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Newsfeed > Kahaso's Profile
Kahaso's family
Small business
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 1 month ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With three children in school and no reliable source of income, paying their school fees is essential for me. My primary goal right now is to ensure that my children continue their education. To achieve this, I plan to use a portion of the monthly transfers I will be receiving from GiveDirectly for the remaining years to cover their school fees. Additionally, I intend to strategically save another portion of these transfers to acquire more goats and add on to the ones that I already have. I am hopeful that these goats will multiply, increasing in both number and value, so that in the future I may be able to sell them and support my family. This way, when the program comes to an end, I will have a reliable source of income that will be sustainable for us and also allow me to continue educating my children. I am optimistic that all of these plans will work out perfectly, leading to a better future for my children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single parent with two children in secondary school and one in primary, the burden of school fees has been quite heavy, especially when I have to balance paying fees and buying food for my family. However, I am truly grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, which has significantly helped me pay my children's school fees and provided much-needed relief. From my recent transfers, I spent $75 to cover their school fees, ensuring they wouldn't be sent home for unpaid fees and could continue their studies without interruption. With the remaining $27 from the transfers, I purchased food for my family to ensure we wouldn't go hungry because we had exhausted the food from our stores. This year, we did not receive enough rain to boost our farms, and instead, we had a lot of wind that destroyed our crops, unlike previous years when we would have enough food to last us longer. Despite the challenges, I thank God for the presence of GiveDirectly in our lives, as it has made a meaningful difference in our situation. The support has been invaluable in helping me provide for my children's education and meet our basic needs during this difficult time.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Having a financial security asset is incredibly gratifying. With school-going children and no reliable income, I realized the importance of saving to acquire a goat. Goat rearing has always been my dream, and I am hopeful that through my transfers, I will be able to start this project. I chose this project because goats multiply quickly; in fact, some even give birth to twins. Having this project will enable me to pay for my children's school fees without needing to beg for financial support. This makes me feel like an empowered, self-dependent woman, which is a wonderful feeling.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have four school-going children, and since I separated from my spouse, I am now the sole breadwinner for my family. I take on casual jobs to earn money to pay for my children's school fees and cover their basic needs. I am grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, as it has relieved some of my financial burden. Although I still struggle, it is not to the extent that it jeopardizes my health. When I received my transfer, I allocated $24 to buy food to ensure we have enough for the family. Additionally, I spent $75 on school fees for my three children to prevent them from being sent home. Finally, I cleared a $3 debt I owed to a friend.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary focus remains on securing a bright future for my children. With the Givedirectly cash transfers I receive, my goal is to ensure that all my children continue with their education to highest level possible. In addition to investing in their education, I've joined a merry-go-round savings initiative. The plan is to accumulate enough funds to purchase more goats, expanding my small livestock venture for income generation. The support from these transfers has been a game-changer, and I'm sincerely grateful for the positive impact they've had on my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With four of my children in school, majority of the Givedirectly transfer are dedicated to covering their education expenses, ensuring that they have the opportunity to study and build a their future. The burden of school fees has always been my stressor, and the support from Givedirectly has allowed me to breathe easier and focus on providing for my family. In a surprising turn of events last month, I decided to invest a portion of the transfer on buying a goat, spending $38. The idea is to generate additional income for the family when I sell them in case of a need. It's a small step towards financial independence. Being the sole breadwinner since my husband and I separated 14 years ago, every opportunity to secure our financial stability is invaluable. Thanks to Givedirectly, our family is experiencing a positive shift, and I can now see a more stable and hopeful future ahead.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
At the moment, I am not at peace because I am yet to clear my children's school fees for the previous terms and am scared that the debts will spill into next year which would be unmanageable for me as a single parent. I hope to clear the pending amounts for all three of them before the end of the year so that I can lessen my burden for the coming year. Starting a new year with no debts gives me courage that I will manage to somehow pay their fees and keep them in school. The tough times I faced over the past few months have also taught me to have an emergency plan for such times. My most ideal plan is to have savings that can cushion me during such times, but since this has proven impossible due to low income, I want to invest more on long time investments such as having more goats. Yes I do have a few goats at the moment and if was forced to sell them all, I would be devastated as the thought of having no livestock would make me feel even more vulnerable. My aim is have a good number of goats so that when I have to sell some of them during emergencies, I would still have some left. Having 3 children in secondary school and the forth one almost joining them, I have to find a means that can help me raise some decent amount fast when need be and goats fit the bill in this case.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The last 4 months were very tough as we faced a serious famine season that we have not experienced in a long time. Food prices especially maize which is our staple food spiked and was not easily available. Due to this, most of my transfers within those months were entirely spent on foodstuff and other basic household items. The situation was worsened by the fact that I could not engage in other income generating activities as I had to spend most of my time cultivating my farm hoping for a bumper harvest after multiple seasons of failed rains and poor harvests. I was also forced to purchase foodstuff on credit leaving me with a lot of debts which I have been struggling to clear. With part of my most recent transfer, I paid part of the debt ($10) then saved the rest which I will use to pay part of my children's school fees when schools reopen for the next term. I have 3 children in secondary school and due to the tough economic times I experienced in the past months, I have not been able to pay their school fees promptly. For this reason, when they resume school next week, I know they will be sent back home, so I plan on giving them a small amount each for their fees to allow them stay in school while I do my best to raise the rest of the money. This is why I saved part of the money which added to some savings from my business, will go along way in ensuring my children remain in school.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
During the time that I will be in the program, I intend to educate my children. I have four children, two of whom are in high school and the other two in primary school. Paying fees hasn't been a problem because I know I'll get a transfer every month, allowing all of my children to continue their education. I also sell palm wine in the village, where I earn about $18 in a good week, despite only selling twice a week. With this income, it would have been difficult to adequately support my family while also paying children's fees. Since the transfer sorted out my children's fees, I can easily provide food for my family, unlike when I had to rely solely on my income. My main goal is to see my children achieve their academic goals, as I am a single parent with no other support from my husband, who left me to care for the children.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My most recent transfers were used to purchase a goat, pay fees, and purchase food for my children. I had been saving a portion of the money for a few months, added it to my personal savings, and was able to purchase a goat for $38. I now have five goats and intend to buy more because they help to fund my children's education. In the event of a financial emergency, I can easily sell to meet my needs. I also have four children who are currently enrolled in both high school and primary school, and the transfer has ensured that they will continue to attend school. Raising fees, especially for those in high school, has been a difficult task for me as a single parent with no support from my husband, who neglected us. I run a palm wine shop where I sell twice a week and make about $18 per week. This was insufficient to cover my children's tuition while also meeting other basic needs, such as food. I'm at ease because once the transfer covers the fees, I'll be able to budget for other necessities like food. As a result, aside from the fees, I am relieved that my household has not gone hungry.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My ultimate priority even prior to their transfers coming in, was definitely concerned with matters of nutrition This was due to the fact that Christmas was around the corner and I really needed to prepare for the celebrations. That is why when I noticed the arrival of the transfers I immediately went ahead to spend about KES 1,900 on matters concerned with meals. I ended up buying five packets of maize flour, two packets of wheat flour, two kilograms of sugar and tea leaves. Lastly I spent the remaining balance of KES 1,500 in purchasing clothes for my youngest child. This is because I knew that if she did not get an outfit like the other kids, then she would be devastated.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly is one of the many organizations that has given me hope to start all over again and the only hope of my children having the education they have always wanted. If they did not enroll me in the support program, my plan to educate my children would have been inconceivable
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recently, I separated from my husband and went back home with my four children. It has been quite a struggle to raise the children on my own, especially now that my grandmother is old to support me and I don’t have a stable job. Give directly funds has been the only source of income that comes to me every month. My biggest challenge is paying school fees for the two who are in secondary school. As soon as I receive the funds, $26 was used for school fees, and we used the remaining for food. I have developed a trend to budget for part of the cash to settle the outstanding balance of school fees. I am grateful because the funds have enabled me to have quite a reasonable and understanding relationship with my children’s school.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My phone buzzed with a message notification at 4 pm while I was still supervising the palm-wine business. No words can express how excited I was when I realized my first transfer from Give Directly had arrived. Given that we had no food at home for the day, the money would take a lot of weight off my shoulders. Am still happy till today. 
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Prior to the transfer, I struggled to meet the basic demands, like food and school fees, of my four children due to a lack of funds. My palm-wine business was unsuccessful on most days.  The ability to cover these costs through the transfer is the most significant difference. My children have never been dragged from class to collect money since then. Also, the family has never lacked meals. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
One of my family's primary concerns is hunger. My palm-wine business, on which I mostly rely for a living, barely earns enough money to provide food daily.  As a result, it is also difficult for me to pay my children's school fees on time, forcing them to miss lessons owing to unpaid amounts. Therefore , when I received the transfer, I prioritized meeting these two needs. I paid KES 1,400 in overdue tuition fees for my two elementary school children, who had been sent home that morning to collect the funds. The remaining KES 1,600 was spent on food to last at least a week and buy me time to raise funds through my business.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I'm a single mother of four after we settled on separation ten years ago with my former husband. This followed a troubled marriage full of violence with myself always beaten and sent back to my maternal home. It got to a point I felt I couldn't take all that and the humiliation that comes with it anymore, and that's when we decided to raise our children together while they're living either with the father or with me. They chose to remain with the father, but I always bare all the burden of raising them including paying their school fees. The father took his current family with him to Mombasa town leaving my children at home with his mother (their grandmother) and decided alienate them; no any form of financial support at all. Getting this money will definitely help me pay their school fees. The eldest is in form three with his followers in form one, class eight and class three. The two in high school pay a total of 34000 KES annually, while the ones in grade school only pay levies amounting to 3000 KES par academic term. I will be spending my transfers to reduce their balances as I receive them.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was very happy during festive season as I was able to sell more units and get more profit. As a local palm wine seller, we do make most of the money during festive seasons because this is when most people tend to drink a lot as part of their celebration. In December last year, I managed to sell around ten to fifteen littles per day for most of that period. This earned me between 1000 to 1500 KES per day and I was able to save most of it and pay school fees for my children in January.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I'm currently struggling with low sales of my products that normally leaves me with very little in terms of profit. I sell local palm wine and this place being a village set up, my buyers do not have much money to afford reasonable amounts that would fetch good profit. Therefore I sell just few bottles per day; two to three earning me about 100 KES, that can only get me daily bread. It's always hard to raise enough to tackle bigger projects like paying school fees.