear and tear, with a few indications that it might collapse in the near future. Therefore, I am determined to save up and purchase building materials to construct a new house before the current one becomes uninhabitable.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Relying on my son, who works as a casual laborer selling charcoal, has become essential for our livelihood. With the size of our family, he faces tremendous challenges in making ends meet for all of us due to the meager income he earns from his job. Providing for the family has become a significant struggle for him. To alleviate some of his burdens, I decided to utilize $14 from my July transfers to purchase food for our household. This should sustain us until he can earn enough to buy our next meal once the supplies deplete. Additionally, I invested $10 in purchasing two hens, as I have aspirations of venturing into livestock farming and eventually establishing a livestock-selling business. This would create a steady income stream to meet our essential needs. The remaining $10 has been saved and will play a crucial role in achieving my goal of expanding the herd by acquiring more livestock in the future.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
All my life, I have been sleeping on a sisal-twined bed. Honestly, the experience is not one to die for at all, as I wake up every morning feeling fatigued. To be graced with a financial assistance program that helps settle my daily needs is similarly an ideal chance to upgrade my lifestyle. Right now, I want to have a change in my sleeping space. I would be happy if I obtained a decent wooden bed with a fitting mattress to enjoy comfortable night rests. After this is granted, I wish to continue with my practice of acquiring more goats as an investment. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My co-wife and I have been peacefully coexisting ever since our husband passed away. Since most of our children are grown up and can fend for themselves, we only have to provide for our needs, which is mostly food. However, securing the food is a hardship we have battled for a long time since we lack a reliable source of income. To contribute to the needs, I sometimes burn charcoal, which barely earns enough for regular meals. In fact, we had gone to bed hungry the night before the cash transfers, which prompted me to spend $9 on food. At least, it served us for the following four days. I also bought a goat with the remaining $25. As much as my household was in a desperate hunt for food, I believed it was crucial that I secured the goat as well. This is because owning this animal will double my wealth when it reproduces. It is then that I can sell it to make more money for food. If I focused on eating alone, I would not go far in terms of growth and development. 
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Being a part of this program truly seems like an honor, and I applaud the organization for the outstanding work and generosity we have already experienced, which have improved the quality of our everyday life. My objective for this year is to make sure that, like last year, I use the funds to purchase a few farm animals. I'm excited to have more animals now that I've used the money to buy three goats and four hens. This is a wise investment for my future because it will serve as both a memento of the help I received after the project is finished and a source of funding should I ever need it. I also intend to purchase a mattress and a bed as I have been sleeping on a typical sisal bed for more than two years, which can be rather uncomfortable. Last but not least, the money will be useful for financing my grandsons' tuition since my daughter is a single parent who barely makes enough to take care of their basic necessities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a widow, I am the immediate person on whom my family relies to provide for their needs. To cover these necessities, my primary source of income is charcoal burning. Since many people in my region over-rely on the practice for survival, there aren't many trees left to cut down. Only tree stumps are accessible, which are difficult to dig and split to make charcoal. Because of the physical demands of the activity, producing the end product might take up to three weeks. Even after waiting so long, the most I can make is $5, which is barely enough to feed my family of eight for two days (my daughter, sister-in-law, and her 5 children). As a result, hunger is a huge concern in the household. We had starved for two days before the transfer, and I spent $6 on food and $1 on clean water. I spent $25 on a goat, and I'm delighted I now have three goats as a result of the transfer. I desire to let them multiply and grow the herd so that when I sell them, they can cover my needs in the future. Finally, I paid $2 for medicine because I had been sick with Malaria for the entire week. Though I am not fully recovered, my condition is improving thanks to the transfer.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly works well in assisting us in putting food on the table through transfers. With hunger being our most pressing problem, the organization plays a critical role in eradicating it, for which I am grateful. From my perspective, there is nothing wrong with how Give Directly functions. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As the family's breadwinner, I rely on charcoal to make ends meet. Due to the low market demand, I only make KES 1200 per month, which barely covers the family's basic needs such as food. When things get tough, I'm forced to take maize flour on credit from the store, promising to repay later. So, when I received the transfer, I spent KES 500 on food and water. I spent the KES 2,500 on a goat. The plan is to let it multiply and then sell the offspring to fund my basic needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
That morning, I had reached rock bottom in terms of raising money for food.   I was absolutely delighted to receive my transfer because I had woken up with nothing in my pocket. In fact, I had slept hungry the previous night. The money gave me hope that my family would have something to eat that day. 
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since Give Directly enrolled me to the cash aid program, my goal was to purchase chickens using the first transfer. Accomplishing this mission is the greatest difference in my life right. The cash transfer kickstarted my journey of rearing chicken and I could not be happier. My main intention is to sell them when they reproduce to make money that will help meet my needs.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When my husband passed away, he left the mantle of looking after the family to me.  Life has been difficult because I do not have a steady source of income or a job that will allow me provide for my children. The only thing I rely on to make money is burning charcoal and selling it. Also, because of the low demand, it may take a month to sell two sacks of charcoal, which only generates KES 600. This income is extremely unreliable in meeting the needs of my family. In fact, the day before the transfers, my family had run out of food. So, I spent the transfer primarily on food and sanitary necessities worth KES 700. I used the remaining funds to buy two hens in the hopes that they will reproduce and expand the flock. Selling the chickens will generate funds to assist me in meeting my financial obligations.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Nights are meant to provide rest after the day's errands though this is not the case in my life. My last born daughter returned with two children after separating with her drunk husband. As she seeks shelter from a nearby relative, I share my small roppy bed with my two grandchildren. I cannot turn through out the night once I lay on one side. Receiving this cash will help me in solving this problem. I will spend my first three transfers to purchase a bed worth 5000 KES and a mattress at 3000KES. I will use the rest of the transfers to buy five goats so as to add to the five goats I currently own.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It was about five months ago when the village elder visited my compound very late in the evening. I was not surprised for it is his duty to ensure the welfare of his people is at per. But this was not an usual visit. After a chat for a few minutes he delivered the good news. A charitable organization had come to our village and I was among those chosen to benefit. I was delighted to receive five goats and I couldnot take this chance for granted for I had never owned a goat in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
People of my age are supposed to be sitting and sleeping as they are fended. Blessed with four children (three gents, one day) my life has not seen the fruits of having children. I still burn charcoal so as to put food on the table failure to which I go hungry. After the exhaustive day's work, my nights are awful for lacking good and spacious bed.