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Newsfeed > Jumaa's Profile
Jumaa's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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27th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I mentioned earlier, I am deeply involved in agribusiness, and I am currently focused on digging a small water pan on my farm which will enable me to collect rainwater during the rainy season that will be of great use for agriculture during the dry season. I am still in the process of completing this project, but I remain optimistic about its success as I know it will be very important for my farming activities. Looking ahead to this year and beyond, I plan to continue to invest a portion of my transfers into my farm. I intend to purchase quality inputs such as seeds, pesticides, and manure, which will help me maximize my harvests. With these resources, I aim to grow watermelons, pumpkins, and maize crops that thrive in our region where I will sell the surplus and earn some income. The proceeds from selling these crops will allow me to support my family's needs while also setting aside some produce for family our consumption. I am genuinely excited about this project and hopeful that the rains will come, enabling my plans to come to fruition.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always had a passion for agribusiness, and as we anticipate the rains in the coming months, I decided to take a proactive step. I used $34 of my recent transfers to hire a tractor, allowing me to prepare my farm in anticipation of the rain. My goal is to invest more in this farm so that I can achieve better harvests in the future. In addition to my farming efforts, I have a child in secondary school who stays near the school rather than at home. To support his education, I had to rent a house for him. Therefore, I had to send him $35 of my recent transfers to cover both his rent and some pocket money for him to buy food. I also spent another $10 to pay his tuition fee, which was needed for school. Finally, I used the remaining $23 to buy food for my family, ensuring we did not go hungry during this challenging time. I am genuinely excited about my farming venture and deeply grateful to GiveDirectly for providing me with this opportunity to improve my life and my family's well-being.
24th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, my main goal is to finish digging the borehole I'm currently working on. Once completed, this borehole will provide a reliable water source for irrigation, enabling me to grow vegetables even during dry periods. This consistent water supply will ensure year-round crop harvests, providing a stable food source for my family and surplus produce to sell. While working on this project, I imagine a future where my small farm flourishes and I can secure a steady income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a subsistence farmer, and I occasionally venture into commercial farming by growing watermelons to support my family. To account for the recent three transfers amounting to $102, I used $60 to pay school fees for my son Kelvin, who is in secondary school. Education is important to me, and I want Kelvin to have every opportunity to succeed and become an independent person in the future. With the remaining amount, I carefully considered our most pressing needs. As a farmer, I rely heavily on the rains, but when they didn’t come as expected, it became difficult to provide enough food for my family. So, I used $25 to buy food, ensuring my family had enough to eat during this tough time. Unfortunately, I also fell ill, and with $17 left, I used it for medication. Thanks to the transfers, I got the treatment I needed, and I’m grateful for the support that has allowed my son to continue his education. These funds have been a lifeline, helping us to navigate these challenging times.
21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As a recipient of GiveDirectly, my hopes for the coming year and beyond are filled with dreams of successful farming. Since farming is my lifeline, I’ve developed a keen interest in cash crop farming after seeing some neighbors thrive in it. My goal is to start cash crop farming if the rains are favorable. When the heavy rains come, I plan to focus on maize farming, as maize grows well with plenty of water. However, if the season brings only light rains, I will switch to watermelon farming because watermelons don't need as much rain to flourish. By adapting to the changing weather, I hope to secure a stable income and improve my family's living conditions. This strategy will help ensure that regardless of the weather, I can provide for my family and build a better future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a subsistence farmer, life has been challenging, especially during seasons with little rain for farming. The recent transfers, totaling $102, have been a lifeline for me. With $70 of this money, I prepared my farm and planted maize crops. This investment in farming was crucial because it not only ensured that I could grow food for my family but also provided a sense of hope and stability. Working the land and seeing the seeds sprout brought a sense of accomplishment and relief, knowing that we would have a harvest to look forward to. After that, I used the remaining $32 to pay school fees for my son, Kassim, who is in Form 2. Before this, Kassim's education was constantly disrupted due to unpaid fees, causing him to miss school frequently. The situation weighed heavily on both of us, as I worried about his future and he struggled to keep up with his studies. Thanks to the transfer, I was able to settle his school fees, allowing him to attend school regularly. Seeing Kassim happy and settled in his studies has been a tremendous relief and joy for me, knowing that he now has a better chance for a brighter future.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The positive outcomes I've experienced on my farm, particularly in cultivating watermelons, potatoes, and maize, serve as a motivating force to further invest in this agricultural venture. Presently engaged in harvesting watermelon, the anticipation of a bumper yield instills confidence in the prospect of earning a substantial income upon the completion of sales. I express profound happiness and gratitude for the financial support provided through the transfers, which has facilitated my involvement in a fulfilling economic activity that generates income and aligns with my passion.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated $34 towards my son's school fees, supporting his education as a Form 2 student in secondary school. This investment brings me satisfaction, knowing it will enable him to pursue his studies without the disruptions of frequent sent-home scenarios. Additionally, I dedicated $68 to cover accommodation and pocket money expenses. Tsangatisini Secondary School, where my son attends, operates as a day school, necessitating him to secure accommodation nearby. This financial provision ensures that he has a suitable living environment conducive to effective learning. Expressing deep gratitude for the financial transfers, I have been able to channel this support towards my passion for farming. Currently, I am generating a substantial income from cultivating watermelon, potatoes, and various other vegetables. The assistance from the transfers has not only contributed to my son's education but has also empowered me to thrive in my agricultural endeavors
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In addition to providing financial support for my son's education, I am determined to expand my agricultural venture by cultivating watermelons. At present, I sell the watermelons locally due to the limited harvest, resulting in modest income. However, I aspire to purchase high-quality seeds that yield better results, even though they come at a higher cost. With the financial boost from the transfers, I am hopeful that I will be able to manage this investment. The success of this endeavor would not only bring in substantial profits but also significantly improve my quality of life, enabling me to support my son's education beyond secondary school
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Paying my son's school fees was my top priority, so I utilized all of my transfer money for that purpose. Currently, he is studying in Form 1 at Tsangatsini Secondary School as a day scholar. However, apart from the tuition fees, there are additional expenses such as accommodation, food, and water that I need to cover. Juggling these financial responsibilities can be quite challenging when it comes to meeting all of his educational needs. To sustain myself, I have ventured into agribusiness, specifically selling watermelon fruits that I cultivate on my own farm. Although my business is currently on a small scale and the income generated is limited, I remain hopeful that I can expand it in the future. This would not only provide me with a better livelihood but also enable me to provide more for my son's education. I am immensely grateful for the financial support I have received from Give Directly. It has allowed me to fulfill my duties as a parent and meet the essential expenses for my son's education. Without the support from this organization, I would not have been able to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for my son's academic journey.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With extensive expertise in farming, my primary objective revolves around investing my monthly transfers into agricultural ventures. In past years, the most significant hurdle I encountered was the scarcity of rainfall and inadequate irrigation resources. Presently, I am in the process of excavating a substantial reservoir to collect and store water during the upcoming rainy season. Looking ahead, my plan is to utilize my two-acre farm to cultivate watermelons, a crop that holds promising prospects for generating substantial income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Being a widower, I find myself responsible for my child, who is currently a form one student at Tsangatsini Secondary School. While the rainy season allows me to earn a living as a peasant farmer, I resort to cutting down tree stumps and producing charcoal for sale during dry periods. Unfortunately, my income remains minimal, making it challenging to meet my daughter's crucial needs. However, when I received my May transfers, I prioritized paying her school fees and utilized the entire amount of $34 for this purpose. This significant support played a crucial role in preventing her from being sent home. The knowledge that she can continue her education without any hindrances or disruptions brings me immense happiness and a sense of peace.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am a single parent surviving on casual jobs such as burning and selling charcoal which does not pay much. The transfer so far has been helpful to me, I have been able to pay fees on time for my son. My goal is that through the monthly transfers, I will be able to better my life and that of my son. My plan is to see him excel in his academics as he is joining high school and I am hopeful that he will continue with his studies without interruptions concerning fees. Apart from school, I am also planning to buy more livestock like chickens and goats. I currently have 6 chickens and 1 goat. Since casual jobs are unreliable, this livestock will greatly help me as they multiply. I will sell the offspring and raise money to cater for my future financial needs like fees for my son.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I do not have a formal job, I have relied on crop farming and livestock keeping. I spent $5 on watermelon seeds immediately after receiving my recent transfer, hoping that they would grow well and allow me to venture into Agri-business. They are not doing well owing to the drought, which is affecting our crops. In addition, I spent the rest of the transfer, $29 on plowing an acre parcel of land that had been bare for the previous five years. I hired a tractor to help with the plowing. It would have been difficult for me to succeed in preparing that parcel of land for farming without the transfer.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I have a plea to GiveDirectly, the good work you started has a positive impact on us, and kindly do not step back. Through these monthly transfers, we have been able to tackle different needs which challenged us the most. We are very delighted to have this faultless organization in our village.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I got the tenth transfer, I used $8 to purchase two chickens so that I also start keeping because I had none. Since they have a short breeding period, I am optimistic about having several chickens soon. Thereafter, I saved the remaining $22 for commercial farming. I am waiting for the rainy season to plant some watermelons. I decided to do so because I tried it sometimes back and it did well hence I opted to take this investment route. I am happy that I can purchase watermelon seeds through the enablement of GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I only realized that I had received the funds after I came back from the farm which was about four in the evening and I was filled with so much euphoria especially because it was completely out of the blue and I had zero expectations that GiveDirectly would actually keep its word.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
These funds will enable me to finally start on my project which is investing in poultry farming and I'm very hopeful that in the long run will come to prove to be great for me and my family especially financially.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I recently just received the transfers so I haven't been able to quite get the time to withdraw the money and utilize it but I do have in mind what I want to invest my money in and that would preferably be poultry farming. I have decided that since I have received KES 1,200 I am going to use the KES 1,000 to buy five hens because each is sold at KES 200. As for the balance I intend to use it on nutrition by perhaps purchasing a packet of maize flour.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
The past year, I planted watermelon as a trial. When I harvested and sold, I was excited to plant again but we were hit by drought. Now that we have some rain, I want to venture into farming again. This money will help me buy seeds and I am grateful. I could add poultry farming too and the returns I hope will help me start a business that will sustain my son and I.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My son is a candidate. He is a bright boy and I am sure he will do well in his final exam. As his father, I must ensure he gets a quality education up to the University level. He makes me very proud.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Ever since my wife passed on four years ago, my life has been very lonely. Her death threw me off balance because she was our caretaker. I was left with one child to take care of. I still miss her presence very much and whenever I remember how much pain she endured from the illness, my heart breaks afresh. I pray that her soul is at peace because she was a good person.